Chapter 184 Is someone really rushing to admit that they are mentally ill?

The human worldview is simple to establish, but difficult to destroy.

Because mankind will use all kinds of common sense to prevent the collapse of the worldview. For example:

Before the collapse of the worldview, Xuexia Yangna even ignored the gap between the Xuexiajia family and the Tujian family, and how she was still thinking about breaking the game, she directly pretended to be stupid or would be sealed. The question came up.

“Where are those arms?”

“What kind of munitions?” Tuma, with an innocent look, Sougou: “Wait, is it really okay to slander your future partner like this?”

Before the collapse of the worldview, Xuexiayangna was fearless: “Just now, AK, bullet, where did you hide these things?”

“What is Miss Yoono talking about? Does it look like I have these things on my body?” Sougo Tama patted the clothes that fitted him.

Concealment (Needle) LV4 As long as the clothes are big enough, the mountains can be hidden.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

It is precisely because of the dissimilarity that her worldview collapses. This is unscientific!

“Miss Yangnai, with all due respect, have you been under too much pressure recently, so what hallucinations have you had?” Sougo Tsuchima turned his eyes.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Did she guess right at the beginning, she really had a mental problem? She said, how the Tujian family is gaining power, it is impossible to let her children carry guns with them!

In this way, she had been fighting the air in an illusion just now?

Well, this kind of explanation is more convincing than Sougo Doma’s hiding a bunch of things on his body, because there are so many things that can’t be hidden at all!

“Huh~!” I don’t know why, Xuexia Yangna suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. If it was her hallucination, then she wouldn’t have to worry about the Tujian family asking her to seal it. It also meant that as long as the guy in the apartment was driven away, she It is completely liberated!

Just thinking about this, Tuma Zougou suddenly said:

“Miss Yang Nai, about the follow-up question of cooperation…”

Yukoshita Yono: “Wait, Master Tujian, when did we say we want to cooperate?”

“Just now!” Tuma Sougou’s face was straightforward and confident: “Miss Yang Nai, we didn’t talk very happily just now, and we initially reached a consensus that cooperation is based on me. Why did you turn around? Just say When did we say we want to cooperate? Did the Xuexiajia people just turn back in this way?”

Xuexiayangna: “???”

Have a good conversation? Initially reached a consensus on cooperation based on you? She would only agree if she was crazy.

“Miss Yangnai, don’t you really have any problems, do you?” Sougo Tama looked tentatively.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Wait, she seems to have a real problem. Ever since that damn illusion appeared, why has she always felt that something is wrong? First of all, how can the exercise methods in comic books be effective in reality! What does she think?

Secondly, how can anyone walk around the street with RPG and grenade on their back? These obviously unrealistic behaviors, she would be convinced because of hallucinations.

Finally, when did she talk to the bastard Sougo Doma so happily? Is that the enemy who has beaten her father, and talked very happily? Do not make jokes! However, Tama Sougou’s swearing appearance doesn’t look like a fake, so the problem still lies with her?

Very well, Xuexiayangna concluded that she is indeed mentally ill! Wait, why does she use the word “good”?

very good? What a fart! She has already hallucinated, and this is more than that, there may be a split personality, and no matter how bad it is, it is also amnesia…

Xuexiayangna’s face turned pale, this condition came too soon, right? It was already so serious when she found out, can she still be saved? What about Yukino? Can she solve the company’s problems? Suddenly, Xuexiayangna seemed to see Xuexiaxunai working hard at the company, but not thanking him.

No, she has to help Xue Nao!

“Miss Yang Nai, Miss Yang Nai, please sign and stamp here.” At this moment, a pink-collared family came up with a document and handed it to her.

Is she still in the company? Can she help Xue Na? Signed and stamped without hesitation, Xuexiayang looks like a strong woman, but…

“Then, Ms. Yono, regarding our cooperation, I will send a proposal soon.” Tama Sougou’s pleasant voice rang in her ears.

Xue Xia Yang Nai once again bewildered: “??”

“Ms. Yangnai won’t want to admit it again? Fortunately, this time I kept an eye on it and asked Ms. Yangnai to sign and stamp first.” Sougo Tama held a letter of agreement to cooperate and handed it to Xuezhi Xiayang is.

Silent Hypnosis LV2 (11000) When human emotions fluctuate too much and are stimulated, you can affect each other silently.

Yuuki Xia Yangna, who accepted the letter of commitment, was silent again: “…”

It seems that she did have a problem, otherwise, how could she sign and seal this kind of thing, wait, she is now in a mental disorder, and the signature should not have legal effect!

The Tujian family never expected that she would be insane, right? Want to make Xuexiajia a target of public criticism, there is no way!

Wait, Xuexia Yangna found a blind spot in the agreement to cooperate with the promise. It was Xuexia Yangna who agreed to cooperate on it, not the Xuexia family behind her. Similarly, the partner of the soil between the two parties is only The soil is always enlightened, not the soil family.

She seemed to understand a little bit about her split personality, why she agreed to sign this letter of commitment.

If this is done well, she might be able to get rid of the family. She is now insane and has no capacity for civil conduct. This can be taken out of her directly. However, Doma who talks with her about cooperation does not know that she is mentally ill. Yeah, she can totally agree to get the trust of the Tujian family first…

At that time, if she can stay awake, she can inquire about the movements of the unearthed house, and if she is completely crazy, dad can also respond according to the clues she left.

“It is Yang Nai’s honor to be able to cooperate with Master Zongwu.” Yang Nai had already regarded herself as a sick Xuexia Yangna.

Tuma always realized that he was a little surprised. He hadn’t been confused and hypnotized, so this woman accepted it? I’m afraid that she had already been persuaded by the marriage remarks in her heart, and this dead girl was accused!

“Then, I wish us a happy cooperation in advance!” Sougo Tama reached out his hand.

“Happy cooperation, I won’t leave more Master Wu here.” After Xuexia Yangnai reached out and shook his hand, he issued an order to dismiss the guest quite directly.

In this regard, Tujian always realized that he had begun to tear down the bridge before crossing the river, and the things that flickered were really unreliable.

Wait until the soil is always enlightened.

Xuexia Yangnai collapsed to the ground, she, she was fine, why suddenly she had mental problems? This problem seems to be quite big, and even the personality has begun to split. What kind of personality is that split personality? She didn’t know at all.

Now how to do? Should I go to the doctor first? Or should you confess the fact that you are insane like your parents? Will Yukino be afraid when she learns that she is mentally disordered?

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