Chapter 149

“Ah~! I’m dying of thirst. In order to refresh a good student BUFF, I really can work hard…” Throwing away the pen that wrote the answer in his hand, Sougo Doma complained in his heart while maintaining an image of a smile.

“However, at this time, the maid can come in handy, think about it. Is it tea? Or coffee? Or mineral water?”

“Well, mineral water, by the way, there shouldn’t be any major problems with the new skills that were just activated suddenly?” As he pondered, Tōma Sougou glanced at the skill bar.

The original mind activates lv1 (199) human beings will always forget their original mind?

Sougo Tama: “An inexplicable introduction!”

At the same time, Fujikami Taku underneath also greeted wildly.


Immediately afterwards, the boys in the class, you look at me, I look at you, and then they all stood up: “Student Tuma, can you come out with us?”

Sougo Tama squinted his eyes, “Huh?”

Fujikami Takuya also said unfairly: “Sawagawa, Thirty Gods, what do you guys want to do?”

“Takuya, it has nothing to do with you.” said a boy who has a good relationship with Takuya.

As soon as the voice fell, some girls frowned: “Hey, what do you guys want to do to your new classmates? They didn’t do anything…”

“Yes, don’t bully new classmates!”

“Yes, classmate Tujian must be…” As if thinking of something, the girl who spoke covered her mouth, but did not finish her words in the end.

Seeing the girls who were still in the same hatred yesterday betrayed one after another, the boys said: “…”

Sure enough, their thoughts were right-this made them even more determined that they wanted to bring the soil to the outside world to talk.

“Eh, a lot?” As the person involved, Sougo Tama tilted his head: “Am I being bullied?”

The girls all glared at the boys when they heard the words. Through constant brain supplement, they have understood that it is because of the lasting difficulties that the students call themselves super shaking S. Yes, the smiles of the students are so sunny and gentle. , How could it be a super shaking S! !

In any world, it’s a good face to speak. If this is replaced by Kondo, maybe you don’t even need to claim to…

Looking at the angry eyes of the girls, the boys in the class: “…”

Really, really terrifying ability.

“No, we are not going to be bullying anymore, we really have something to do, we need to discuss with classmate Tuma.”

“Is there anything I can’t say in the class?” the female representative asked.

Hearing this, the boys turned their heads one after another, and there were some things that could only be said in private.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, who had been paying attention to the situation, blinked—when did aliens become so popular with girls?

Fortunately, Tuma always realizes that he doesn’t know the mind of the little maid, otherwise, I am afraid that it will not be another illusion, I am not, it is impossible! Denial of three consecutive.

But violent bullying? Doma always twisted his neck, and seemed to be very happy: “Go outside, right, wait a minute!”

While speaking, Sougo Doma returned to his desk and glanced at Shiyu Kasumigaoka who was happily with his eyes open next to him. Sougo Doma said in a low voice, “Miss Maid, please go out and bring me a bottle of mineral springs. Oh, Water.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

This bastard alien, in vain, she also worried about the bad situation now.

Fujikami Takuya stood up: “Master, I will follow you, no matter what happens…”

“As a teacher, I have never accepted such a stupid apprentice. Therefore, I am only allowed to call you an apprentice. You are not allowed to call me a master. Do you know my other nickname?”

Fujigami Takuya: “Huh?”

“The escaping noble son, Kotaro Katsura.” Doma Sougo said proudly, without the shame of throwing the pot to Katsura. How can I do without a few trumpets when I go out?

Fujikami Takuya’s eyes were crying: “…”

Master, although you look complacent, you have already started LOW since you said to run away!

“So, you choose the place…” It’s just that Tama Sougou has any thoughts no matter where he is in charge of Fujikami Taku. He looked at the boys in the class, and he leaked the smile of Heshan-for a long time, he hadn’t moved his muscles and bones.

All boys in the class, look at me and I will look at you. In the end, a little guy was elected as the representative: “The Tujian classmates, please come with us.”

“Are you going to salute first and then soldier?” Tsuchima Sougou Heshan still smiled, secretly said: “But, in the face of absolute strength…In other words, will you be expelled if the trouble is too big? After all, the principal was put together at the beginning. Now, the board of directors. Those guys must already know that I’m separated from the Tujian family. Tsk tsk, it’s really troublesome. Do you want to do it later.”

“It’s just that the good student BUFF is probably going to fall again, unfortunately.


Sougo Doma complained in his heart as he followed the men’s army out.

Watching this scene, the girls talked a lot

“How can classmate Tujian be so stupid, he can obviously…”

“Do you want to notify the teacher?”

“No, this is going out by Tuma voluntarily. If anything happens, Tuma is also responsible…”

“Besides, I don’t know what kind of character the new head teacher is, in case it is the same as Xiao Lianjiao…”

“Furthermore, if you notify the teacher of this kind of thing, it will hurt the self-esteem of Tuma students?”

While these girls were discussing, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu stood up-she just wanted to buy mineral water for Sou Wu Tujian. There can be nothing wrong with that alien, don’t get her wrong!

Seeing this, Fujie Taku was deeply moved: “As expected of the person chosen by the master, the master is going to help…”

Thinking about this, Fujikami walked out with him.


The location chosen by the boys was a classroom that no one used. It was not a holy place for bullying—the toilet. Sougo Tama gave a bad review. Fortunately, the soundproofing effect is good, which is barely passing.

Twisting his neck, Tuma always comprehend Heshan smiled and said: “Let’s start then!” Come on, and welcome everyone to the hell torture room of your choice.

The boys looked at each other again, and in the end, the small man who started out came out.

I saw him walking two steps forward, and suddenly facing Tujian Zongwu was a seat of the soil: “Master, no, please accept us as disciples!”

Immediately afterwards, the boys who followed up took their seats on the ground: “Please accept us as disciples!”

“Huh?” Doma Sougou, with a benevolent face, felt that he had made a mistake.

“Student Tuma, don’t hide it. We already know that you are the legendary love saint. Because of the guidance of Tuma, the guy in Fujigami will have a smooth relationship with Yoko.”

“Huh?” Sougo Tama wanted to say now. He just wanted to get a vine from the vine. Does anyone believe it?

“Tujian School, no, master, I’ve been single for 16 years. The last time I touched a girl’s hand was when I was in kindergarten. I, I really don’t want to…” someone said.

Tuma always smiled awkwardly–hehe, you would touch a girl’s hand in kindergarten, how come you get to high school, but you get better and better?

“You, you have actually touched a girl’s hand. It’s the same thing. It’s not right, Master, I’m even shy when talking to girls. Since junior high school, the only opposite sex I talked to was my mother and the salesperson in the convenience store. .”

Tuma Sougo——Sorry, you are already mentally ill, you should see a psychologist!

So, what the hell are these guys doing!

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