Chapter 261-About Peaceful Daily Life (2)

Private Toyosaki, the roof of the building.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu hugged her arms, her toes kept touching the ground, her eyes staring at someone coldly: “Generally, Master, the literary girl in your mind is really personal…”

Tuma Sougou: “?_?”

What happened to this little maid? Today, he just gave her the manga manuscript edited by the silly strong. This should allow the little maid to blow a wave at the old woman of Machida Yuanzi. After all, if this guy hadn’t been for the reminder, he would definitely Make good use of his new editor.

“Don’t pretend to be stupid, but the master drew the whole mental journey of sneaking through your own underwear. Tsk tsk, I didn’t expect you to have this hobby.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked like a scum.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

If he understands, he knows that this “The Daily Life of Male College Students” will damage his great image, but it is not impossible to come back.

“This is the so-called artistic processing, can’t Teacher Xia Shizi understand it? For example, you created “Love Metronome”. Have you ever fallen in love yet?”

“So, you did have the idea of ​​stealing your sister’s underwear on your body?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stepped forward. She has never been in a relationship, but she has fantasized about her own relationship.

“How is it possible!” Sougo Tama decisively rejected: “Even in the comics, it’s just one of the protagonists wearing a lot of underwear, OK? And, isn’t this just to show a smile?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Indeed, she almost laughed aloud when she saw it.

“So, how do you explain the character of the literary girl?”

Tuma Sougou: “Is there any problem?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sneered:

“The same black long straight…”

“The same are girls’ high school students…”

“I’m also writing light novels…”

“Or should I say that the prototype of the manga literary girl is actually me? Are you not going to explain it?”

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

It seems that it is really a bit like. In “The Daily Life of Male High School Students”, the literary girl is indeed a literary girl, but there are some sand sculptures, or rather, not only sand sculptures, but also some secondary and bad luck, the image collapsed completely, no wonder it is small The maid will come to bitterly, thinking she has taken the wrong medicine!

However, he can still come back.

“Hei Changzhi is not your exclusive attribute, don’t forget, that guy under Xuexia is also a black long and straight woman JK, and, in the second dimension, Hei Changzhi is a classic image of a high-cold character!”

“Do you call the literary girl in it Gao Leng?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stepped forward again, as long as he thought of the literary girl in the comics, in order to reproduce the scene, she would stupidly stay behind a stranger of the opposite sex, and she was still discovered. She couldn’t help her eyes twitching without knowing it was embarrassing.

“Furthermore, although Hei Changzhi is a representative of Gao Leng’s image, how about writing light novels as well?”

Faced with these repeated inquiries, Sou Wu Tujian forgot to forget the sky in a timely manner.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

A breeze blew by.

“Today’s wind is very cold…”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^

“Sure enough, you have substituted me in, right? You even said the lines…”

Tuma Sougou: “No, I just sigh, you think too much.”

“Should I reply to you, but the wind seems to be crying?”

Sou Wu Tama touched his chin: “Probably no one will come out and say: ‘Hurry up, this wind seems to bring bad things here’…”

“Hehe, what you really want to say to save the field is actually, the potato chips next door are half price, go and buy it!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sneered.

Doma Sougo shrugged his shoulders: “Am I like a guy who doesn’t look at the atmosphere? In the end, that guy doesn’t look at the atmosphere, so he was beaten!”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Then the image of the heroine completely turned into funny, right? Not only was it discovered that he was writing a light novel, but he also grabbed his head and grabbed the manuscript.

“Teacher Xia Shizi, as a creator, you should understand that art comes from life and is higher than life. Perhaps in some respects I have borrowed your lost character image, but I don’t have the true meaning of you. Show it…”

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Her, her true meaning? Does this guy pay attention to her so much?

“So, what is my real connotation?”

“Black belly and venomous tongue!” Sougo Morama said affirmatively with a full face.

Kasumigaoka Shiba: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Who wants to hear you say that personal image is connotation, connotation, what’s wrong with her black belly? What’s wrong with the poisonous tongue? She… Sure enough, she shouldn’t expect to be able to spit out ivory from this guy’s mouth.

“Furthermore, I just borrowed a lost image, even if others see it, they won’t think of you, and…”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: ( ̄~ ̄)

Others won’t, she will, and she has a sense of substitution. After all, the author is right in front of her, and even more so, it refers to her own image.

As long as you substitute yourself into the literary girl, the story that was originally joyful will instantly become a tragedy! She was going to listen, what else did this guy say.

“This is just a manga, and it’s not a book. If you draw a book based on Teacher Xia Shizi, you should be angry?” Sougo Tama continued.

“No, these are two concepts at all, because the plot of the book cannot happen in reality. Everyone knows that it is just a fantasy, but…”

Sou Wu Tama murmured, “Does Teacher Xia Shizi want to say that the plot in the comics can really appear in the real world?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Not possible, but very possible! If she encounters the classic scenes she wrote in the process of creation, she might really try it. No, she will definitely do it, otherwise, how could she have such a saying?

I haven’t felt anything before, but now, when I think of the man in the comics, in order to prevent the atmosphere from embarrassing, he desperately sends messages to people for help without saying, but he also thinks that he says handsome lines…


Therefore, this cartoon will definitely bring the image collapse and psychological shock to thousands of literary girls with creative heart…

People like this who destroy the image of literary girls should apologize to literary girls across the country! In this way, literary girls with a creative heart will bring changes to the literary world…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu has a thousand thoughts, but on the surface it is: “How can this situation happen in reality? It’s too stupid!” Except for the material.

“Since you also know that it won’t happen in reality, in the final analysis, it’s just artistic processing. Very good, maid, may I ask where did you have the courage to question me just now?” Enlightenment.

“Huh?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu took two steps back.

After a scream, Toyonosaki regained peace.

Today’s Toyonosaki is also a peaceful day!

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