Chapter 190 Humans will eventually grow

“My God, Chairman Tianyu, what do you mean by your so-called major decision?” You know, Sougo Tama never said such a major decision when he acquired Undead Chuan Bunku.

In the mind of the editor-in-chief of Yamagami, once Tama Sougou’s existence of this level makes a major decision, it will affect the life and death of most people in the industry.

Behind this guy, there is a huge dirt family!

At this time, the editor-in-chief of Shanshang still didn’t know the fact that Tujian was out of his house, and he was so desperate. He just wanted to listen to it right away, how the cutting-edge chaebol Tujian was going to take over this part of the industry.

“Yes, I have already decided that I want to make my debut as a cartoonist!” Sougo Tama nodded in time.

Editor-in-Chief Yamakami: “Man. A cartoonist debut?”

Did he get it wrong? What kind of big decision is this, the plan for the industry? What about development expectations?

“That’s right.” Sougo Tama nodded again: “Because I have been short of money recently, I thought about it for a long time and decided to take a manga artist as a career. Isn’t this a big decision?”

Editor-in-chief of the mountain: “…”

Had it not been for the knowledge that you had acquired Undead River, he would have almost believed it! The Tujian family will be short of money, stop joking, wait! It doesn’t seem to be a lesson from the past, this guy won’t be bored again, right? However, is it necessary to explain this kind of matter with a major decision? Makes his heart surging!

“It’s just…” Doma Sougo said, touching his chin.

The editor-in-chief of Shan Shang immediately came to the spirit, and sure enough, there is a follow-up: “It’s nothing more, Chairman Tianyu, just say…”

“Signing a contract is too much trouble, too troublesome to contact the publishing house, too troublesome with comic editors, and troublesome bargaining, and it is troublesome if no one buys Koraku…” Sougo Doma counted them one by one.

Editor-in-chief of the mountain: “…”

The chairman of Tianyu seems to be even more salty~! However, no one buys you Kuole is the point, right?

“So, Chairman Tianyu, do you mean it?”

The soil always realizes that iron can’t become a steel track: “I’ve all prompted so obvious, you haven’t GET to the point of what I said?”

The editor-in-chief of Shan Shang had a vague guess, but he still clutched his chest and said: “Hug, sorry, I don’t understand it very well.”

“Forget it, let me get it straight, Yamakami-san, come to be my editor and take full responsibility for my comics!” Sougo Tama said in a tone of losing to you.

Editor-in-chief Shanshang: “Chairman Tianyu, that, I am now the editor-in-chief of Fusingchuan.”

“Is there a conflict between the two?” Sougo Tama blinked, “You are strong, and it’s good to hold multiple positions.”

Editor-in-chief of the mountain: “…”

Chairman Tianyu, who is the person who just told me to exercise restraint in my work?

Tuma Zougou continued: “Or, you can’t?”

Editor-in-chief of the mountain: “…”

How can a man say no, but…

“And your disease…” Sougo Tuma touched his chin and said, “After you help me handle it successfully, I will give you a prescription.”


mean! He, Shan Shang, as the editor-in-chief of Undead River, how could he change his principles because of this little thing?

ten minutes later.

“Sang Shang, I didn’t even bring the original manuscript. Are you sure you just need to sign and seal it?” The library hasn’t collapsed yet? It is a miracle that adds to life.

“Chairman Tianyu, I suspect that no one will doubt you. Besides, what manuscripts are needed, and the manuscripts will be delivered on the delivery date?” Anyway, it is your Tujian family’s industry that is still important to your health, and your hair is sparse. Yeah, it’s not easy to have a blind date.

“Furthermore, “The Daily Life of Male High School Students”, the name is based on the personal experience of the chairman of Tianyu. It is exciting to think about the personal experience of the chairman of Tianyu.”

After all, it’s the first manga debut. If you choose “The Spirit of the Halberd Eater”, Yuanyue’s people will be crazy…Secondly, his age will be concealed by this manga, and there will be no genius manga artist. Such a title, thus attracting attention, is in line with his principle of low-key life and high-profile work.

However, when he thought that some of the show operations in the comics were put on his head, Sougo Tama still had an urge to regret.

For example, the protagonist’s trio made an appointment to wear women’s clothing together. After the three of them experienced countless inner struggles in their respective rooms, finally, for friendship, for friends, the most and least-featured male protagonist in history became women’s clothing. When he came out, The other two male protagonists broke out with animalism and made suggestions that they can be sold. It is really sad to laugh, cough, cry…

Ahem, although the ending of the story is HAPPYEND.

A powerful touch of multi-use super powerful strange power, gave the male lead trio a fatal blow, and ended the sad scene. Although it is gratifying, but-

How could this kind of thing happen to him Sougomu Tujian!

However, the editor-in-chief of the mountain did not give Sougo Doma a chance to explain. After Sougo Doma took the contract, he took out his treasured black tea from the cupboard, poured a cup for both of them, and opened it. I bought the cake box that Sougo Doma brought.

This puts Tama Sougou in a dilemma, is it to collect interesting expressions first? Still have to explain clearly first?

Explain clearly, or watch the excitement?

On behalf of the two villains, the two sides are in a stalemate…



“Chairman Tianyu, the black tea sent by Yingjili, I don’t want to drink too much. Today, in order to taste the cake specially brought by Chairman Tianyu…”

Tōma always realized that he couldn’t hear the rest of the story clearly. He only saw the two villains stand in a stalemate until–

“Teacher Pedestrian~!” A strange scream roared from the face full of tears, and the editor-in-chief of the mountain looked up at Sougo Doma: “Teacher Pedestrian, you, you are still here…”

“Ah~!” Sougo Tama looked at him and said, “Sangshang, I have collected one more interesting expression from you. In other words, this is the correct posture to announce that I am back!”

Editor-in-chief of the mountain: “…”

No, this kind of thing is completely unnecessary.

However, it is really a pitfall as always, Pedestrian teacher! Putting aside the cake that I haven’t eaten at all, the editor-in-chief of the mountain smiled in his heart, teacher pedestrian, I have also grown up!

Looking at the editor-in-chief of the mountain who wiped away his tears in an instant, Tama Sougou said, “Huh?”

“So, the pedestrian teacher really added some ingredients in it, right? I just pretended to be casual, and the pedestrian teacher couldn’t help but jump out and failed.” The editor-in-chief of the mountain was full of joy.

“Haha…” Mujian, who sells cute models, blinked: “Sangshang Shan, what are you talking about, I don’t understand.”

The editor-in-chief of the mountain put his arms around his chest and glanced at Zou Gou with a look you think I would believe you.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This guy on the mountain has become smarter! Hey, the battle failed.

“The pedestrian teacher looks disappointed?”

Doma Sougou’s eyebrows moved. Why didn’t you realize that it was so awkward?

“Actually, there is no need to be so disappointed…”

Tuma Sougo: “?”

“Today, it’s time to beheaded for dinner,” the editor-in-chief reminded Shanshang.

Tujian always understood in seconds: “Mountain, you don’t want to…In other words, it’s the last meal of others. Isn’t it okay to get this?” This guy on the mountain really turned bad. It’s hard for a good person to live in this world!

The editor-in-chief of the mountain-he finally lived into his most hated (xi) evil (huan) appearance. In this way, the pedestrian teacher will not always look at him, right?

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