Chapter 256

Sakura Village, Room 102.

Akasaka Ryunosuke stared at Sougo Doma, as if he was thinking about whether or not to punch the guy in front of him. He just thought about the power gap between the two sides, Akasaka Ryunosuke did not put his thoughts into action.

Sougo Tama was very sorry, but he didn’t expect that there was a guy in Sakura Shonai who was very familiar with suspicious tissues, and the tissue was stuck with glue after being exposed by that guy.


Akasaka Ryunosuke’s whole person was wrong, and his eyes looked like he was about to eat him.

Misaki Uei Kusaka, who was almost crippled by him, also followed that guy with a weird look. He was misguided! In other words, why does someone always come to ruin him? Shouldn’t I teach those guys a lesson? While Sougo Tama was thinking hard, he also wanted to leave himself first.

“Ryunosuke, please tell me what you are doing, putting some glue on the paper towel, it is easy to get misunderstood!” Mujian, beat back, Sougou.

“Sougo Tama, dare you say those tissues have nothing to do with you?”

“How could it have anything to do with me!?” Tuma, with a sincere look, Sougou: “I was surprised when I came in at the time. However, considering that you are also a healthy and lonely boy, I didn’t say much. what!”

“…” Akasaka Ryunosuke.

“Look, the messy desktop is rarely cleaned up, right?”

“Aren’t these all your masterpieces?” Akasaka Ryunosuke said with a black line on his face.

“Ryunosuke, am I like such a leisurely fellow?” Sougo Tama stepped forward.

“Remove the like, you are such a leisurely fellow!” Akasaka Ryunosuke rolled his eyes and said.

“Ryunosuke…” Must refute, Tuma Sougou stepped forward: “Who do you think of me, wait, I see, you want to push all of this on me to cover you up.” Bad habits as a boy living alone.”

Isn’t it just throwing the pot? He was trained under the Chinese national football team, and he is proficient in thousands of ways to dump the pot.

“My bad habits?” Akasaka Ryunosuke pointed at himself, a little anxious, although he is a cocoon, but…

“That’s right, you can almost see the bad habits of a boy living alone.” Sougo Doma touched his chin and said, “It’s like there are secret learning materials hidden in the computer, and the room is often not organized. Uncertain, there is still a dusted 18X fan magazine under your bed.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Akasaka Ryunosuke walked directly to the bed, bent down, and took out a bundle of magazines from underneath.

Looking at this bundle of magazines, Akasaka Ryunosuke: #^_^##

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

Ah, this guy is so witty!

“Sougo Tama, are you bored or not? Needless to say, this is also your masterpiece, right?”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

“Ryunosuke, you started to frame me again, it’s obviously the magazine you hid…”

Akasaka Ryunosuke: (⊙ˍ⊙)

The identity of the werewolf has been confirmed, but he still doesn’t admit it.

“How much is the magazine?”

“No money!” Doma Sougo said with a smug expression.

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Akasaka Ryunosuke: -_-|||

The atmosphere is inexplicably awkward.

For a long while.

“Ha, haha…” Sougo Tama smiled awkwardly: “Ryunosuke, I said, I do all this for your own good, do you believe it?”

Akasaka Ryunosuke:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Only when he believes he has a ghost, messing up other people’s rooms, and hiding 18X in the computer and under the bed…

Akasaka Ryunosuke: →_→

Come on, edit, you continue to edit!

“Well, about your room, just let it go, young people, don’t worry about the past. Compared with the past, we should look forward to a new future!” Tujian, frantically pouring chicken soup, Total enlightenment.

“How do you want to pit me in the future?” Akasaka Ryunosuke said suddenly.

“Don’t say that, today, I came to you with great sincerity.” Sougo Tama shook his fingers and said.

Sincerity? Akasaka Ryunosuke recalled the bit by bit after Sougo Doma entered the house-I’m afraid this guy didn’t have any misunderstandings about sincerity! Or:

“You came to make me a wretched pervert with great sincerity?”

“No, I’m here to talk about cooperation with you!”

“Cooperate with what?”

“Have you forgotten?” Sougo Tama smiled and stepped forward: “Of course we are together, fighting with this world!”

Akasaka Ryunosuke: “…”


“Could it be that what you said was the truth?”

“Of course it’s true!” Sougo Tama nodded: “Although I understand what the old man is thinking, it still makes me unhappy to be offered a reward. Let me start with the destruction of the famous door of Chiba, and make a good noise in this country. Go!”

Akasaka Ryunosuke: “…”

Turn around and look back.

“Sorry to interrupt, I didn’t hear anything!”

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

This rejection is too straightforward, right?

“Ryunosuke, do you think I came here specially and will give you the opportunity to reject me?”

Akasaka Ryunosuke’s mouth twitched: “Don’t be stupid, just the two of us…”

“Now, there are more than the two of us.” Sougo Tama retorted: “The Xuexia family is already willing to invest money, the Sigiya family…”

Akasaka Ryunosuke was taken aback when he heard the words: “You even contacted the Shinomiya family?”

“It’s not from the fourth house, it’s Huiye from the fourth house, but that guy has no money and can only borrow the guy’s name at a critical time.”

Akasaka Ryunosuke: “…”

No, even Shigiya Kaguya is already amazing. The reason why the Sigiya clan targeted the Tujian clan back then, did you guys have no AC score?

“Then, do you want to listen to my country’s end-of-life plan…” Sougo Tama, with a smile on his face.

“Guru!” However, the smile made Akasaka Ryunosuke subconsciously swallow his saliva and stepped back unconsciously.

at the same time.

Tokyo, private Toyosaki…

Accompanied by the “jingle bell” bell, the students walked out of the classroom in twos and threes. However, in a certain class of high school, two girls who were both black, long and straight chose to stay in the classroom, as if they were waiting for something. After all, Xuexia Xuena put down the library book in his hand and said softly:

“Let me take the liberty to ask, what is your relationship with that guy?”

“Student Xuexia specially asked me to stay, just want to inquire about this kind of privacy? Let’s not talk about the strange question, since Xuexia student is hostile to Sougo-kun, then you should stay away from him, like you Leaning up with this change of method, I very much doubt your motives, Xuenv classmate!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said impatiently.

“It’s really unreasonable speculation…” Yukino Yukino shook his head slightly: “Let me ask, do you know what kind of person that guy is?”

“What? Classmate Xuenv didn’t want to make this kind of speech. You know what kind of person that guy is like than anyone else?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sneered.

“Huh~!” Yukino sighed, “I really envy you guys who don’t know anything about him. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that he will stand up and defend that kind of person at that time!”

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