Chapter 246 Suddenly Become Strong

Lunch break.

Private Toyosaki Teaching Building, rooftop.

After enjoying the baptism of food again, Shiyu Kasugaoka wiped his mouth and said: “For the sake of cooking, I won’t pursue the master knocking me out for no reason.”

“It’s rare that you remember that you are a maid…” Tuma always felt a little weak. Since this guy got entangled with Xiao Qian, he has become more and more bold.

“Of course, it’s personal!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said forward: “Even if the master knocks me out now, and then treats me like this or that, I can’t resist, after all, it’s a bang. It’s too foul!”

“Do you want to try?” In the face of the offense, Tama Sougou can bear it?

“It depends on the master…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is not empty at all, and moves forward again: “The girl who was so cute just now was mistaken for the second disease. The owner is really cruel, so cruel. Isn’t it normal to do to me as a maid? Can I still resist? Can I tell Xiao Mu?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Goubi, don’t mention anything!

“Please, what does this have to do with me? It’s just that Hiratsuka-sensei and Madong-sensei didn’t believe it, but I admitted everything I did!”

“Eh a lot?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu continued with a smile and said, “Is the master really not knocking me out? Anyway, it is clear that you deliberately pretended to be a secondary school, so that everyone misunderstood.”

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Since this guy chatted with Xiao Qian, his courage has grown gradually! In this case, don’t blame him for using the ultimate trick.

“Hahaha… Teacher Xia Shizi, don’t talk nonsense, am I the kind of guy who knocks others out easily? Certainly not! That’s all slander…”

Strategic recognition! When the relationship between her and Xiao Mu breaks up in the future, we will clean up this guy!

“Hey…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed. Sure enough, behind this guy’s seeming courage, in fact, it was the mouth that was cautiously compared. Why do you always talk nonsense?

“The guy who knocked me out this morning said he wouldn’t knock anyone out casually, do you believe this?” Rolled his eyes.

“Actually, I knocked on teacher Xia Shizi today for a complete reason!” Tujian, always able to find a reason, always realized: “Teacher Xia Shizi didn’t sleep at all yesterday, right?”

“Huh?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu widened his burgundy eyes: “How did you know?”

“Of course it was observed. It was precisely because I found that teacher Xia Shizi’s spirit was very poor, I used some small means to let teacher Xia Shizi enter a deep sleep state. In this state, not only can he recover more energy, but also It’s good for the body! Didn’t Teacher Xia Shizi feel that the spirit will be much better today?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

It’s really awkward and gentle.

“By the way, that transfer student seems to know you, right?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suddenly asked out for some reason.

“Well, my former elementary school classmate was still at the same table. I didn’t expect that she would move here, and reported me on the first day…” Sougo Tama said that this was a bit gritted, if it wasn’t for the sponsor. So she won’t let her end up with a second second excuse.

By the way, the so-called new type of bullying incident ended up in the end. On the contrary, it was the total comprehension of the soil, and the two of Kasugaoka and Shiyu were punished by Kirito to write 2,000 words for review because they slept in class for a long time.

Doma Sougo feels that his image as a good student is dangerous.

That guy Fujigami was fine, and Kirisu Matsumoto just silently patted him on the shoulder: “Fujigami-san, the teacher won’t tell you about your dark history.”

Yukino Yukino had just turned around and was taken away by Shizuka Hiratsuka because she was uncomfortable. When she left, she heard what she was saying: “That’s right, it’s the truth, not in the second half…” There was a faint smell of joy in the air.

As long as I think that the guy has nothing to do, but I want to write a review, Doma Zougou wants to gritted his teeth, saying that acquaintances are easy to do, but I didn’t expect that the guy under Xuexia was not at all humane Reported, this is a familiarity!

Review… Tuma Zougou is a little bit emotional. This kind of thing is to write repentance, so how can you write self-repentance? The answer is-push it to others.

So Tuma Sougo glanced at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu next to him again.

“When you transfer schools, you can meet together. Then you guys are really destined. In other words, this should be regarded as a childhood sweetheart? However, your little Qingmei seems to be very hostile to you. It seems that the master’s reputation when he was a child was very bad… “Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who doesn’t know what horrible Tamazuo is playing, stretched out.

“Not a childhood sweetheart, after all, I was only in the sixth grade of elementary school before I transferred to their school, and this guy went abroad midway.” Tama always realized that he had to prove his character!

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu squinted: “I feel more predestined. I became classmates after transferring. It’s just an elementary school and a high school. It’s a pity…”

“Yukixia Yukino, this is the normal state of that guy. That guy has achieved an achievement that was isolated by the whole class, before I transferred.” Tachibana Sougou began to explain quietly, that Yukinoshita didn’t have anything to do with him. Hostility is hostility to everyone!

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was stunned, and she seemed to be…

“Student Xuexia is so hostile, have you isolated him after you transfer?”

“No, it took me less than a week after the transfer to achieve the achievement of isolating the whole class, which is different from her!”

“Lonely, isolate the whole class?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was quite puzzled.

“Well, I isolated the whole class by myself, and she was isolated by the whole class!” Sougo Tama nodded affirmatively.

“Is there a difference? Anyway, they are all isolated people, Xuexia shouldn’t be so hostile to you!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little curious.

“Of course it’s different. I isolated the whole class because I don’t want to be a babysitter, and she was isolated by the whole class, and she was still teasing…” Doma Sougo must explain clearly what it means to be isolated and isolate others.

“Before I turned around, the guy had stolen more than forty pairs of indoor shoes. So was the clarinet and the mouth organ.”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “It’s a bit disgusting…”

“It’s really disgusting!” Before Tuma Zou Wu could speak, a cold voice came over.

“Oh, it’s Miss Yukino with fantasy!” Seeing the visitor, Sougo Tama took the lead in saying hello.

“I didn’t expect you to be so clear about me! Did you investigate me? The scum of society?” Xuexia Xuena took the initiative to attack, but in a quarreling tone.

“This classmate Xuexia is right? Even if you and Sougo-kun are elementary school classmates, and even if what happened in your elementary school, it is all the past, right? And, listening to Sougo-kun, he is isolated. The whole class is not only aimed at you alone, but you…”

Sou Wu Tama hadn’t spoken yet, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu had already started the battle mode.

Facing such a powerful maid lady.

? _? Between the earth, the question mark face, total enlightenment.

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