Chapter 244 Shocked! Sougo Doma unexpectedly…

“I am Yukino Yukino. I originally studied at Chiba Soubu High School. Due to some family factors, I transferred to your school. Please advise me in the future.” Even though I accepted the fact that I was deceived, Yukino Yukino was introducing herself. When she still had a cold face, especially when she looked at her goal, Sougo Tama, was slumbering, Yukino’s face became colder and colder.

This kind of cooling gives people a particularly serious and serious feeling.

Within this air-conditioning range, the boys who were originally happy because their new classmates were extraordinarily cute all closed their mouths. Even Kirisu, who brought her into the class, had a headache. Although self-introduction is normal, this kind of temperament , I’m afraid it’s a problem student again!

Yukino Yukino still remembers what her sister said that day: “Xuno, it’s not what we want to do, but what the fellow Sougo Doma wants to do. All the cash flow of Yukoshita’s company is exposed. If the fellow Sougo Doma is willing, Xuexiajia’s home will collapse and be destroyed, even worse than what I just said! So, we need intelligence!”

Yang Nai’s heart at that time-I was so cute, don’t blame my sister for doing this, I used to have a choice, I can also help you block a block, now I don’t have a choice, I will soon become the heir of the Xuexia family Of you, it’s time to face some situations alone!

“Information?” Xuexiaxue Nai was a little at a loss. As a student, she hadn’t been exposed to this.

“No matter what method is used, it is good to monitor Sougoto. If you can find out exactly what Sougoto is trying to do, then you will surpass your sister!” Xuexiayangna made a vague promise .

Yukino under the snow: “…”

My sister is really wrong this time! Why on earth? In the past, she would never say something beyond that…

However, before she could ask for the reason, Xuexia Yangnai had already passed a bank card, a key, and a transfer certificate: “By the way, Xiaojing has joined this school for some reasons. So, Yukino didn’t need to worry too much about the atmosphere.

In addition, even if Tama Sougou knows the cash flow of Yukoshita’s family, her mother is not a vegetarian, so don’t put too much pressure on Yukino…”

“Even Hiratsuka-teacher is here?” Yukino Yukoshita was a little surprised.

It seems that something really happened at Yukoshita’s house, and it definitely has something to do with Sougo Doma! The frank words made Xuexia Xuena feel that she was taken seriously. Although she was a little excited in her heart, she still had a cold face on the surface.

She wouldn’t forget how the creature in front of her, called her sister, tricked her into it, and she was the last one to know about transferring to another school.

Snow under the snow: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

She is already well-trained if she can resist not turning the table in reality!


“Woo~!” A cold gaze made Doma Sougo wake up from his deep sleep, twisting his neck, Doma Sougo followed that line of sight and looked over.


What the hell? Why is Xuexiaheping here? Besides, there is only a maid between him? Did he dream? Wait, why does he have such a dream?

Doma Sougo was lost in thought.


Then, he gave Takuya Fujikami in the front row a hand knife and cut it on the back of his neck.

Fujigami Taku also fainted very cooperatively.

“It’s not called pain, it’s really a dream, so let’s continue to sleep…” Sougo Tuma came to a conclusion in an instant.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

She saw it, she saw it! Others are studying attentively, but when the sleeping guy wakes up, he not only doesn’t know how to be ashamed, but also knocks the person unconscious and goes back to sleep after being unconscious…

Thinking so.

Yukino Yukino looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu who was sleeping on the side again. This is probably another victim. She just thought that this guy doesn’t like school girls too!

Having said that, what is this guy thinking about! Can she really dig out information from this guy?

Snow under the snow is doubtful.

It’s a little retreat.

Fortunately, the second period was a Chinese language class. When the familiar teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka stood in front of the teaching desk, Yukino Yukoshita also felt a sense of peace of mind.

“I am your new Chinese teacher, Shizuka Hiratsuka!”

Compared to Yukino under Yukino, Shizuka Hiratsuka is much more popular.

“The new Chinese teacher is actually a great beauty!”

“Mom, thank God for taking away the first Chinese teachers…”

“Actually, I don’t really mind the teacher-student relationship!” A beast said underneath.

Compared with the national high school, the atmosphere of the private high school is obviously much more free. Listening to the discussion of the boys, Xuexiaxue is a little bit to laugh.

The students in this school really don’t know how to write dead words, so they dare to hit Mr. Hiratsuka’s idea!

Sure enough, as Xuexia Xuena thought.

Shizuka Hiratsuka at the center of the topic: #^_^##

In other words, although everyone’s comments made her very satisfied and proved that she still has a great charm, but with the comments of a group of little kids, Hiratsuka wants to smash people!


Easily leaving a trace of a fist on the wall, Hiratsuka turned around: “Now, can I be quiet?”

The sound not only calmed the class, but also caused the sleeping Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and Tuma Sougo to rub their eyes, and secretly said: “What, is there an earthquake?”

However, after seeing the people clearly.

Doma Sougou again:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Did you even dream of this savage woman? What dream is he doing!

Or maybe-isn’t it a dream? So what is this strange development? Did she stop Yeshan?

Looking at Fujigami Takuya who was still in a coma in front of him, Tama Sougo was lost in thought again.

For a long while.

Sougo Tama began to call his deskmate: “Miss Maid, Miss Maid…”

“Excuse me, will the master give orders during class?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned her head and gritted her teeth in a low voice. This is the time when the new teacher has just arrived. Moreover, this teacher looks very uncomfortable. Is this guy still making trouble? This basis is derived from the girl’s sixth sense and the fist marks on the wall.


Sou Wu Tama took advantage of her chance to draw a hand knife again, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also fainted.

“It’s still not called pain. It seems that I am indeed dreaming. Let’s continue to sleep…” Sougo Doma lay down on the desk again.

Yukino under the snow witnessed together: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Sure enough, as expected, the girl next to him was also a victim. Not only did Tama Sougo not attend the class himself, but he stunned everyone who wanted to attend the class. It was extremely bad…

At the same time that Yukino under the snow was thinking wildly, Shizuka Hiratsuka also opened his mouth and said:

“It’s the first time to meet everyone. So, let’s start our first class from getting to know everyone by name!” As a qualified educator, you should start by getting acquainted with every student’s face.

Yukino Yukino looked at the two victims who were knocked unconscious and someone who was asleep: -_-|||

Hiratsuka-sensei, don’t call the name, two of the three sleeping here were knocked unconscious!

Sleeping trio:

Sovereign Enlightenment of the Earth: “(~﹃~)~zZ”

Fujigami Takuya: (@﹏@)~

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (@﹏@)~

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