Chapter 189: Reunion after a Long Farewell

Reunion after a long absence is always easy to recall the past.

The editor-in-chief of the mountain is also the same with Sougo Doma. Although he has a headache for Sougo Doma’s unreliable character, when I think about it, it is just a ridiculous farce.

In short, after a few years, I saw Tuma Zougou again. The twelve and three-year-old child had transformed into a handsome young man. Although his cheeks were still slightly green, it was more impressive. Feel a youthful vigor.

Looking at the visiting ceremony in his hand, maybe it is the reason for the aging, the unreliable pedestrian teacher also began to pay attention to etiquette! The editor-in-chief of the mountain sighed.

“Mountain mulberry, you are old too!” Seeing the editor-in-chief on the mountain who was slightly bald in front of him, Tujian Zou Wu was slightly sad.

“No, I’m just…” Noting Tuma Sougou’s sight, the editor-in-chief of the mountain unnaturally covered his ever-increasing hairline: “This is actually due to family reasons, our mountain family for generations… ”

“Kidney deficiency!” Before the editor-in-chief of the mountain had finished speaking, Zongwu Tujian pointed to the towering hairline of the mountain and the top of his head, which was already sparse.

Editor-in-chief of the mountain: “…”

Kidney deficiency? How could he have kidney deficiency? The pedestrian teacher is really a bad guy!

“Did you have weakness in your limbs when you wake up recently, sitting for a long time, you don’t need to sit for a long time, you will feel back pain after half an hour of sitting, dreamy and night sweats at night?”

“Chairman Tianyu, you, how would you know?” The editor-in-chief of the mountain who had just complained about the situation in his heart was still extremely bad and his eyes widened.

“Of course you can see it.” Doma Sougo said while putting the cake on his desk, “By the way, Sankami-san, what did you just say about your mountain family for generations?”

Editor-in-chief of the mountain: “…”

Our mountain family has been proud of its high hairline for generations. Can this sentence be said now?

“Ahem, Chairman Tianyu, I didn’t expect you to be good at medicine?” The subject changed.

Sougo Tama beckoned and motioned to the editor-in-chief Shankami to get up from his seat: “Sankami-san, do you know who I am?”

The editor-in-chief of Shan Shang gave up his seat while saying, “You mean?”

“I, Doma Sougou, the second young master of the Tuma clan, a dignified big capitalist, and a life-saver, do you think I will not use the life-saving skill of medicine?” Pointing to himself.

Editor-in-chief of the mountain: “…”

If you can speak of greed of life and fear of death so fresh and refined, should you say that you should be a pedestrian teacher? However, don’t talk about knowledge of medicine like game skills, just click on it!

“Mountain Sang, have you often felt incompetent lately?” The earth, helping the world and saving people, is always enlightened.

Editor-in-chief of the mountain: “Σ(°△°|||)︴”

“God, Chairman Tianyu, don’t, don’t be so loud, I’m not married yet!!”

Sougo Tama looked around, “Why, isn’t the soundproofing in the editor-in-chief’s room good?”

“No, it’s not a problem of soundproofing, then, that, yes, in terms of how to say it, this is also considered privacy.” When it comes to this kind of thing, the editor-in-chief of Yamagami is also a little bit twisted at this time.

“Huh?” Tuma always realized that he was puzzled: “Is it privacy when I am not able to do my work?”

Editor-in-chief Shanshang: “Work, work?”

“That’s right, the plan a few years ago has been used until now, it should be too weak for you?”

“Ha, ha ha…” After a awkward smile, the editor-in-chief of Shan Shang said, “It’s work. Please don’t worry, Chairman Tianyu. Although work is not easy, it is still within my ability.”

Tuma always twisted his head: “Yes, what about you physically, especially on X@#$ (silence)…”

“Chairman Tianyu, this is what you clearly wanted to ask just now, right?” The editor-in-chief of Shanshang roared in his heart. In fact, he put his head on one side: “Okay, teacher pedestrian, don’t talk about it.”

“Hey!” Sougo Morama sighed, “It seems that it’s not very good, young man, you must know how to control…”

“Why, how come, I, I haven’t really handed it over for the first time!” The editor-in-chief of Shanshang was stunned.

“I mean you must know how to be temperate at work…” Sougo Tama stretched out, “However, I seem to have heard the secrets of the mountain.”

Editor-in-chief of the mountain: “!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ”

It is completely exposed, the pedestrian teacher is really too much…

“Want to be cured?”

The editor-in-chief of Shan Shang retracted the foreword and leaked a flattering smile: “Chairman Tianyu, do you mean that this disease can be cured?”

“Sang Shangsang should go outside to check it out. If you guessed it correctly, the diagnosis, the body is sub-healthy, pay attention to exercise or something.”

The editor-in-chief of the mountain is even more flattering: “No, that’s right, how did you see Chairman Yu that day?”

“Working transition, staying up too much, and not even having a girlfriend, resulting in impetuous heart, hot internal fire, I will prescribe you a Chinese medicine, a bowl of medicine and three bowls of water, the effect will be more effective!”

The so-called middle-aged people have to add goji berries to the thermos. For the sake of sub-health, the editor-in-chief of the mountain did not go to the hospital less. Hearing the simple words of Tujian Zongwu, he was a little bit disbelieved.

“Is this so easy?”

“Of course…” Sougo Tama paused and said: “There will be side effects too?”

“What side effects?”

“You will become very strong!” Sougo Tama, his face full of stern.

“Become very strong?” The editor-in-chief of Shan Shang was stunned. What kind of side effect is this?

“I mean, you will look strong…” Sougo Tama emphasized.

“Will it increase muscle?” The editor-in-chief of the mountain was eager to try.

Mottoma Sougou said meaningfully: “Who said that muscles are the proof of strength?”

“That…” The editor-in-chief of Shan Shang still wanted to ask again.

“Do you want to treat it?”

“Will you look hideous?” The editor-in-chief of Shan Shang continued to ask, Tujian always realized the unreliable character, he was afraid, what does it mean to look strong?

“No, I guarantee that your appearance will not change, but it will look very strong, do you want to treat it?” Sougo Doma glanced at the sparse scalp again, he always wanted to clean it with obsessive-compulsive disorder ,What should I do!

“If you can! Please, thank you very much!” The editor-in-chief of the mountain bowed, and when he looked over his head, he felt more sparse.

Tuma Sougo nodded, but didn’t say anything about curing the disease. Instead, he stood up and said, “Sangsang, let’s talk about the purpose of my coming to you today.”

The editor-in-chief of the mountain whose appetite was distressed: “…”

Pedestrian teacher, you are going to give the prescription first!

“By the way, I haven’t asked why the chairman of Tianyu came here.”

“I, I made a major decision!” Sougo Doma stood up and looked far away, as the so-called thoughtful and far-sighted, this couldn’t help but give rise to an unstoppable excitement in the mountain’s heart, could it be said…

By the way, the chairman of Tianyu is twelve, and he acquired the existence of Undead River at the age of three. He has only kept a low profile (disappeared) for a few years. How could he forget his feats back then.

Now that he is back, his every move is bound to cause an earthquake in the industry. What’s more, is it a major decision? It seems that the industry is about to change!

Let him be a witness on the mountain to witness the blooming and withering of the flowers in this industry!

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