Chapter 163: With Us…

“I will be a doctor when I grow up.”

“I want to be a scientist.”

“I want to be an astronaut.”

“I want to be a policeman.”

“I, I want to become a voice actor!”

It’s really a child’s statement, everyone has forgotten this kind of thing, right? But ideals, or goals, have always been hidden deep in people’s hearts, but there are very few people who can really move forward toward their goals.

Tuma Zougou is not a demon, he just likes to mess around, destroying other people’s dreams or something, forget it, so he has always been very positive in admitting his mistakes, and he can only change it after repeated teachings.

“Miss clerk, are you an idiot?” Doma Sougo turned his head back brilliantly.

Aoyama Qihai: “??”

Just now it was Green Mountain, but now she has become a clerk again.

“If I really want to use the strawberry cake with ingredients against my competitors, how can I buy three portions at once? Or, do you think someone will be stupid enough to eat three portions of strawberry cake with ingredients in a row.”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

Yes, yes, if you add ingredients, isn’t one cake enough? Why didn’t she think of this just now-it was probably because the direction she was looking forward to was destroyed, and she didn’t react for a while.

“Cough, cough up blood?”

“Woo!” Doma Sougo licked the blood on his hand: “The sweet and sour tomato juice is pretty good. Would you like to try it?”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

No one stretches out his finger and asks if he wants to taste it!

Doma Sougo put down his finger at the right time.


“Have you ever heard of the Taste Disorder Syndrome?” Tama, talking nonsense, Zongwu sweeps the tail online.

Aoyama Qihai: “Earth, Mr. Earthwork, are you asking me?”

“Hey.” Sougo Tama turned around, turned his head, sighed, and said in one go: “Taste Distinction Syndrome. People with this disease can’t distinguish their tastes and can only remember one taste. Unfortunately, I have two friends. At the same time suffering from this symptom…”

“One, he only likes the taste of mustard onion, or that he can only eat these two flavors, the other…”

Aoyama Qihai: “You can only taste the spicy flavor?”

Sougo Tama looked up quite unexpectedly: “Miss clerk, isn’t it too stupid.”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

Who is stupid? Would she be frightened if it wasn’t for this guy who suddenly told such a horrible industry story? Holding back the anger, Qingshan Qihai#^_^ said:

“Mr. Earthwork, do you think it’s fun to play with others?”

Tuma Sougo wanted to nod his head–yes, that guy was like that. Fortunately, at a critical moment, Tuma Sougo realized that he had just hung the name of Tubo Shiro and he hadn’t changed his face!

“Of course not. In fact, everything I just did was just because of an occupational disease.”

Aoyama Qihai: “Occupational disease? I thought Mr. Tufang was working hard for the goal just like me, but I didn’t expect to have…”

Does this guy seem to be in a small grade, but has he already worked?

“I’m actually a screenwriter. Originally, I was thinking about a scene that was misunderstood…” Doma, arbitrarily arranging horses, Sou Wu.

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

Hey, it is actually a screenwriter? Too young, but yes, many screenwriters will think about the plot in various situations, and sometimes screenwriters will unknowingly substitute themselves into the story.

So, in fact, she really misunderstood?

Tuma Sougou nodded affirmatively: “Yes, you really misunderstood!”

“Eh!” Qingshan Qihai stared: “Tu, how does Mr. Tufang know what I’m thinking?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

It is better not to be exposed to strangers when reading such things with micro expressions.

“Qingshan, what are you talking nonsense? Didn’t you say it yourself, did you really misunderstand?”

Qihai Aoyama, who has been stunned, said: “It turns out to be like this… However, as a screenwriter, Mr. Tufang can perform so perfect in acting and emotions. It’s really amazing.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

In fact, Tama Sougou’s self-consciousness is always exposed at any time-why is there still an evaluation of perfect acting!

“Well, I’m very sorry, but I think too much. I thought you were the same as me, aiming at a voice actor. In order to practice the scene, you spent money indiscriminately and misunderstood that you are a bad person.” Qingshan Qihai’s face was slightly red.

Sougo Tama touched his chin: “Nothing, I am used to being misunderstood. A voice actor, a very good ideal. From the perspective of a professional screenwriter, you have already started to take on some small roles in your performance. “Look at the interesting expressions collected, please encourage me a little bit.

“Huh?” Qingshan Qihai: “I just…”

She didn’t have any performance just now, at most, it was just a smile that was barely maintained.

Tuma Sougou nodded his head affirmatively: “Don’t say anything else, take passer-by, soldier B or something, you can still make it. By the way, don’t just talk, you can make three different strawberry cakes, if you can. Take it away, thank you.”

Aoyama Qihai nodded: “#^_^”

While pouring chili oil into the cake carefully, she complained in her heart: “What a weird guy, and, there is no passer-by, little soldier, this kind of unimportant cannon fodder role, mostly starring voice actors casually With two sentences, it’s gone.”

“Girl, believe in yourself, your seiyuu road, but the sea of ​​stars.” Sougo Tuma, the elder voice.

Qihai Qingshan, who was pouring chili oil, was taken aback and turned around: “Mr. Tufu, are you sure you are not a seiyuu?” It was just a change, the voice changed?

Doma Sougo Loli sound: “Big sister, I’m pretty sure.”

Aoyama Seven Seas “…”

I want to die, I want to die, I really want to die, she would rather this guy be a seiyuu, why does a screenwriter have such abnormal voice changing skills-can it be said that geniuses can really do whatever they want?

“Yes, genius can do whatever it wants.”

“Huh?” Qingshan Qihai – wait, did she say what was in her heart just now? It is very uncomfortable to say such words from the mouths of talented people…

Green Mountains and Seven Seas: #^_^##

“However, the clerk is still a seedling in the direction of the seiyuu.” Sougo Tama couldn’t help but start digging again.

After being filled with chili oil, Aoyama Nanami who was filling the second strawberry cake with mustard and onion sauce: “…”

What does this guy mean!

“Actually, the technique of changing voice is very simple…” That’s right, like Kidd, Lupin, or elementary school students, who wouldn’t change their voice? God, a bow thing.

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

Is it just a simple technique to change your voice? What a desperate talent!

Wait, according to the animation, generally after saying this sentence. There will be a sentence you want to learn, can I teach you? Could it be that she is about to encounter a bridge in the anime? Oh, but they just met, would Mr. Tufang really say that? Would it be bad if she directly promised?

Doma Sougou said: “Unfortunately, you can’t learn it.” The pit is not deep, but it is very shocking. Doma Sougou can’t control his talent for making popularity half-dead.

“Mr. Earthwork, do you know that it’s over in my hometown…” After all, unable to bear the blow of Sougo Morama, Aoyama Qikai said while pouring mustard sauce in the cake.

“Osaka accent?” Sougo Tama can grasp the point very well.


Qingshan Qihai secretly gritted his teeth.

“Mr. Tufang, we also have people over there who don’t speak much like you…”

Doma Sougou: “Please forgive my honesty. After all, the truth always hurts.”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

Who the hell was lying and playing with her just now?

Although it was her brain that made the transition, can’t this guy tell him directly?

“The big city is really nice~!” Qihai Aoyama added perverted spicy and mustard sauce to the last cake, and exclaimed: “If Mr. Earthwork is with us, I’m afraid the graveyard grass will be several feet tall.”

This sentence is very irresponsible!

There are many people who want to make Tujian always realize that grass grows on the grave-how can the hometown of Qingshan Qihai be comparable!

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