Chapter 247 What happened too long ago, let it pass

Private Toyosaki, rooftop.

The breeze blew gently, touching the black hair of the two girls.

“Forget it, I’m not here to argue today, I just want to tell this guy one thing, no matter what vicious plans he has, I will stop him, I promise…” Xuexia Xuena said at Xiazhiqi Shiyu After finishing the conversation, he did not choose to respond, but after a deep glance at her, he continued:

“Although you are helping this guy to speak, but I still want to remind you, be careful of this guy, not provocative.”

After that, Xuexia Xuenao turned and went down to the rooftop.

“What the hell is this guy?” Seeing that he was looking for it aggressively, but after making some “inexplicable” declarations, Yukoshita Yukino turned and left. Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was a little dazed. She just started the battle mode. !

“Oh, Miss Xue Nao really considers herself a messenger of justice!” Sougo Tama also sighed from the side.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned her head and said, “Justice messenger? This is actually the name? Zongwu Jun has defined herself as an evil existence in her heart! It’s terrible…” She said that, but she sat down again: “Student Xuexia’s hostility seems to be aimed at you alone. Actually, what did you do to others?”

“Why do you have to find a reason from me, instead of saying that her brain is wattless, is the victim guilty?” Sougo Doma retorted.

“I just called someone else Ms. Xuenai, and now I say that someone else has a brain disease. Zongwujun is really unkind, tusk…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu teased: “Moreover, in such a hurry to deny, the easier it is to make people think more. What have you ever had, in the sixth grade of elementary school, shouldn’t it reach the level of abandonment? I’m getting more and more curious!”

“Should I say, worthy of being the teacher Xia Shizi who wrote love novels? It’s just a question of attitude. You can think of abandoning something. Rather than thinking about it here, it’s better to help me do something.”

“Huh?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little puzzled.

“I beg you for the review book. As a novelist, write an extra review book. It’s easy…” Sougo Doma put his hands together.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Review, review book! What makes it easy for a novelist to write a review book? Think of her Xia Shizi as something, and, if it weren’t for being knocked out, she doesn’t need to write a review. She must refuse. It is impossible to help write…

“Add an extra meal!”

“Deal!” What is morality? Can you eat it?

“That…” Sougo Doma suddenly twisted.


“Just now, thank you (super quietly).” What a fool, he stood up to help him out without knowing anything, but Sougo Doma felt that it was not bad.

“What are you talking about? Pull it too softly.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu opened her ears. This guy wouldn’t scold her, right?

“I didn’t say anything, ooh, please ask for the review book, now I am going to enjoy my freedom.” The blood on my body was flowing too fast. In order to avoid this bad state from being noticed, Sougo Tama chose to jump to it. The iron net, then, leaped over from the top of the building.

Let’s go play the game and get back to the state.

“Can’t this guy walk normally? He can parkour, and he is in good health!” Looking at Sougo Doma who disappeared from the roof, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu vomited: “If he falls to death, no one will cook a big meal. Now, does this bastard understand…”

Turning back from the top of the building to the shoe cabinet, Sougo Doma has completed his self-regulation. However, he has no mood for class. He changed his shoes and stretched out. He decided to obey his heart and go hang out. !

I silently asked for a leave of absence in my heart. If Mr. Kirisu had a telepathy with him, he would surely receive this application for leave. Sougo Doma firmly believes!

Kirisu Midwinter:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

So, she is actually to blame for not receiving the request for leave?


Now that Yukoshita’s family has decided to enter, Tama Sougo feels that the other partner he has found can also go to talk.

At the high school affiliated to Suimei University of the Arts, Sougo Tama had originally planned to find time to go and take a look. After all, Akasaka Ryunosuke was studying there.

For the treatment of Akasaka Ryunosuke’s good students, Sougo Tama has been greedy for a long time. Of course, Sougo Tama has not figured out that this guy developed intelligent AI, but he was studying in an art affiliated high school. what.

While thinking about it, Doma Sougo walked in the direction of the tram. Fortunately, the tram business in this country is developed, so Doma Sougo always has a chance to hit the sun instead of another day.

Moreover, after skipping classes, it happened to avoid crowding time for peak people at work and school, which was perfect.

After receiving the ticket from the machine, Sougo Doma was secretly proud of his decision when a strange guy appeared.

It was a girl with medium-length hair and the clothes she was wearing. Sougo Doma roughly calculated that it was definitely not less than 2,000W yen. At this moment, the girl was standing in a daze at the entrance of the ticket sweeper.

Rich and stupid, Tuma Zougou came to the conclusion in an instant: “This is a big fat sheep who doesn’t know the world.”

Buying a ticket from the machine again, Tujian, in order to attract investment, Zongwu went straight forward: “This lovely lady, as long as you say “di”, the guardrail will open.”

Hearing this, the girl was stunned, she raised her head, and then her face became even colder: “Souma Sougen!?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”


“Ha, ha ha… It turned out to be Miss Hui Ye from the Si Gong Family,’Di’, you see, I really didn’t lie this time, the guardrail opened.” After recognizing who this person is, Tuma Sougou I swept the ticket quickly, and at the same time, I made a “di” call in my mouth, and the guardrail opened. How could I run into this guy?

This is a big fat sheep, obviously a tiger!

Shimiya Kaguya pulled it over: “It’s really right to get rid of Hayasaka and set off alone. Is today a lucky day? I have been looking for you for so long, and I finally found you!”

“Should it be my honor?”

“It’s the first and only time someone has done something so excessive. The blood of the Si Gong Family will keep me remembering the shame!”

“It’s pure misunderstanding. I just made a suggestion, didn’t I? You also chose to exchange Kuole!”

“No amount of sophistry is just a lie. Do you know how deep the hatred of spraying my face with liquid? Also, that’s the only chance to drink Kuole!” Si Gong Huiye, murderous .

“Wait, let’s not say how bad the words are. If I said that the drink was shaken and tasted better for me, would you believe it?” Sougo Tama, smiling ugly.

Now, it’s not the time to offend the Si Gong family.

“However, after hearing your common sense, I was sprayed with joy!”

“That’s how long ago it happened. Isn’t it good to let it go with the wind?”

“You haven’t forgotten, I’m afraid, you will remember it for a lifetime. You have teased the blood of the Si Gong family, and it is extremely glorious to say it.” Si Gong Huiye looked dangerous.

“No, I actually forgot about it!”

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