Chapter 260 About Peaceful Daily Life (1)

“Eunichan! Distracted from playing games will hang up very quickly…” The hamster said with a burly mouth when he glanced at the game character who died suddenly.

“Xiaobui, I was scared by you just now, what did you just say about offline parties?” Sougo Tsuchima’s hand holding the handle was a little hard, and the handle that looked good quality showed some cracks.

“Ouni sauce, offline parties are normal in this era, okay, everyone in the guild will have time this weekend…” The hamster tilted his head and said.

“But Xiao buried, haven’t you heard such a sentence? Across the screen, you can hardly imagine whether you are chatting with a person or a dog…” Netizens rushed to find that this FLAG must be ruled out.

“Hey, have dogs evolved to be able to access the Internet? Do they do online shopping?” Hamster Buried: (☆▽☆)

“That’s wrong, I’m just a metaphor, it’s a metaphor, people on the Internet appear in reality, there will be a big difference, some people look lavish on the Internet, maybe in reality he eats instant noodles every day. Some people look extremely heroic on the Internet, maybe he is a sissy in reality…

do you understand? Therefore, it is difficult to identify whether those people online are good or bad! ”

“Euny Chan, there are not so many bad guys! Moreover, the party is still in the daytime, Xiao Bui is not a fool. If there are bad guys, Xiao Bui just leaves.” The hamster was full of disdain.

“But, aren’t you afraid that your identity will be exposed? You insist on asking the lady to set it up, Xiaobu…” Sougo Tama tried to dispel his thoughts from another aspect.

“Huh, huh, huh, Xiao Mu has U, M, and R turned into special costumes. As long as they are well disguised, no one will be able to find Xiao Mu’s identity.” Hamster Mu first held his hand and looked smug. Immediately afterwards, she dragged her chin and said: “What’s more, everyone in the guild must be far apart. Except for this kind of offline gathering, it is impossible to meet in reality.”

“Since it is impossible to meet in real life, what is the point of such an offline gathering?”

“It’s probably to see who everyone in the guild is. Of course, it’s not that absolute. If you have a guy with a good personality, you can become friends in reality…” Hamsterbuy explained.


The handle in Tuma Sougo’s hand broke directly. That’s right, because of this, he didn’t want to let this dumpling go to any party. What if the guy with a good personality was a boy? What if that boy suddenly died and fell in love with Xiao Bui? Xiao Bui is so innocent and innocent, what if he can’t be immune to those rhetoric…

“Well, doesn’t O’Neill want to let Xiao Mai participate in offline parties?” Hamster Mai was puzzled looking at the slightly broken handle.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Yes, I don’t want to, I don’t want to, but what reason should I look for?

“If O’Neill doesn’t like it, Xiao Mai refuses…Woo, she said with some expectation.” Hamster Mai pouted again.

“No, not at all. Since Xiaomai is looking forward to it, he will prepare well. How could Ernie Chan prevent Xiaomai from making friends.” Seeing the pouting hamster, Tuma always realized that he stretched out his hand and rubbed it without realizing it. Her head said, forget it, he will just watch it carefully when the time comes, and the most important thing is that this dumpling is happy.

“Euny sauce, handle…” The hamster pointed to the game handle that had shattered all over the place.

“Counterfeit and shoddy products, the quality of these electronic products is getting worse and worse recently!” Tujian, that’s how it is, I always realize!

“Xiao Bui wants to say that if the handle is broken, you can’t pull it online, idiot Ernie Chan!” Hamster Buried.

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Okay, that seems to be the case! No, he just became interested in this “Lone Wolf”, why did God treat him so cruelly? This handle manufacturer should go bankrupt!

“Xiao Mai, let’s discuss it. How about letting O’Neill go through the level first, Xiao Mai can watch the plot next to it!”

Hamster buried: (¬_¬)

“Ouni-chan, not only do you want to deprive Xiao Die of the right to play games, but you also want to spoil Xiao Die. It’s a devil!”

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

“It’s a devil or something, it’s too serious, it’s just to let you see what’s going on behind you first.”

Hamster buried: ( ̄ー ̄)

“Then why didn’t Xiaobai come to clear the level? O’Neill will be by the side to see what’s going on behind.”

Doma Sougo shook his index finger and said, “Because Ernie’s technique is better than Xiaobui’s, if I watch it from the side, I will have the urge to grab the handle.”

Hamster buried: (⊙ˍ⊙)

“Ounichan, you still want to grab the handle of Xiaobui, you can no longer simply describe it as a devil, you are the devil! The Xiaobuying brave will not let the devil’s tricks succeed, people are there, the handle is there, and he will defend the sovereignty of the game to the death. !”

As soon as he finished speaking, the gamepad buried in the hamster’s hands no longer knows when it fell into the hands of Sougo Morama.

“It’s too full of words, Xiao Bui!”

Hamster buried:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

“Ouni-chan, you actually did this step, Damn it, Xiao Mai will never admit defeat, Ou Ni-chan, wait, Xiao Mai brave the face and attack!”

Seeing the hamster that jumped in the face instantly, Sougo Doma twisted his body slightly, and avoided the attack: “Small, this kind of trick can only be used when O’Neill is not prepared. Now, Humph!”

Unexpectedly, the hamster that failed to jump face fell on the tatami.

“Devil King Oonichan, what about this trick, this is a taboo trick sealed by the brave little buried, hum…” The hamster buried on the ground let out a cold snort.

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

What do you want to do with this waste material? What are the taboo tricks that are sealed?

“Accept the trick, Devil King Oonichan, the brave Xiaobui’s slap attack!” Hamster buried instantly incarnate, rolling around on the tatami: at the same time:

“No matter, no matter what, the Devil Ou Nichan is too much. I know that the game is the second lifeline of the brave little burial, but the Devil Ou Nichan has to fight with the little burial. ,handle……”

Tuma Sougou: “…”


Also, it was really an attack that hadn’t been seen for a long time, and it was indeed a taboo trick that needed to be sealed up.

“Stop, my lord, where’s your gamepad…” Under this powerful attack, Sougo Doma surrendered instantly, handing over the controller in the above-mentioned posture.

Hamster buried: ( ̄︶ ̄)

“The brave little burial finally defeated the evil big devil and retrieved the sword in the stone that was stolen by the devil.” Declaration of victory.

“This guy is not saved. Forget it, I’ll go upstairs to see if the silly guy has finished the manuscript.” Seeing one foot on the table and burying the hamster raised high by the gamepad, the dirt Sougo can only cover his face with one hand, and care about it in his heart.

In any case, today’s Tujian House is another peaceful day.

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