Chapter 212 Stepping into someone else’s school is like kicking in a gym

Destiny is sometimes a joke. Sougo Tama never expected that he would stay in the hands of the same editor as Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. In this regard, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who received the news was also bewildered.

Isn’t Machida Yuanzi in charge of the light novel? What the hell is comics? It doesn’t match at all! What else did Yuanzi say: “Strength, this is the strength of being a well-known editor.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn’t want to care about this proud old woman very much.

However, on weekdays, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is very helpful to ask about the progress of the manuscript. Of course, this will often be exchanged for the call of Tuma Sougo. After Xiazhiqiu buys drinks and helps with homework, he is still responsible. He smashed his back and squeezed his shoulders, and when he was accidentally spotted by a boy in the class, Sougo Doma was once again worshipped as a deity!

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said that if it weren’t for the sake of small buried and bento, she would definitely let Tuma know why the flowers are so red!

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was also a little curious about the cartoons of Sougo Tuma, but it seemed that Sougo Tuma didn’t take it very seriously. He wanted to ask Xiaobui, but he was warned by Sougou who was full of nuclear goodness… …How can such a surprise be uncovered without authorization?


“Surprise~!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled. In some respects, Tuma Zou Wu was really unexpected “Asashi.” too! She is not a talkative person, and she helped Tuma Sougo conceal it, but her own novel has been discussed with Xiao Mu for a long time.

Doma Sougou has seen that the style of painting is completely crooked, and the male protagonist has become a god hidden without knowing it, and probably only exists in the dialogue between the two female protagonists.

“The guy Naoto knows another girl, the Asashi as always.”

“Didn’t you refuse?”

“That guy hasn’t always been like this, never refused, never explained, heh, man…”

With a crooked drawing style, the corners of his eyes were twitching, but because of the participation of Xiaobui, he could only say without conscience. In fact, it was not bad. After telling the lie for a long time, he turned out to be true. Feel good!

Because of this, Kasumigaoka Shiba’s inspiration has been very high recently, and the manuscript has been written very quickly. Thanks to this, she also has time to help the old woman Machida Yuanzi to remind the manuscript (retaliation?), but this is in the soil. Jian Zongwu seemed to be a manifestation of the little maid’s wanting to turn over, so he was more diligent in calling, and he was caught in a certain cycle.

As for the reminder, Sougo Doma actually has something to say. For such things as comics, he only needs the person in charge to set up and follow the script. Other aspects of artificial mental retardation are stupid and strong. Although the finished product has been rejected by Sougo Doma many times. Now, but silly Qiang has made progress too! You can’t obliterate its efforts just because you deny it too stupid!

Therefore, no matter how you urge, Tujian always needs to teach the stupid emphasis first, and let it become a mature artificial mental retardation. As a mature artificial mental retardation, working hard to change for yourself is the foundation. .

Of course, there is a big premise here. As a stupid landlord, developer, and collaborator, he receives most of the rewards and spends a lot of money…cough cough, reasonable use, this is normal, isn’t it? As for the rest, it’s not impossible to have a supercomputer if you change your residence.

It’s just that the remaining funds are too small after all, so Tujian can only save the artificial mental retardation first, and he is really heartbroken! Don’t say he’s irresponsible, after all—

Tuma’s time is very precious. A manga artist, such as a deputy, is enough to deal with it stupidly. He has to plan a blueprint for commercial development under the premise of Xuexiayangna’s funding.

If you want to increase investment, you have to let the funder know where the money is spent, right?

Moreover, he had to be prepared with both hands to avoid Xuexiayangnai turning his face and denying people, after all, cooperation or something came out of foolishness.

Therefore, he has arrived in Chiba today. It is not easy to get Xuexia Yangna to honestly acknowledge the account. As long as he grasps her handle, Xuexia Xuena, he doesn’t believe what the other party can make trouble with.

It is easy to find out about Xuexia Xuena, just look it up, and you know that the guy is still following in the footsteps of his sister and enrolling in Chiba Chief Wu Gao.

“Master Wu is high~!” Looking at the wide school gate in front of him, Tuma Zongwu said with emotion. If he didn’t leave the house with Xiaoying, maybe he would just move here after he quit school from Yuanyue? After all, Chiba is the base camp of the Tujian family. Although the business has now expanded to the entire world, Guilong Tujian is nostalgic for his hometown.

Obviously, he always ran to Tokyo, thinking about presiding over the overall situation, so that the Tujian Guilong who did not let the Tujian family fall has also changed.

“By the way, which class is Yukino attending? I always feel like entering other people’s schools like this.” He jumped over the wall and entered Sou Wu Gao, Doma Sougo wandered, thinking about it in a frenzy. .

Doma Sougo is a lucky person. He just wandered for a short time before he found a group of students alone.

Among the students, the most eye-catching is probably a golden hair, forehead, and blond hair, which was complimented by other students in the form of stars, like a female student like a queen.

However, what does this have to do with Doma Sougo, he just wanted to ask for directions.

“Oh, that golden retriever over there, that’s right, it’s you, there are other people, how are you!” Sougo Tukan was very polite.

Blond Queen: #^_^

“Who do you say is the golden retriever, and who is this fellow?”

Others also glared at each other.

“Yeah.” Doma touched his chin. It seemed that he was in trouble again. Sure enough, it is better not to give strangers a nickname. Although she is very likely to have been called the Golden Retriever. Don’t talk about it in front of you. Tuma always thinks it right, and decides to take a warning:

“Ah~! That blond hair over there…”

Blonde Queen: #^_^##

She seems to have a big fire!

The lone students who followed her glared again. Fortunately, this is not a world where eyes can kill.

“Eh? Blond hair is not good too? You are really picky, then, how do you call it?” Of course, Sougo Tama doesn’t care about those sights, so he tentatively asked.

The students who are alone feel that this corner is a bit urgent, and they are a little stupid. Is this a new way to strike up a conversation? Just started asking people’s names?

Wait, they won’t be fooled.

“Why do I have to tell a stranger my name?” the blonde queen said coldly.

“Woo~!” Sougo Tama shook his finger and replied: “Actually, I didn’t want to know what your name is, just ask you something so that I can call you. Otherwise, I’ll just call you Golden Retriever.”

Blond Queen: ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ

Is this guy too familiar? She moved her eyes, and some of the male students among the single students stepped forward knowingly: “Hey, you guy…”

“Actually, you guys think it’s nice to call Jin Mao, right?” Sougo Tama asked, facing the three people who came by.

“…” The three guys secretly looked behind, and they were indeed golden retrievers.

“Sure enough, you guys agree, and calling each other by characteristics is not what a friend does? Come on, let’s call her together, Golden Retriever!”

Looking at three of her own teammates in the distance, the blonde queen: “…”

You guys are giving me a rebuttal! ! !

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