Chapter 236 They Will Listen To You Explain

“Xiaobui!” Sougo Tuma is very serious.

“Euny sauce, let Xiao Mai break the record first…”

The soil is always enlightened: ^_^#

“Don’t you have to go through the records desperately?”

“So, now it’s going to be a record!” Tuanzi raised his head and said, “Ouni sauce, hasn’t Kuole opened yet? Also, the potato chips haven’t been delivered!”

“Xiaobui, do your own business by yourself, refresh the record or whatever, don’t be so busy that you can’t even open Kuole?” Sougo Doma found that he underestimated the hamster: “What if O’Neill is really sick……”

“Got it!” Xiaomai pouted, and picked up Kuole from the table to open it: “Today’s Ernie sauce is really stingy.”

The soil is always enlightened: #^_^.

I took a look at the little bury who opened Kuole to drink, forget it, this guy can actually do what he wants, and in the future, try to correct her back!

After this.

“Oni sauce, help me toss down the empty Kuole bottle, and the potato chip bag, the squid shredded packaging…”

“I see.” Sougo Tuma, throwing it into the trash.

What seems to be wrong?

“Eunichan, after throwing the trash, go online with Xiao Bui and slaughter those weak guys!”

What’s wrong? Well, I can’t think of it, forget it, it’s still important to play games…

The level of dumpling waste +1


Tuanzi’s education has a long way to go. Sometimes, Tujian always thinks on his own as to how to get rid of Xiaobu’s growing waste.

Every time like this, Tujian always finds a big tree and jumps on it, lying on the trunk, so that he can get close to nature, and he can not be disturbed when he closes his eyes and rests his mind.

After a few more lectures, he would still pass the Kole potato chips unconsciously, and even help him to open it for the fifth time, Sougo Tama felt that he wanted to think about life!

So, on a sunny afternoon, Tuma Sogo jumped onto the tree.

After calmly thinking for a while, Sougo Doma fell asleep.


“♪♬♩♪♬♩♪♬♩!” A burst of joyous music rang out, awakening Sou Wu Tama from his sleep: “So noisy!”

Open your eyes.

In a quiet park, a girl with her hair dyed blond and about fourteen or five years old is standing barefoot on a tall amusement facility. She is playing the violin physically and mentally. The music is very joyful, but it is a bit disturbing and quiet. At the very least, Tuma Sougo was disturbed, his rare dream!

think? What kind of thinking, where there is so much thinking in life, laziness is lazy, he can afford it!

Doma Sougo is a person who doesn’t get up. At the very least, he won’t be angry with others for no reason. Therefore, he just cursed viciously in his heart: “Standing so high, it’s funny to fall down. Fall down, fall down. Bar……”


“Pump!” The blonde girl fell and fell.

Tama Sougo: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Has he awakened any strange skills? Does the book of curse work?

Toma Ohira go to death!

Let’s go to Shiro Tobe to die!

While thinking this way, Sougo Doma didn’t forget to take a photo.



The two camera shots sounded almost at the same time, and Tujian was taken aback. He didn’t expect that there was a fellow in the same way. It happened to hide his whereabouts as a cover.

“Pervert, pervert!” The blonde girl who was fattening because of the fall was also taken aback. She quickly tightened her skirt to avoid losing herself again.

“I saw it, the pervert is the guy with glasses underneath! He’s still taking pictures, and the glasses guy is still taking pictures!” Sougo Morama on the tree testified immediately, taking pictures like this, he alone is enough. The fellow fellows should die!


The blonde girl looked down. A certain handsome boy with glasses was holding a mobile phone and opened his mouth.

“No, no, I’m not…” The glasses boy still wanted to quibble.

Tuma Sougou has jumped to his side and said: “Little brother, I know you are also at the age of boiling blood, but how can you do such things as sneak shots…” He is different, he is upright. The shoot!

“I, I don’t, this is a misunderstanding…” The man with glasses is still quibbling.

Sougo Tama easily grabbed his mobile phone and looked at the photo above with a heartache: “The facts are already in front of you, now young people are getting more and more perverted…” The picture below is actually so clearer than the picture above. many? Do you want to forward one to your phone?

“In order to prevent you from deleting the evidence, I decided to forward the picture and save it!” Tuma, righteously speaking, Sougo!

Blonde girl: “…”

She was a little confused, and, why should the photos of her showing fat food be circulated? What the hell is saving evidence? Wait… She didn’t come to do this today!

She actually wanted to make friends with the glasses boy! Why is there something wrong with the direction of the development of things? This is to say that it is to keep the evidence of the crime, but save the photo of himself showing his fat, and where did the guy who still speaks righteously come out of it!

“That, I’m sorry, actually…” I can’t continue like this, otherwise, let alone become friends with that person. It’s thank goodness for him not to be caught by the police, so the blonde girl has to explain to her first.

Toma Sougou actually saw that something was wrong a long time ago. After all, the girl’s initial reaction was too fierce, and she fiercely described the glasses boy as a pervert and a pervert with her words, but the next action was just to cover herself. Who do you show to her skirt? At least, you yelled for one.

Seeing that this guy disturbed his sleep, Doma Sougo decided that if you can’t do it, then I will help you!

“Little sister, needless to say, trust the government, the government will definitely help you, don’t be afraid!”

The man with eyes was a little bit eager to cry without tears. Today, his childhood sweetheart told him that a girl asked him to meet here. He wanted to refuse, but he couldn’t bear the urging of his childhood sweetheart. Still rushed over, but when he took out his phone to contact the other party, the phone was already in the shooting state, and he also captured the fat food of the strange girl…


“I’m sorry, I, I actually made an appointment with someone to meet here, and I turned on the shooting mode to shoot the scenery along the way.” To be honest, the glasses man made a decision.

“That…” The blonde girl was trying to recognize each other.

Tuma Sogou interrupted: “Does this have anything to do with your sneaky pictures of girls eating fat? The scenery along the way refers to the scenery under the skirt?”

“Oops, I met a passerby with a strong sense of justice…” The glasses man broke out in a cold sweat.

“Hehe, why did it become like this?” The blonde girl collapsed somewhat: “This, this person’s sense of justice is too strong!”

“After all, it is the age of a child boiled with animal blood, but I think the police officers will probably be happy to listen to your explanation!” Sougo Tama looked at the man in glasses with a bright smile.

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