Chapter 267 The beginning of despair is the constant trouble!

The noisy day passed.

That night.

Tuanzi and Sougo Doma come to a secret room built by Sougo Doma.

“Euny-chan, idiot, it didn’t make any difference at all!” Finally, there were only two of them, and the dumpling said with a bulging face and dissatisfaction.

“A lot of idiots, who asked you to go to offline parties? If you don’t, how could this happen!”

“Even if I don’t go, that true white will live in the house, right? What does my father think, why would I let that guy live in, why does Ernie Chan agree to it again?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

No, if you didn’t go to an offline party, Shiina Mashiro would definitely not live in, can he say that? Moreover, why would he agree to live in Zhenbai? Ha ha… This is simply being forced, good or not!

“Let’s not mention the true white situation. Is that Yuzuki Ako really not going home?”

“Yazi really decided to run away from home. When she ran out of the house, she sat alone in the park and did nothing. She looked like she was going to die, die, and die!” The soil buried her head.

“Don’t repeat it three times, I can understand the important things!”

“Ouni-chan, what should Xiaoma do?” Tuanzi continued to hold his head.

“Otherwise, I will stun that Yuzhi Yazi and send her home directly!” Tsuchima Sougo suggested.

“Then after she wakes up, if she can’t let her accept the reality, she will still…” Tuanzi raised his head and said.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This much waste material will really cause him trouble!

“Then, she can only make plans after letting her distinguish the difference between reality and virtuality!”

“It’s the evil mother-in-law plan again?” Tuanzi buried his face in confusion.

“No, it’s another plan this time. She’s demolishing it a few times, and I’m going to go broke!” Sougo Tama’s face was ugly.

“Euny sauce, what should Xiaojian do?” Dumpling

“Anyway, first try to accept the reality that these two guys live at home. This is what Xiaobui should do.” Doma Sougou said helplessly. Even if he has a thousand abilities, he can’t use it. Come out of power, you can’t really knock off those two goods in one shot.

Tujian always realized that he didn’t care about other people’s opinions, but he was afraid that Xiao Qian would see blood on his hands.

Tuanzi seems to have thought of something, and suddenly said: “Euny sauce, otherwise you can come out as a time machine to stop Xiaoying who wants to participate in offline parties.”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Is this dumpling unable to accept reality anymore?

“Xiao Bui, am I like a cat with a four-dimensional pocket on my stomach?”

Buried in soil: →_→

Suspicious eyes.

“Oni-chan can always hide so many things on his body, in fact, he has a four-dimensional pocket, haha…So, if you get a time machine out, Xiao Buried won’t be surprised!”

“Little buried, it looks like I have taught you how to hide it!”

“Ouni-chan, can’t you really invent a time machine?” Tuanzi buried a little desperate.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He understands his current psychology very well, because he has just tried to open his own drawer and get in, but he just didn’t succeed.

Ten minutes later, the two brothers and sisters who finally accepted the reality walked out of the secret room.


As soon as he came out, he heard a scream.

Doma Sougo “…”

f*ck, something happened again? The security level of the house he built by himself is super high! Can this happen too? Impossible, he doesn’t believe it! Therefore, this is another idle panic.

Tuanzi buried: “Listen to Yazi, Ouni-chan, hurry up and take a look.”

“Should you not introduce your wife?” Sougo Doma didn’t have a good air, panicking, even if his house was attacked by missiles, it would not be possible to break it! Okay, although this dumpling doesn’t know this.

“Euny sauce!” Tuanzi buried her cheeks, she had had enough, and in the future, she would never play any male account, nor would she try to tease young lady and practice skills for some reason.

“Let’s go and take a look…”

The screaming guy was quite far away. It was in the innermost room on the second floor. Sougo Doma remembered that it was the bedroom he had arranged for Shiina.

So, Tamaki Ako screamed in Shiina Mashiro’s bedroom. Does that mean Mashiro did something to that guy?

As soon as he thought of this, the corners of Tujian’s mouth twitched, and he knew that these two guys with different brain circuits coming together meant that trouble had come!

open the door.

Ako Tamaki, who screamed, stood there like a idiot. When she heard someone open the door, she turned her head tremblingly. After seeing that it was Sougo Tama and the dumplings, Ako Tamaki hurriedly said: “UMR, Master Ernie , OK, it looks like someone has broken in, Shiina, Miss Shiina might be kidnapped!”

The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched: “…”

Don’t mention kidnapping, now he hears the word kidnapping, he deserves to panic!

However, after seeing what happened in this room, Tama Sougo understood a little bit about Yuzhi Ako’s thoughts. Clothes, clothes, clothes scattered all over the floor in the neat room.

The owner of this room, Ms. Shiina, was nowhere to be seen.

“Just now because I searched downstairs and didn’t see UMR and Oni-sama, Ako wanted to come in and ask Shiina if she knew where you were going. I didn’t expect…”

Before Yuzhi Yazi could finish speaking, Tuma Zougou had already walked to a pile of clothes, and when he lightly mentioned it, Mou Zhenbai was lifted up.


“Miss Shiina…”

Shiina Mashiro shook his head again: “It’s Mashiro!”

“Well, really white, can you tell me what you are doing?”


“Understood, but there is a bed! And, you haven’t taken a shower yet?” Sougo Tama was too lazy to ask what was going on with the clothes all over the floor. Even if he didn’t recall the original plot, he could guess this kind of life. How much damage can a guy with no common sense cause!

“Zou Wu, I got sleepy after I found the brush and the canvas. It’s very troublesome to go to bed.”


“Sougo is really amazing!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Is it because he can understand the meaning in the words?

“But no matter how sleepy you are, you have to take a shower first!”


The conversation between the two made Yazi Yuzhi a little at a loss: “…”

Hey, hello, don’t you have anything to say about the scene where the typhoon passes?

Buried dumplings: (☆▽☆)

In this world, there are people who are more lazy than she is. This makes her very proud, and at the same time, she uses her eyes to signal to Tujian Zongwu: Ernie-chan, can Xiaobui do the same in the future?

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Help! Why is the focus of this dumpling always different from others!

Wait, doesn’t she have a wife?

“UMR, look, what wife you are looking for, after seeing the room being messed up, she only knows to scream, but she doesn’t know how to clean up…”

“Azi is here!”

Buried dumplings:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

O’Neill, are you still here?

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