Chapter 281


Shizuo Hiratsuka was paralyzed in a chair unloved, suffering from a hangover, his head hurt.

The apartment was originally not too messy, but after a slippery shovel, it was like a tornado destroying the parking lot. Except for the sleeping bed, there was basically no place to stay. I thought of cleaning up by myself. At this endgame, Hiratsuka felt his head hurt even more.

He stared again at the culprit Doma Sougo, and Hiratsuka gritted his teeth quietly. Why on earth would anyone be so cheeky who treats other people’s apartments as their own, and fell asleep comfortably, not only in her bed, To cover her, after being caught, she actually did something with her…

This doesn’t make sense!

If it weren’t for just trying it, she couldn’t get it, Shizuka Hiratsuka had to let this guy know what cruelty is!

“Woo…” At the same time Hiratsuka gritted his teeth, Doma Sougou, who had fallen asleep due to the influence of ethanol, gradually regained consciousness.

Opened his eyes, looked around, Doma Sougo:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This apartment was messy enough yesterday. I didn’t expect it to be even messier. Did he do it? Did he do this when he was drunk? No… Hehe, Hiratsuka-sensei will go crazy when he wakes up, or he will withdraw first?

As soon as I made a decision, I heard for a while:

“Hahaha…” Hiratsuka, who had originally wanted to gritted his teeth and lay down on the dining table for a while, was resting. After Sougo Domama made a “Woo…” sound, he raised his head and waited to find Sougo Domama. After waking up, she sneered.

Tama Sougo: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Turning his head awkwardly, he found a haggard Hiratsuka Jingzheng staring at her lifelessly. His eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was unspeakable, but Tujian always understood it. Anyone who wakes up and finds his own home is like When the wind crosses the border and becomes a mess, there is no place for her feet, so she will feel complicated.

Fortunately, Tuma has a lot of knowledge and knowledge. This is not the first time he has experienced this kind of scene. It is the most wrong choice to kill and refuse to admit it. At the Tuma family, when he encountered this situation for the first time, he did not. Admit that, afterwards, I lay in the hospital bed for almost half a month.

He is very experienced!

This kind of meaningless sophistry has no effect. After all, he and Shizuka Hiratsuka are the only two at the scene. It is obvious that Shizuka Hiratsuka, a woman who is completely incapable of action after being drunk, can’t make the room so messy… As for her, she made her apartment like this after she sobered up?

Since the sophistry can’t be argued, it can only be admitted first.

“Then what, Xiaojing, I’m so sorry!”

Hiratsuka Shizu: -_-|||

This guy actually knows to apologize? However, let the women sleep directly on the tatami mats, but they sleep on someone else’s bed at ease. Not to mention the Asasis, but the gentleman’s demeanor. Have they been eaten?

“Unexpectedly, Sougo would still know the word sorry, but he did this kind of thing…” He threw her on the tatami, without even giving a quilt, and grabbed her bed…

Tuma Sougo: -_-!

Hiratsuka is really embarrassed to make the room so messy.

“Sorry, Xiao Jing didn’t have much feminine power…” She couldn’t do any housework. Now this room is like a tornado that destroyed the parking lot. She was afraid of taking pills.

Hiratsuka Shizu: ((‵□′))

What does this guy mean? What’s wrong with her lack of femininity? It means that Shizuka Hiratsuka is regarded as a man, so he left her on the tatami? Also grab her bed and quilt!

Sensing Hiratsuka’s rising anger, Tama Sougoku smiled sullily. Sure enough, this level of destruction is equivalent to the destruction of the apartment, the destruction of the house, for Hiratsuka, who has little power. Enmity or something, it’s entirely his sins:

“Although this apartment seems to be messed up by me, in fact, when I jump out to see it, there is also a kind of chaotic beauty and… Forget it, it ruined your apartment. I’m sorry, I accept any conditions that are not excessive.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

and many more! What is this guy talking about? What does it mean that he destroyed the apartment? He wouldn’t think that he caused the mess in the apartment, so he apologized? What about throwing women on the tatami? Just ignore it?

“Tama Sougou, besides messing up the room, don’t you have anything else to say?” Hiratsuka calmly settled the matter of the room being messed up first, and needs help later. Fortunately, there is a reason.

Sovereign Enlightenment:?_?

Besides messing up the room, he shouldn’t do anything, right? Wear your clothes well, safe!

Want to play stupid? Hiratsuka gritted his teeth and said, “For example, leave drunk women on the tatami without asking…”

Sorrow of the Earth: @_@

Don’t throw it on the tatami?

“Didn’t Xiao Jing on the tatami sleep soundly? The tatami can make people lie down directly…”

Before he finished speaking, Tujian Zougou found a blind spot again. Now, there is no place where Tatami can lie down, basically it is full of debris.

In other words, when Hiratsuka fell asleep on the tatami, he threw the debris directly on the person? No wonder this guy is so angry.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: -_-!

That’s right, tatami mats can indeed make people lie down directly, but at any rate give her a quilt, don’t let her wake up in the cold at night!

Wait, Shizuka Hiratsuka discovered a blind spot. If she can lie down on the tatami as the premise, she doesn’t need to be so angry. After all, the guy in front of me is just a high school boy who can’t take care of people. What is forgivable and affectionate, so why is she sulking?

In this way, it became such a situation:

The more he thought about it, the more he became guilty of his conscience. Not only did he make a mess of other people’s apartments, but he also threw the miscellaneous things on the host’s house. The so-called villain came to the door, nothing more than that.

This is also true for Hiratsuka. She really doesn’t seem to have any reason to get angry. After all, getting drunk is her own business, and it’s the ultimate benevolence that others send her home.

The two with guilty conscience made a haha ​​at the same time.

“Ha, haha, you really shouldn’t sleep on tatami mats…” Doma Sougo.

“Ha, ha ha, indeed, tatami mats are meant for people to lie down…” Hiratsuka Jing.

“What the hell is this guy thinking? I was just about to admit his (her) point of view.” Hiratsuka Shizuka and Doma Sougo shared the same voice.

At this moment, the two are like rivals in the game, and the person who shows his timidity first will be the loser. Doma Sougou has already revealed half of the bottom…

After a long silence, Hiratsuka took the lead to seize the flaws revealed by Sogo Morama and attack:

“Leave aside the role of tatami mats. Excuse me, what should I do with this room that is like a violent wind? It’s not just a sentence of sorry, right?”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

This question seems to be unavoidable.

“I understand. I will contact the housekeeping company in a while and ask them to send someone to deal with it.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Although this is indeed a way to deal with it, it is different from what she thought! Sure enough, the guy in front of you received a distorted education!

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