Chapter 148 There are four ways to write fennel and fennel

It turns out.

In the world, everything is there. Li…cough cough, everything is possible.

Even if Fujigami Taku couldn’t believe it, Sougo Tama entered the classroom without being noticed (staring at the seat of Sougo Tama, Kasuga no Oka), and began to enjoy it.

“Master, master!” Looking at the smiling Sumama Sougou, Fujigami Taku was also confused at first, how did the master enter the classroom, followed by calm, after all, the master, and then ecstasy-the master arrived, he Someone finally solved his troubles.

“Stupid disciple, haven’t you said that you are a teacher, haven’t you accepted you as a disciple yet?” Sougo Tama squeezed.

Fujikami Taku also whispered: “But Master, have you called me a disciple, and still call yourself a teacher?”

“Cough cough!” As soon as the voice fell, the soil always said softly: “However, I did not accept you, call you a disciple, and call yourself a teacher, but I am happy to…”

“Teacher…” Fujigami Taku also looked aggrieved.

However, before he finished speaking, the teacher on the stage turned his head and said, “Be quiet and listen to the lesson.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the teacher’s eyes condensed, and he stared at Tuma, and said, “The student behind, were you in the classroom just now?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The fleeting years are not good.

“Report teacher, if I wasn’t in the classroom just now, how did I show up?”


He clearly remembered that there was no one in that seat. Could it be that he was demented? He was only in his twenties! No, try it out first…

“Then this classmate, do you understand what the teacher just said? Can this problem be solved on the black (white) board?”

“Master, don’t worry…” Sougo Tama was not in a hurry, but Takuya Fujigami was anxious. Although Sougo Tama was not known when he appeared in the classroom, if it wasn’t for his mumbling that caused it. The teacher’s attention, the two people’s voices will not disturb the teacher, the teacher will not pay attention, and will not find the master suddenly appearing, in the final analysis, and Tuma Zou Gou is suspected, isn’t it because of him.

Thinking of this, Fujikami Taku also stood up after speaking, ready to stop the black pot on him.


“An Xin,” Sougo Doma patted him on the shoulder. “How can I be stumped by this kind of subject as a teacher? By the way, this is just a mouth addiction. I didn’t accept you as an apprentice.”

Zhengzhou has no place to update the student BUFF’s Doma Sougou in his heart, how can he make the guy in the front row make a mistake.

“Teacher, do you want to go to the podium to do it, or should I give the answer directly?”

Seeing the unhurried Doma Zou Enlightenment, the teacher in charge was also stunned. The knowledge point he just talked about was one of the most difficult knowledge points of this semester. Even students who have been listening to the class will have doubts if they are not talented enough, but Why is this classmate who suddenly appeared so confident-he really remembered it wrong, or he was bluffing.

“Go to the podium and do it, just right, let me see how you master your knowledge points.”

Doma Sougo smiled and stepped forward.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu blinked his eyes: “Just look at the bastard alien’s foundation. Yesterday I dared to say that my head wasn’t enough…”

The classmates are also confused.

“When did this guy enter the classroom? Does anyone know?”

“I saw it five minutes ago. There is no one in the transfer student seat.”

“You actually see that guy is there, hey, you don’t like him anymore, do you? That guy claims to be a trembling demon.”

“It’s just claiming it, and the Tuma student who smiles so brightly must be a good person.”


“I heard that Takuya has already worshipped Tuma as a teacher?” Another boy said

“No? What do you learn, learn to shake S?”

“Takuya called to show off yesterday that he is already with Yoko.”

“…” The boys were silent collectively.

Of course, these murmurs will not affect Sougo Doma in the slightest. After stepping onto the podium and randomly scanning the math problems on the black (white) board, Sougo Dooma always feels that he is bullying a baby. Math LV3 already has an international reputation. The level of a well-known mathematician, as for the total comprehension of the earth…

“There are a total of twelve solutions for this function problem. Let me start with the difficult solution for the time being…”

Class teacher: “Nani?”

Twelve solutions? No, he only knows three.

The whole class: “???”

Isn’t it enough for things like mathematics to have answers? What the hell is the solution.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu opened his burgundy eyes even wider–then, that guy is opening, just kidding,

Facts have proved that Sougo Tama can do anything in order to make a good student BUFF.

“The first one is that… is known… so… we can get…”

A slight cool breeze blew, and all the teachers and students gradually fell into obsession with the explanation of the earth.

In the classroom, in front of the sun, the teenager smiled and asked questions about Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

The breeze is quiet, and everyone feels like it.

“Okay, so handsome, this, isn’t this guy a master of God?”

“Please don’t use interrogative sentences. Just learn God. Didn’t you even look at the bald teacher in a daze?”

“I just found out that the smile of the transfer student is so warm, what should I do…”

“Wake up, that guy claims to be super shaking…”

“No, even if it is shaking S, it is not a big deal. Moreover, this is probably the self-defeating words of classmate Tuma. He must be too popular in the original school and wants to…”

Many girls have already made up a bloody and long youth romance drama.

The class teacher has been dumbfounded since the fifth solution-Yuan, it turns out that this problem can be solved in this way, so it is really much simpler…

In the seventh solution, the teacher wondered who I am in life, where I am, and what am I doing?

Attend class? You can’t go to class anymore. With such a big guy, if you make a slight mistake in the lecture, you will have no room for self-confidence, right? Moreover, is he really qualified to teach this big guy? Being a student is almost the same!

The soil who was immersed in the BUFF of brushing the students did not notice the mentality of the teacher in the class.

Until a “clang clang clang…” bell rang, Tuma Zougou just finished explaining the eighth explanation.

This country does not have the habit of procrastinating. Sougo Tama stopped writing and said with a smile: “Teacher, do you still need to write down the other solutions? However, even if you need it, you have to wait for the next time.”

The teacher was also awakened by the class bell. He said in a panic: “Class is off.” He left the classroom as if he fled.

“Very good. Judging from the current results, I should have left a good image in the math teacher’s mind. If I guessed correctly, a good student BUFF should have been formed in the math teacher’s mind.”

At the same time, the mathematics teacher after leaving the classroom——”Hehehe…” The bald man walked on his way back to the office with a frustrated face: “I, what I have been doing for the past few years, in vain, in vain When I was in college, I was still called the little prince of mathematics, but now I have a look…”

“It’s all bullshit! I can only eat my old book, and even the idea of ​​solving problems is not as good as a student. I still remember that my tutor asked me to study mathematics because of my talent, but I always thought I hated mathematics, because of mathematics, I lost Countless hairs…”

“But today I knew that I was wrong. Actually, I like mathematics, especially when the student talked about a topic in a different way on the podium. I, I really look forward to…”

“However, I’m only twenty-eight years old this year, it’s not too late, maybe…”

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