Chapter 257 Yukino’s hostility is very problematic!

The original reason for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s stay was to see what this newcomer who didn’t color anyone, like a snow girl, wanted to say to her, and she was also very curious about what happened. What’s the reason why people will be hostile after such a long time, so when Yukoshita Yukinokata opened her mouth, she looked respectful.

“One person’s personality changed drastically, dozens of hundreds of students left a psychological shadow, many teachers died socially, and a school closed down. This is a tragedy caused by a primary school student named Tama Sougo!” Yukino Yukino stated The facts.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

I read a lot, you can’t fool me, can elementary school students do this kind of thing?

“Let me just ask, Zong Wujun said that he isolated the whole class just after transferring to another school. Did he lie?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was puzzled.

Yukino Yukino: “This is indeed a fact…” She who can’t tell lies.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

“Snowgirl, what you said is very illogical and realistic. Can a primary school student who is isolated by the whole class do such a thing?”

Yukino’s expression was a bit ugly. How did she know what means that guy used? Although in the end it was said that the guy named Gu Chuan took the lead, she was sure that it was definitely not the truth!

“Student Xia Zhiqiu, you used the wrong words, that guy was not isolated by the whole class, but he isolated the whole class!” I can only start from this direction.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (¬_¬)

Is it worthy of being a school? The points of concern are almost the same, and what is the difference between being isolated by the whole class alone and being isolated by the whole class?

“Does Xiazhiqiu classmate know the true isolation?” Yukino Yukoshita asked.

“Probably understand.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded, she almost grew up in isolation.

“In fact, as the guy said, I was stolen more than 40 pairs of indoor shoes, the clarinet and the mouth organ are countless…” Yukino Yukino recalled: “Thanks to those guys, I was even there at the time. Consider whether to take indoor shoes and other items home.”

“That’s really hard work.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu admitted that when it comes to the degree of isolation, she is indeed inferior to the guy in front of her.

“It’s just that, before I can make up my mind, things have taken a turn for the better…” Yukino Yukino laughed mockingly.

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Wait, maybe Sougo brought it, right? Having said that, this is clearly the beginning of a youth romance comedy~! The story of the little girl who was isolated by the class being rescued by the prince~!

“You seem surprised?” Xuexia Xuena looked at the wide-eyed Xia Zhiqiu and asked with some confusion.

“Let me just ask, isn’t the guy who took the turn to be Zongwujun?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked frantically, touching the ground with her feet.

“You can say so…” Xuexiaxuno’s face was even more ugly, but she still has her own insistence: “However, those things are not correct!”

“Incorrect? Are you trying to say that you are not isolated? Isn’t it correct? Are you shaking M? Xuenv classmate?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt that she had discovered something.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Well, although she doesn’t want to admit it, she seems to be one of the beneficiaries of that game, just like Soma Sougoto who isolated the whole class.

“Forget it, you won’t understand…”

“Haha!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sneered. She felt that the newly transferred Snow Girl was not as simple as she thought. It was obviously a story about salvation, and she was still the one being rescued, but as soon as the Snow Girl arrived, Directly showing hostility to the prince who saved her, is this actually her tactic?

However, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu didn’t know that the one who saved people was not necessarily the prince. He was probably a demon, just like riding a white horse, most of whom had the name Sanzang.


After a period of intimidation and temptation, Akasaka Ryunosuke was finally pulled into the thief, cough cough, after the ship, Sougo Tama satisfactorily left Sakura Village. Originally, he wanted to communicate with the strange-looking senior sister. But under the strong request of Akasaka Ryunosuke, Tama Sougo had to dispel this idea.

When bidding farewell, Sougo Tama did not forget to ask Akasaka Ryunosuke to return the collection of Chihiro Chihiro Senishi’s bottom magazine. At that time, Akasaka Ryunosuke’s expression was very unstable, like this:

Akasaka Ryunosuke: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Teacher Qianshi is following the trouble? No wonder that the magazine didn’t cost money, and how could he return this kind of magazine to the female teacher? It will be embarrassing, it will definitely be embarrassing! ?

Then again, why not do this kind of thing yourself! -_-|||

However, after Sougo Tama explained, he disappeared before Akasaka Ryunosuke’s eyes with lightning speed. Even if he wanted to complain, he couldn’t find anyone to complain!

No, he can still complain to the unreliable Chihiro Chihiro, how big is this female teacher to treasure this kind of thing, and even if it is a treasure, why did he find it out and give it to President Tujian? That fellow Satoru came to frame him!

By the way, an older single female teacher can actually discuss with a strange boy that this kind of magazine is her treasure? No wonder she can’t get married, no, women are so terrible, Akasaka Ryunosuke said with emotion.

“Ahhhhhhh…” Chihiro Chihiro, who went out to take refuge, sneezed.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Sougo Tama. He just has a little regret. He only talked about the second threat. Akasaka Ryunosuke couldn’t wait to nod his head and said sincerely, “Needless to say, Although the plan is crazy, the probability of success is less than one in ten thousand, but I promised…”

I always feel that this guy has no spine, and it seems that I will have to adjust it carefully in the future, and what is the probability of success is less than one in ten thousand! Forget it, that’s all for the future, now it’s time to go home.


That night.

Hiratsuka regained his nature when he participated in the construction of his orientation team. With his carefree temperament, coupled with a serious and responsible education philosophy, he harvested a little fan named Kirisu Matsumoto.

Kirisu’s heart: “Teacher Hiratsuka has a good drinker, he seems to be too unrestrained and bold! Moreover, it is a good point to be good at guiding students and other things!”

Facing her little fan girl, Hiratsuka said in his heart: “Sure enough, it is almost the same as Principal Yamamoto said. Mr. Kirsu is really problematic. If she is poaching me, should I pretend not to know? Or talk to Principal Yamamoto?”

After the team building was over, Yukoshita Yono also called at the right time. Recalling Yukino’s performance today, Shizuka Shizuka struggled for a while before connecting the phone.

“Mosimosi, is it the sober Xiao Jing? Or the drunk Xiao Jing? Or the cute Xiao Jing?”

“Yang Nai!”

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