Chapter 162 Voice actors are a dangerous profession!

The truth is always hidden in the details.

After Qihai Qingshan kept replenishing his brain, he felt that everything had been explained clearly.

“Miss clerk, Miss clerk, you are thinking in the wrong direction.” Looking at the suddenly enlightened Qingshan Qihai, Tama Sougo feels that if he doesn’t say anything, the clerk in front of him will want to go to the horizon. What is the clerk? Come to the conclusion that he is a seiyuu?

He, Tama Sougou was just idle and nothing to do, so he teased the little clerk, and then looked at the clerk’s surprised expression. Why did things get to this point?

Aoyama Qihai returned to his senses and said in a low voice, “This guest, it is true that I am working hard with the goal of a voice actor. In the voice actor training class, the teacher has talked about this kind of practice. I think you even if you are not The seiyuu should also be working hard with the seiyuu as the goal! You can re-order a normal one, it is my personal small benefit.”

Doma Sougou: “Well, my goal is not a voice actor!”

Qingshan Qihai stared at him with a look that you can’t fool me. Normal people would buy this!

“Well, you guessed it right, I’m working hard with the voice actress as my goal.” Sougo Tama turned his eyes and started to cooperate.

Aoyama Qihai: “I know, is the guest in the learning stage or is it?”

“Turkish, Turkish Shiro!” Sougo Tama pointed to himself and introduced himself: “Since everyone is targeting voice actors, let’s get to know it.”

“Yes, I am Qingshan, Qingshan Qihai, Mr. Earthwork, please give me your advice.”

Doma Sougou smiled and nodded: “Although you have guessed my goal, in fact, I really need a passionate strawberry cake…”

Aoyama Qihai: “Huh? Why!?”

“Hush!” Sougo Tama made a silent gesture: “Actually, I just received a voice audition for a character…”

“Really, Mr. Tufang is going to make his official debut as a seiyuu?” Qingshan Qihai looked forward to it.

Toma Sougou’s face changed: “No, because there is another competitor who wants to audition for this role, so I can’t talk about making a debut as a seiyuu soon.”

“Mr. Tufang is so strong, I believe he will be able to beat his competitors.” Qingshan Qihai encouraged.

Then, she saw Sougo Tama’s smile as a villain: “Of course I can beat that guy, you know? That guy especially likes strawberry cake. Guess, after I replaced his cake with strawberry cake with ingredients, Can he dub?”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

This, why is this guy so like a bad guy, no, he is a bad guy!

Doma Sougogo stepped forward slightly: “Do you think I’m bad?”

“Earth, Mr. Earthwork is on, are you kidding?” Qingshan Qihaiqiang said with a smile.

“Cough cough~!” At this moment, Sougo Tama suddenly coughed: “Actually, I had no alternative, because that guy was afraid that he would not be able to compete with me, so he poisoned my favorite coffee.”

“Cough cough~!” A trace of blood flowed out of the mouth of the soil.

Qingshan Qihai smiled awkwardly: “Huh?”

Wha, what the hell? Is the seiyuu circle so messy? In order to grab the role, one is added, the other is poisoned?

“Poisoned? Earth, didn’t Mr. Earthwork call the police?”

“It’s useless, that guy does things secretly. After I noticed it, there is no evidence.” Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the taste of sweet and sour is not bad, Doma Sougoku whispered as he thought about it. Said: “Actually, I originally had more voice lines, but…”

Aoyama Qikai could not accept: “…”

No, don’t say anything, her goal is a voice actor, don’t expose so much darkness in the industry to her.

“It’s my carelessness.” Tsushima Sougo said with a regretful face: “I should have understood the darkness in the circle.”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

This is no longer a question of carelessness! Moreover, she really didn’t want to touch the darkness.

“Blame the damn cup of coffee.” Doma Sougo lightly hammered the table, and then coughed up a trace of sweet and sour blood from the sound of “cough cough~!”

“Mr. Earth, Mr. Earthwork, it’s better for you to stay in the hospital now?” Qing Shan, feeling hopeless, Qi Hai.

“It’s okay. I know my own body. It was just a little angry just now. Sorry, the doctor said that I can’t get angry now. Did you scare you?”

Aoyama, strong laughing type, Nanami: “I’m not, no problem, but you, Mr. Mufang…”

No problem, weird! It looks like this, and I still want to compete with others, frame others, voice actors, what kind of profession is it?

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine, that guy didn’t deal cruelly either, that little poison will only poison the voice.” Tsuchima Sougo said with a reluctant smile.

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

The medicine is bad, and the voice is still ruthless?

“Compared with what happened before, this time it’s not bad…”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

“Do you know “Magic Girl Mei Lulu”?”

Aoyama Nanami: “Is it that super hot anime “Magic Girl Mei Lulu”?”

Sougo Tama nodded: “Yes, actually, when the animation was first made, I was invited to voice the Earl of Dark Night inside, but on the day of the audition, I was surrounded by an out-of-control number of large trucks. If it weren’t for my skill, I was still agile. I’m afraid I’ve been knocked to death, but even though I hid in the past, the audition time is over.”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “Hehe…”

Or, she should change her goal, right?

“Since then, I have understood that the road leading to the seiyuu is full of thorns-being blocked by the Jidao organization, involved in shootings, hijacked by bank robbers…”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

This is no longer a thorn, but a landmine! And, what the hell is the bank robber? Can voice actors compete to arrange bank robbers?

“Unexpectedly, the big wind and big waves broke through, but overturned the car on the small poison. I am really unwilling, cough cough…” After a dry cough, Tujian Zou Wu looked up at Qingshan Qikai and said: “Qingshan, you also said Those who are targeting seiyuu, you should know this kind of unwillingness…”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

I can’t understand it at all, she is just a pure little white flower! And the seiyuu is so dangerous, she already wants to change the target now.

“So, if you understand this kind of unwillingness, you will definitely help me?” Sougo Tama asked frantically.

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

After a long silence, she said.

“Yes, I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do.”

Doma Sougou: “It’s very simple. Just make a few strawberry cakes with the ingredients as I said.”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

Do you want to be a bad guy with you? No, this is no longer a question of whether it is bad or not.

“Qingshan, you will help me add ingredients to the cake and keep it secret for me?”

Aoyama Qihai took two steps back in fright, she couldn’t stand strong anymore: “I’m sorry! I, I…”

“Why, why, you, aren’t you struggling with the goal of voice actors? You, you should understand me!” Doma, the dramatist, Zongwu.

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

That’s because she didn’t expect the voice actors’ circle to be so messy. Poisoning the voice is just a trivial matter. Are the voice actors serious? It turns out that the seiyuu circulated is not a human being, but is it the truth?

Sougo Tuma gritted his teeth: “I thought you used the voice actor as a goal, then you can definitely understand me, well, since you don’t help…I can only find someone else!”

After Sougo Tuma said, he turned around and left.

“Wait, wait, Mr. Tufang, voice, voice actor is really such a terrible profession? Just, can’t…” Qing Shan, helpless, Qi Hai.

Doma Sougou turned his head happily: “I collected a good expression.”


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