Chapter 213 Some people are always fresh in people’s memory

What is a friend? For adolescent guys, it can often lead to a fuss-free long talk, ahem, friends, creatures, some people have never understood for a lifetime, so don’t expect the adolescent children to understand.

Because of this, Toma Sougo said with a surprised look: “Can’t your friendship even do this?”


“The so-called friends, are those who can still call each other’s nicknames until everyone is old!” Tujian, Friendship Master, Sougo!

“You can call the other person’s nickname until you are old?” The three guys who came forward looked at me and I looked at you. They seemed to be a little longing for Tuma Sougou’s description.

“Yes, think about it, when the years pass, everyone is in love, and when others call themselves old people, old gentlemen, only friends can call their nicknames at once. Compared to Nakamura, Fujiki Don’t you think the big head is more kind to the ruffian?”

“Well, none of us call Nakamura and Fujiki anymore.” Someone said.

“I’m talking about this? Huh? I’m talking about the effect of nicknames on emotional growth! Why do you stick to shit Nakamura and Fujiki? Wait, don’t you even have a nickname that you can call it? That’s why I deliberately avoided it?” Sougo Morama said with an incredible expression.

Three boys: “…”

Why is this guy so surprised? Wait, it’s not that people outside call each other by nicknames, right? Are they out of date? Moreover, you can call out your nickname when you are old, which sounds really good!

“So, do you want to take a nickname? I’m very good at it…” Sougo Morama, the enchantment skill was activated, which was regarded as a meeting ceremony for the first time.

The three boys who were blessed by the bewitched BUFF: “Eh, okay, okay!?”

“Of course it’s okay.” Tama Sougo smiled happily.

Girls who are mainly blonde queens:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Why are those guys talking? Are they the same group? Do you want to leave them and leave first, and do you want to report to the teacher? What reason should be used?

This entanglement did not last long, and someone came to the rescue.

“Yomiko, are you here? What happened to Hube, Yamato, and Dagang?” Another handsome blond man who looked full of sunshine suddenly appeared. First, he said hello to the blond queen, and then he again He glanced at the trio in front of him and asked.

“Guren, let me tell you, they…” Yomiko whispered.

Here, Sougo Tama also found the person coming, and seemed to be an acquaintance. Now that he met an acquaintance, he put aside the missionary trio in advance and greeted him first.

“Oh, isn’t this my best elementary school classmate, Yeshan Little Sun?”

Probably because Tujian Zongwu was too enthusiastic, Jin-Ye Shanzhan’s eyes condensed, and he said word by word: “Tuji! Jian! Zongwu! Enlightenment!”

“Eh, 凖人, do you know this guy?” The blonde Yumiko asked, and the other girls also pricked their ears-after all, Sougo Doma is still handsome!

“Yomiko, and everyone, please leave here as soon as possible, the farther away the better, and it is best not to have anything to do with that guy!” Ye Shanchun seemed to have thought of something, he was anxious and started to drive people.

“Wuren, what’s the matter?” Blonde Yokoyama continued to ask.

But Ye Shanzhan did not answer, but shouted at the trio more anxiously: “Hube, Yamato, Dagang, listen to me, leave there, leave there quickly, leave that guy’s side!”

“Ye Shan, what’s the matter?” The trio looked inexplicable.

To the reaction of the people of Hayama, Doma Sougou: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

“Hey, Ye Shan, we are elementary school classmates anyway. If you don’t say hello when you see an old classmate, why do I always think you are slandering my reputation, and I have evidence!”

“The earth is always enlightened, what do you think you have a reputation?” Ye Shanxi gritted his teeth.

Other students have:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

What the hell, that gentle Ye Shanyan would show this expression?

“It’s too much. It’s like helping others, doing what is right, picking up gold, and giving up oneself…” Toma Zou Gou was a little dissatisfied. He counted all kinds of good people and deeds one by one, and even dared to doubt his character. He had to talk about his character. .

Seeing the sincere face of Sou Maura, others are also a little skeptical. The guy who can do so many good people and good deeds does not rule out boasting, but he must have done some things. Otherwise, who would be so cheeky and do good deeds. You guys shouldn’t be a bad guy, right? Did the Ye Shanxi people misunderstand something?

Ye Shan’s expression turned slightly, and he hadn’t heard the news of Sougen Tama for a long time. Has this guy really changed?

Tuma Sougou didn’t care about other people’s reactions. He spit out a bunch of boastful words before continuing: “…I have never done such things as respecting the old and loving the young, but I still have it in my heart. I thought about it, so my heart is actually a good person!”

Everyone who has just come into contact with Sougo Doma: “…”

Haven’t done it before. You said a woolen thread, and it’s too honest!

Ye Shan’s mouth twitched: “…”

He really shouldn’t have illusions about the devil, and compared with elementary school, this guy seems to have added the attribute of being unreliable.

“Okay, Ye Shan, that’s the end of the joke, meet old classmates, don’t you want to tell me about the past?”

People from Yeshan: “…”

His irritable heart: “Who wants to joke with you, who wants to tell you the past…”

Just based on practical considerations, Ye Shanyan still said to the trio who just came back and the fair-haired Yumiko and others: “Yomiko, and everyone, you leave here first. Remember, no matter what happens, don’t pay attention to that guy. , Don’t listen to any of his words, and don’t try to connect with him…”

Blond Yuko and others: “…”

Is he serious? Who the hell is that guy! ?

“Yeshan Little Sun, you are really saying bad things about me, why would you think of asking others not to contact me? Are you depriving them of the right to make friends? Wow, it’s really selfish!” Knowing when he has already stepped forward and said: “Or, is this to practice cold violence against me, to isolate and bully?”

Ye Shan’s face is a bit ugly, what he did just now, he will indeed lose his tongue, but there is a reason for him!

Before Ye Shanzhan could speak, the blonde Yumiko on the side drank coldly:

“Enough! He is not the kind of person you said, bullying or something, he will not do this kind of thing, it must be, it must be…”

“Look, what I found, a little fan of Yeshan Little Sun, how do you call it?” Doma Sougou smiled and seemed to have fun again!

“By the way, as an old classmate, I have XX photos, OO photos, and crying photos of Ye Shan’s elementary school in my hand!”

People from Hayama:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

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