Chapter 143

Mujian nodded with satisfaction, and called CALL crazy for her own eyes. The friends she knew were all lovely girls. Then, she felt tight again. O’Neill won’t be playing Xiaohui’s idea. Bar? Yeah, Ernie Chan has reached the age of rut…

But she absolutely! Do not! allow! May! Even if you are a friend, you can’t abduct Ernie Chan! No, it should be said that she can’t let her friends fall into the devil’s claws of O’Neill, that’s right, that’s it, Xiao Buried is just!

Mujian felt that he should do something, first of all he agreed with Oni-chan’s words.

“Indeed, as long as you look closely, Xiaohui is really cute.”

Kato Megumi: “…”

Is she being teased by two brothers and sisters who are more beautiful than her? However, the inexplicable happiness is a little bit more, no one really likes to be a little transparent-and under the brainwashing education of this country, people are especially eager for others to recognize, but little transparent is recognized, and can be remembered by others. It is already a thing to celebrate.

But now, the evaluations of the two brothers and sisters of the Tama family have actually fulfilled Kato Megumi’s point. Not only that, but they have also received unexpected praise, which seems to be not bad.

“Why, Xiao buried, so gentle and so cute…” Of course, business talk is a must.

In this regard, Tuma Sougou did not agree so much: “This scrap dumpling is so gentle, but it must be!”

Of course, these words can only be said in his heart, and he has more important things to do, that is, whether to continue to improve the skills that have just appeared, the interpretation of the world rules-is it a wave of counseling or a continued wave? Although this skill level is only LV0, it can’t hold back the high experience it requires. Who knows what will happen after mastering it.

Doma Sougou is not very confident about his own Gold Finger’s ethics.

At the same time he was meditating.

Xiaoying has already talked about fashion design and skin care lotion brand with Kato Kei from business. This also made Sougo Tama unable to intervene for the time being. Step two is to interrupt the communication between Oni-chan and Kato-success.

Before they knew it, the three had already walked to the shoe cabinet.

At this time, Kei Kato responded with a question: “Xiao Bui, doesn’t your brother bring his schoolbag?”

Xiao Mu tilted his head: “My brother said that before, the schoolbag is in my heart.”

Kato Megumi: “…”

What the hell is in your heart? It’s really strange two brothers and sisters, but they can treat the little transparent her as a friend, so it should be possible, don’t care, get used to…

Just thinking about it, Mujian had already stepped forward to ask for the key words of Mujian who was empty in his hands:

“Euny sauce, bento!”

“Here!” Sougo Tama drew it back, and a bento box appeared in his hand: “Here you, Xiaobui, why do you only ask about the schoolbag and not the bento?”

Buried in the soil and smiled, “I saw the bento with Ernie Chan on my body, but the schoolbag hasn’t appeared since yesterday!”

Doma Sougou clapped his hands with his fists: “That’s it, it seems that the schoolbag should appear in due course next time.”

Kato Megumi, who had no expression on the side, opened her mouth: “…”

How could it be possible that she hadn’t seen Zongwu’s body where she could hide things. How did this bento box appear? And, Xiao buried, you might be surprised anyway! Don’t take the lunch box so calmly, OK!

“Then I’ll go up first! Kato, please take care of Xiaobui.” After sending the bento, Sougo Doma greeted him and walked upstairs. After all, Sougo’s classroom floor is higher than that. The small buried one is much higher.

Kato Megumi nodded in a daze, and responded instinctively: “Yes.”

“Ouni-chan, Xiao Mu is not a kid, she will take care of herself, so go to your class.”

When Tama Sougo got upstairs, Kei Kato looked at Kobui with a hesitant expression.

“Xiaohui, what’s the matter?” Doubts were buried in the soil.

“This, what is this bento?”

Buried in the soil and petrified, it seems that many of the abilities of O’Neill sauce are not understood by ordinary people, including his father (though he can accept it), Xiao buried himself has learned some, but he is too tired. Not suitable for the salted fish (dumpling) mode, so I gave up.

Of course, it’s not that I haven’t encountered this kind of situation. Generally, at this time, just tell the truth “My brother is good at hiding things!”

Kato Megumi: “…”

No, this is no longer a level that can hide things…

Buried in the soil: “So, it’s just a bento box, so there is nothing to fuss about.”

Kato Megumi thought for a few seconds: “Xiao Mu’s brother is a magic lover, right?”

Long live the brain tonic.

Mujian nodded his head instantly: “Yes, my brother’s dream was to become the world’s number one magician!” Then he arranged Zou Wujian clearly.

“Huh?” Kato Kei was slightly surprised: “If there is a magician brother, life will be full of surprises, right?”

Nodding in the soil-nothing wrong, her life is indeed full of surprises. Like today, she had two dreams that were dreams of waking up from the examination room at the end of time.

“It’s great, unlike my cousin, although he is doing well in his studies, but in other aspects…”

Buried in the soil, her heart was tight, what she was boasting, she couldn’t continue to boast.

“Actually, my brother’s magic is not so good anymore, and after so many years of learning, he only learned how to hide and retrieve objects. His talents are probably both in these two aspects. Trapeze…”

Sou Wu Mu-give me a point of strength, I dared to jump directly from a height of tens of meters.

“Fetching things from the air, escape magic, etc., my brother is at a loss.”

Megumi Kato nodded: “This is the so-called single-minded magic lover, right.”

Buried in the soil: “Because many times I know in advance that he has hidden things, so there is no sense of surprise in the magic show.”

Kato Megumi: “So that’s why the so-called sense of expectation is not high, right?”

“Yes, but many times you have to pretend to be very surprised in order to barely maintain his poor self-esteem.” Tujian, the school broke, Xiao Buried.

Sorry, O’Neill, you should take this person first. Who makes you do some unreasonable operations all the time.

Kato Megumi thought about her mentality. The first time she would be surprised, the second time she would be accustomed to it. If she pretended to be surprised, it would be difficult, so she sighed a little, “That’s really hard work.”

“It’s not that you have to pretend to be surprised every time. It’s like a school lunch. You can get used to it many times.” The soil buried stepped up and expanded the human road.

Kato Megumi: “Actually, this is quite surprising. I was shocked just now…”

Hidden in the soil-even Xiaohui’s receptive ability is not very strong. I think at the beginning, I saw O’Neill hide a shot of RPG on my body. At that time, I was not surprised. Dad just clutched it. The forehead just yelled that it hurts, and it didn’t feel strange.

The two of them walked into the classroom while talking.

Not long after the two left, a godless Ying Lili came out from the shoe cabinet next to him: “Hehe, then, that damn demon, sure enough, has he transferred to another school? Ah, why? Ah! Let’s just leave it alone, why do you come to Toyonozaki? There is also burial in the soil, please go to your Xiujien Garden!”

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