Chapter 243

When he walked into the classroom without much trouble, Sougo Doma lay directly on the desk.

After a crazy fun weekend, even a desk can make people fall asleep peacefully! The maid Miss Kasugaoka Shiyu proved this. She lay down on the desk when she first arrived, and then quickly ZZZ…

According to her, she now even started to accompany the sleeping maid. Although there was still a distance between them, they fell asleep at the same time in time!

The front row Fujikami Taku also erected a book for the two in a timely manner, used as a cover, and made a dog-leg gesture. Although Kasumigaoka Shiba and Tuma Sougo have said that there is no need to do this, but it can’t be prepared. The other party was kind.

A peaceful day starts with sleeping in class.

at the same time.

Private Toyosaki, office.

Kirisu Matsumoto has been very worried recently. The principal Yamamoto at the school went mad without knowing why. He not only expelled a group of teachers wildly, but also called her to tell her every time he was expelled. Therefore, the school expelled the teacher. , What does it have to do with her! ?

What’s more, is it really good for students to change teachers so frequently? As an educator, Kirisu understands that the school’s approach is absolutely wrong, but although every time a teacher is expelled, she will call her to notify her, but it is only a notification. She is still just a slight teacher.

Just a few days ago, one of the things that Mr. Kirisu was most worried about happened. He was expelling the fifth Chinese language teacher. The class she was responsible for had reached the point where there were no Chinese teachers available. Who would dare to believe this?

What the hell is the school doing? What about the class she is in charge of? What are you trying to force her to do? ——Maidu Kiryu, who is full of question marks in his head, is full of melancholy!


The school didn’t dare to do it, and it recruited a new Chinese teacher from outside. Today, it is the day when the new teacher reports, and I don’t know how long this new teacher can teach.

With such deep misgivings, Kirisu finally met Shizuka Hiratsuka, the Chinese language classroom she had been looking forward to day and night a few days ago.

She looks like a mature woman, and she looks really good. She should be a gentle type, right?

“Hello, I am Shizuka Hiratsuka, who joined today, are you Mr. Kirisu?” Shizuka Hiratsuka spoke first.

“Yes, I’m Kirsu Matsumoto, great, it’s finally…” Ms. Kiryu almost burst into tears. The students in the class don’t have a fixed Chinese teacher to be in charge, and she is also anxious.

Shizuka Hiratsuka was a little embarrassed: “Sorry, Mr. Kirsu, are you too excited…” Is this guy a powerful character who is constantly digging corners but not showing his feet in the mouth of Headmaster Yamamoto? It’s not very similar.

“Sorry, I’m a little gaffe. By the way, Hiratsuka-sensei has just arrived, so I don’t know about the welfare of the school yet…” Kirisu Matsumoto started Barabara’s spontaneous propaganda-if you could imagine the scene of borrowing teachers from other grades in the Chinese language class , You know why she is excited.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Hey, hey, hey, that’s enough, the welfare is so good, how did you do it! Moreover, it was the first time Hiratsuka Shizuka encountered this kind of corner-digging routine after propagating a wave of Toyosaki’s high welfare!

She’d better take a look first. Anyway, she just stopped by to take care of Yukino. It doesn’t matter whether she digs or digs corners…


Yukino Yukino had a sullen face.

She would have a sullen face when she knew who was so deceived by her own family.

Last Friday, her sister Yang Nai suddenly appeared in her apartment: “Xuno, hurry up with me. An accident occurred in the house. My father was framed for corruption. The government has set up an investigation team. Mom first got the news. Secretly transferred to Tokyo, although my mother usually made some arrangements…”

Snow under the snow:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Nani, wasn’t it okay yesterday? She just attended zakah, so many things happened at home?

Yukino Yukoshita continued: “But the construction company of Yukoshita has closed down. Now, there are many debtors outside who want to find Dad and Mom, and leave here with me, lest those guys find you and threaten Dad and Mom.”

Snow under the snow: (⊙ˍ⊙)

After suddenly changing from a famous lady to a bankrupt daughter, Xuexiaxue did not suffer much, but felt a little relief. Originally, she didn’t want to leave, just thinking that she would be used by others to threaten her father. With mom… Yukino Yukoshita was taken into the car after all.

“Sister, what happened at home?” Yukoshita Yukino asked in the car.

Xuexia Yangna turned his head and looked out the window: “A project fund of Xuexia Construction Company was found to be false and real. They used this as an opportunity to shatter the capital chain in the family…”

“What about Dad?”

“Dad was also set a trap because of the problem of the capital chain.” Xuexiayangna said.

“Dad and mom are okay?” Xuexia Xuena was a little uneasy. This seems to be a conspiracy against the Xuexiajia family. Can father and mother really get out?

“Xuno, I don’t know, I’m in a mess now!” Xuexia Yangna suddenly hugged her.

Xuexia Xuena’s pupils shrank, and her heart tightened: “It turns out that my sister will be vulnerable too…”

Chiba is not far from Tokyo. It’s better to say that it’s very close. After a while, Yukino, who felt that her cognition has been greatly changed, got out of the car with her sister. From now on, let her be strong!

Xuexia Xueno made up his mind.


She was taken to a more luxuriously decorated apartment.

“Dangdangdang, Yukino, I didn’t expect it, my sister actually lied to you, Xuexia’s family didn’t go bankrupt, and my father and mother stayed in Chiba…”

Snow under the snow: (⊙ˍ⊙)

“Sister, what do you want to do, and why did you bring me to Tokyo?”

“In fact, my sister wants to tell you that there are many sufferings in life. For example, the situation described by my sister just now really happened. The Xuexia family went bankrupt and my father and mother were forced to flee…”

Yukino under Xuexia: “Can you explain it directly?”

“Well, compared with the above situations, Xueno, you transfer to another school. Actually, it’s not a big deal, right?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”


Transfer? What school to transfer?

“Why don’t I know this?”

“Xuno, this is what my mother meant!” Xue Xia Yang Nai helplessly said: “Moreover, not all of the things just said are lie. The property information of XUE Xia Construction Company has indeed been leaked out.”

Xuexiaxuno’s eyes tightened: “So, you have begun to take refuge?”

“No, my sister wants to tell you that the information is in the hands of Sougoto Tama…” Yukoshita Yonoi had an expression that I absolutely didn’t lie.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Is that guy again?

“What do you want to do again?”

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