Chapter 237

“Please don’t do this!” The man with glasses knelt.

“Um, sorry, in fact, I don’t want to make a big deal of this kind of thing…” the blonde girl also said from the side.

“I said you guys…” Sougo Tama looked at the blond girl with a sad look: “It is because of your unrestrained heart that the youngsters dare to challenge the law when the blood is boiling! Little sister, don’t I thought it was good for the other party, but in fact, it increased the other party’s perverted mind…”

“This is really a misunderstanding. Can I delete the photo right away?” The man in glasses said, crying without tears. What is his perverted mind? He is nothing…

“Young man, then I will stab you and throw the knife away, okay?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

Man with glasses: “…”

Blonde girl: “…”

Can this be the same?

“Little sister, you have good luck today. You met me, Sougo Morama, a justice surrogate. Don’t worry. You don’t need to show up. With this photo, I can pin this guy on the label of a satyr. It’s definitely No one knows the point! So, I’ll send him a sentence to the police station first!” Sougo Tama, who must keep his name for good deeds, said in a tone that I am also very considerate of you.

Blonde girl: “…”

Wait, wait, what the hell is going directly to the police station?

The man with glasses was taken aback for a moment, and then, in an incredulous tone of voice, said: “Sougenzu Tama!?”

“Huh?” Doma turned his head in wonder, how could this tone seem to know him: “Do you know me?”

I rummaged through the memory, and I’m sure, it’s not an acquaintance!

“Hug, I’m sorry, I, I, I didn’t expect to meet you in this situation, but also let you see my ugliness…” Seeing Tuma Souwu recognized it, the man with glasses turned Stammered.

“So, do you really know me? Are you?” Doma Sougo was thinking, did his memory drop?

“Yes! I am Gongsheng Ma. I was fortunate to have participated in your piano presentation…” The man in glasses, no, it should be said that Gongsheng Ma said as a pilgrimage.

“Uh~!” The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched, black history!

“The half of the god you played back then…”

Sou Wu Tama covered his forehead, the half song of the gods, really has the name of the second grade: “Hey, that, there is Ma Gongsheng, right? I stopped playing at the original presentation willfully!”

“I know…” Gongsheng Arima admired even more: “If Senior Tuma was willing to finish playing one of the gods, I am afraid that he would already be an internationally renowned master!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

No, it will become a terrorist! Moreover, you can’t survive either!

“Actually, I used to be a piano player.” Mr. Arima said: “It’s just that in the way of piano performance, I went into the evil way. I played for the award until, after attending the piano presentation of Senior Doma…”

“Stop!” Sougo Tama hurriedly stopped. This kind of memory is too long, and he can guess the general plot. Isn’t it because of him that he embarked on the road of a real performer? What is there to say,

“Even if you have participated in my piano presentation, you can’t change the fact that you secretly photographed other people’s fatness. Seeing that you are my fan, I will intercede for you. By the way, is the salary of the pianist high?” Zongwu said in a low voice: “If it is high, you can choose to buy me with money!”

Mr. Arima: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Did the justice-senior Morama-senior just say something? Did he get it wrong!

The blonde girl on the side was also stupid: “Then, that, are you all piano players?”

Mr. Arima’s eyes dodge slightly: “No, I have given up the piano!”

Doma Sougo “…”

If you give up, don’t look at him like an admirer! Moreover, the development of the story is not because of him embarking on a real pianist way?

“What about this senior who is longing for?” the blonde girl asked again.

“Who is the peak at the end of the piano road? Whenever you see the earth, it becomes empty. When you stand too high, you will feel that something like a piano is meaningless!”

Blonde girl: “…”

Too, too exaggerated, do you know the person next to you, but he started to win awards at the age of five…

“So that’s the case, is this the reason why the predecessors of the earth left the god’s half song at the beginning, and do not want to play it again?” Arima, a fan of the brain, and a public student.

“At the time, I was too young to get in touch with Senior Muman, and since that time, Senior Muman has been in a state of retreat. Many people are curious about this… It’s great to end at the peak! ”

Blonde girl: “…”

Phase, believe it? This guy believed it!

“Enough, when the peak ends, this predecessor does not seem to be very old, and, you still used the term back then, will only be younger then? Where does the child come from the peak?”

“What do you know…” Before Doma Sougo could speak, the brain-repellent fan Yu Ma Gongsheng retorted: “Humans have their limits! Ms. Doma’s opening song “To Alice” has already inspired many music industry seniors. It is highly praised for Beethoven’s rebirth, and the last “Half of God” played by the predecessors of the earth…”

“That song caused a sensation at the time. If there was a full version, Morama could be comparable to celebrities such as Beethoven, and even if there was no full version of “Half of God”, it was rated as the limit of mankind. The work! The proof is that, until now, no one can reproduce the performance of the predecessors of the earth!”

Blonde girl:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

She is so lucky that she meets two big guys casually? But why did the big guys give up music! At first, she decided to play the violin because she heard the performance of Mr. Arima!

After all, is music not fragrant anymore?

“Low-key, low-key, even though you praise me so much, I still have to send you to the police station…” After Sougo Tama was humble, he still adhered to his principles. He was definitely not awakened by dozing off. He deliberately wanted to work against others, yes, he just insisted on his principles!

“That, in fact, you two should know that I am a violin player, and my name is Kaoru Miyazon…” the blonde girl hurriedly said.

“Wait, Miyazono, Kaoru Miyazono? It’s not you who asked me out, right!” Glasses, that’s not right, Mr. Ma said with wide eyes.

“Sorry, I also learned that I asked you out after hearing your name.” Kaoru Miyazono jumped off the entertainment equipment and said.

Gongsheng Arima was expressionless: Sure enough, he didn’t intend to ask him out. He didn’t even know what he looked like.

“Hey…” Sougo Tama sighed, but still didn’t send the people to the police station. It seems that the plan to add a block after being awakened is not going well.

Well, he should be a passerby who collects photos silently!

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