Chapter 268 I want to become, of course it’s a little bit of color!

For a guy with almost no common sense of life, taking a bath can also cause a disaster. When Shiina Masashi left the bathroom door wide open and showered with people with clothes, Doma Sougo was convinced of this!

Witnessed the whole dumpling burial: -_-|||

Well, she absolutely couldn’t do this. When she wanted to go to the bathroom to help, she couldn’t stand it, but she was blocked by Yazi Tamaki.

“Why does Yazi’s man want to bathe other women? Just leave it to Yazi.”

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

“Yazi, I have already said that I am a girl, a girl!” A dumpling was very excited,

“UMR is a handsome and skilled swordsman!” Tamaki Ako was also very excited.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Sure enough, he was so sick!

“I’ve said it, it’s just a virtual game!” Tuan Zijian still tried to explain.

“But doesn’t UMR exist?” Yazi Yuzhi tilted his head and said, “Or, UMR wants to get rid of Yazi and hook up with other women?”

At the insistence of Yuzhi Yazi, she received the task of helping Zhenbai take a bath, which was announced by the village chief Doma Sougo.

“Eunice-chan, Xiao, Xiao Qian is really considered a boy!?” Looking at the tightly closed bathroom door, the unacceptable Dumpling looked at Tama Sougo with tears in his eyes.

“That guy’s condition seems to be getting more and more serious, Xiaobui, are you sure you really want to take care of that guy? Otherwise, let me stun her and send her back directly?” Sougo Tama suggested again.

“But, but…” Tuanzi buried two index fingers and kept colliding: “If you do this, will Yazi do anything stupid? Moreover, on the spot, Xiaomai wants to get a copy of the attribute value added by the marriage. That’s why Yazi was implicated in…”

Seeing how the dumplings were buried, Tuma Zougou already had an answer. He rubbed the dumplings’ head:

“I’m so stupid. Now it seems that I can only let Yazi understand the difference between reality and virtuality. Don’t worry, O’Neill will help me. There is nothing in this world that can hold you, O’Neill, and me. Oh.”

“Oni sauce…” The dumpling raised his head, “Then let’s build a time machine!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

When he didn’t say it!

Human beings are actually the creatures that are most adaptable to reality. When the first day of the month came, Tama Sougo and Tuan Zibu had accepted the reality that there were two more people in the family, and instead began to complain about Monday.

Of course, the main reason for this is probably because, under the influence of Sou Jian, there is no difference between two more people.

Yuzhi Yazi is a dead house. Give her a computer and a room, and she can survive. For her, life is probably just too much to receive the task from the village chief Doma Sougo.

for example.

The village chief Tuma Sougo issued a task: wake up Shiina Zhenbai and help her change her clothes. The task can be received, UMR, Ako, and Ako were very excited and took the task directly.

“Why do Yazi’s men change clothes for other women? Just leave it to Yazi.”

In this regard, Tuma Sougou is basically not surprised.

By the way, the release task was released on the computer, and Tuanzi didn’t know anything about it.

However, what makes Tuanzi most assured is that the fellow Yazi is more dry than her, except that he will go to the white room to accept the task, he will almost never step out of the room, and even the communication is only on the Internet… …

In addition, under the suggestion of Sougo Tama, Tuanzi has started to practice the female trumpet in order to let Yazi understand the difference between reality and virtuality.

Shiina Mashiro is even more of a guy who doesn’t know how to stop after painting. Tama Sougo tried to communicate with her after Ako Tamaki helped him change his clothes.

“Zhen Bai came to this country to learn manga, right?”


“So what kind of manga does I really want to draw?”

“I don’t know.” The girl was a little confused.

“…” Although I had known this a long time ago, Tuma Sougou was still a bit big. Why on earth would such a guy who has no common sense of life want to draw comics?

“The editor suggested that I first draw a picture of what happened around me…”

“If this is the case, I suggest you go to Sakura Village!” Sougo Tama felt that the opportunity had come.

“I saw it yesterday…” Shiina Masashi shook his head.

“what did you see?”

“The little hidden color that Zongwu said at the beginning is very interesting!”

The corner of Sougo Doma’s mouth twitched, and a certain memory appeared. It was probably when Shiina Mashiro came to Japan for the first time. Sougo Doma, who had given up on piano, was taken by Katsura Doma to learn painting.

For these arrangements, Xiao Bui just accepted it and didn’t resist it much.

So Moma Sougo, who was all smiles, met Shiina Mashiro there.

“What color do you want to be?” Under the cherry tree, Shiina Mashiro, who was a little girl, asked the boy who was smiling next to him.

“It must be a little buried color!”

“Little buried color?”

“Yes, as for the reason, of course it is because the small buried color is the most beautiful color!”

“I haven’t seen it.” It’s still a little girl Shiina Mashiro is a little lost

“By the way, the small buried color is my color only, no one else can see it!”

Dark history, if the guy who had been told by the little burial at the beginning, he might be proud of what he would be like, and Sougo Tukan instantly opened the topic.

“It’s really white. I probably understand the current situation. In terms of drawing skills, even a professional cartoonist should be no better than you. Therefore, what you lack is experience, stories, and fantasy! If I guess right, you start from the past. , In addition to painting, it’s painting.”

“Sougo is really amazing!” Shiina Mashiro gave a thumbs up.

“Leave aside this kind of education method that is full of slots. At the beginning of the question, it’s really white. Have you read the comics?”

Shiina nodded.

“How many have you seen?”

“…” Zhenbai turned his head away.

Sougo Tama has already got the answer: “I probably haven’t seen it much, oh, considering your current situation, in fact, I don’t really recommend that you start drawing comics now.”

Shiina Mashiro lowered his head: “I…”

“Because of your current situation, so I have arranged a special teacher for you.” Sougo Tama interrupted and said his purpose.

Shiina Mashiro: “A special teacher?”

“Dangdangdang…” Sougo Tama took out a laptop from behind: “This is your teacher’s current residence, then, silly and strong come out to say hello…” This is Sougo’s purpose, there is stupidity. Strongly teach Zhenbai, then Zhenbai basically has no need.

Or, basically, it won’t bother him. In this way, Shiina is really white or not, there is actually no difference, Tama Sougo feels that he is really a little clever ghost.

It is precisely because of Sougo Doma’s role in regulating it, after the addition of two more people in the house, the peace is still maintained. Except for the meal time, the guy in Xiaobui almost relaxes to the point that even the dumpling shape is exposed. !

Sorma Tuma succeeded in making the two invaders transparent.

But Xiao Muisei, Sou Wu Tama suddenly had an additional reason to help Shiina Zhenbai. The people who could see Xiao Muisei were all his own!

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