Chapter 183

The method of breaking the game, breaking the game…

Because of the intense brain activity, Xuexiayangnai began to sweat. First of all, her only current advantage is that the gun is in hand, the force has the advantage, how strong the Tujian family is, now in this room, only she and her Tōma Sougo two, then Tōma Sougo is a hostage…

Xuexiayangna glanced at the soil squatting on the ground, and suddenly there was a flash in front of him.


Tuma Zougou, who was originally squatting on the ground, has disappeared from Yukoshita’s sight.

Yukoshita Yono: “!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ”

What about the hostages?

After the next second.

Yukoshita Yono again: “!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ”

Where’s my gun?

“Ms. Yangnai, as a partner who may cooperate in the future, let me tell you a few common senses. First, do not aim the gun at others when there is no intention to kill. Second, before throwing the gun, wipe clean the top. Fingerprints, third, don’t forget to deal with the smoke reaction of the cuff.

Yukoshita Yono: “How could it be…” suddenly disappeared, and immediately took the gun away when he reappeared? Can humans do this kind of thing? How fast this needs to be!

As if seeing the surprise of the other party, Sougo Tama pointed to the necessities of life in a place.

“Miss Yangnai, do you know what these are?”

“If I said I don’t know what it is, do you believe it?” Xuexiayangna smiled bitterly. Sure enough, this is about to start sealing. Xuexiayangna is ready to play GG

“I don’t even know this…” Sougo Tama looked at Yukoshita Yono with a look of helplessness on your face: “These are weights!”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

What the hell do you describe weight-bearing?

“Usually, you can move freely with a few hundred catties of things on your back. Once you let go of the load, the speed will naturally become faster. Isn’t this reasonable?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Don’t think she doesn’t know “Dragon Ball”. No, it should be said that this guy took the training method in the comics seriously and succeeded? impossible! This unscientific!

The worldview formed by Xuexiayangna over the years began to shake, and she even ignored her current situation!

“Okay, I will take the toy away. This peeping guest, please go out.”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

What the hell is the peeping guest? This is her apartment! Wait, this guy actually let her out like that, is it useless if she is confident that even if she escapes quietly and returns to Xuexia’s house?

The worldview was shocked, and things did not develop as expected under the snow-making Yangna, which made her even more uneasy, and at the same time she was a little confused…

Five minutes later, Sougo Domama came out of the fitting room, wearing a new dress.

Xuexiayangna is still thinking about ways to break the game—or, to restore his shaky worldview, but this is destined to be useless, because the earth always realizes it!

He walked straight to Yangnai under Xuexia, and gently held her hand:

“What a beautiful queen, please allow your loyal courtier to offer a kiss.”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Abhorrent cold!

“Sougo Tama, what the hell do you want to do?”

“Hey, aren’t the clothes chosen by Miss Yangnai? I thought that Miss Yangnai prefers this style. In order to achieve our cooperation and to show my sincerity, I will also meet some of the small requirements of Miss Yangnai.” Doma Sougou said that I understand you.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

When did she make the request? Moreover, why is this guy so familiar with Cowherd! ?

“It’s just a statement in advance that I don’t sell myself.”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Who wants you to sell yourself!

No, isn’t it time to seal it now? Why not start to bully and lure? Does she have to take the initiative to mention it? Well, she mentioned:

“About the things in the fitting room…”

“Something, what? Is there something in the fitting room?” Sougo Tama had a “confused” expression on his face.

Yang Nai under the snow: “#^_^”

Is this trying to deny the facts?

“That bunch…” Wait, Xuexiayangna once again found a blind spot. How did those things appear in the fitting room? There is no place to hide things in the soil! This unscientific!

Xuexiayang, who had just stabilized the world outlook, was shaken again.

“Boom, dong, dong!” In this case, she ignored Somatomu who was on the side, got up, rushed forward, and opened the door of the fitting room.

Sure enough, that pile of dangerous items had already disappeared completely.

Xuexia Yangna turned his head again, staring at Sougen Tuma, his clothes fit well, so the question is, where did he hide that bunch of missing things?

“Miss Yangnai, what’s the matter?” Sougo Tuma asked again in doubt.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Is she insane and hallucinating?

Or is she so neurotic that she has a mental illness lurking?

“Tomato juice?” asked tentatively.

“If possible, I want the ice to fall!” Sougo Tuma replied.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Who wants to ask you what you want to drink! However, since the two of them entered the house, due to various reasons, they have not even drunk the cup now. Speaking of which, she is really rude!


“Don’t you have tomato juice on your body?” Asked again tentatively, she didn’t really have hallucinations because of too much pressure, right?

“Tomato juice is a prop used for performance at the right time, how can it be considered to be drinking?” Sougo Doma subconsciously retorted.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

How many people does this guy want to pit with tomato juice? Wait, this means that Sougo Doma doesn’t deny that he still has tomato juice on him, so when she sees the tomato juice, she hasn’t hallucinated yet.

No, since there were no hallucinations at that time, the “ping-pong-pong” sound I heard before was not an illusion. Then, the pile of dangerous objects should not be an illusion.

But where is that pile of dangerous goods now?

Xuexiayangna felt that her brain was not enough, what’s more, there was no time for her to think alone now.

“Since the drink is mentioned, it must be that Miss Yang Nai wants me to stay now. It seems that Miss Yang Nai is not completely uninterested in cooperation!” Tu Jian, hugging the thigh of the local tyrant and didn’t want to let it go, Zou Wu.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

cooperate? With the sincerity given by the Tujian family, cooperation is impossible. I want the Xuexia family to be a target and eat meat in the back, no way!

However, Tuma Sougou seems to have said that in order to show his sincerity, some small requirements of her can be satisfied, then:

“Master Zongwu, I didn’t mention the cooperation beforehand. I just took a shower and my hair is dry, but…”

Doma reached out in seconds.

The hair dryer appeared.

“Miss Yang Nai, do you need a professional hair stylist to massage your scalp and blow your hair smoothly?” Sougo Doma is always so sincere.

Yukoshita Yono: “!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ”

Come out, show up, why did he just take out the hair dryer with a second glance, where did that guy hide everything?

The worldview collapsed once again.

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