Chapter 142 New Skill Appears, Counsel or Wave?

Kato Hui, also known as Sage Hui and Zhuge Hui, but in the eyes of Tuma Zougou, the sage is not counted as Zhuge, after all, they are all…

Of course, these titles don’t care about Soma Tuma. What really makes him care about…

“Xiaohui, this is my brother, Tujian Zongwu.” While Tujian Zongwu was thinking about it, Xiao Mai had already introduced each other.

Kato Kei looked up at Sougou Mori with a calm look. She originally stepped forward to remind Xiao Bui that the guy who climbed the classroom window yesterday was the guy next to her, but after learning about the relationship between the two, she settled. I decided not to mention it.

Of course, if the two are in a romantic relationship, Kato Huixing will also observe and observe, so as to prevent the rare eldest friend from being deceived. Not everyone can take it for granted that they crawl outside the classroom window during class time.

Kato Megumi relaxed his vigilance in the words of the siblings.

“The sister-in-law has been taken care of by you in school. Thank you very much for your willingness to be friends with this guy.” You can’t lose a lot of face outside, and Tujian always realizes a rare seriousness.

“Where, I am Domen Xiaomai’s care, and I am very happy to be friends with Xiaomai.” Kato Kei also said.

Standard social language, this is what Sougo Doma has always felt in this country is rigid. Even speaking has a set of standards, and why do we have to thank each other for making friends?

“Is Xiaobui’s brother also from our school? It’s really good that the brother and sister go to the same school.” After the social rhetoric was finished, Kato Megumi glanced at the uniform worn by Sougoto Morama.

Mujian smiled lightly: “That is, I only recently attended a school, but my brother often troubles people…”

Sovereign Enlightenment: “#^_^”

Who often causes trouble to people?

Kato Kee was puzzled: “Is Xiaobui’s brother a type that is easy to cause trouble? For example, otaku, Nite?”

Sovereign Enlightenment of the Earth: “#^_^”

Hey, don’t order me casually.

Buried in the soil and shook his head, “It’s not that way, but my brother likes to be too free, and he doesn’t have anything on his lips…”

Megumi Kato looked at the sun-smiling Tama always puzzled, and she likes freedom too much? The gentle appearance of this face doesn’t seem to be the same, as for the lack of edges on the mouth? The social rhetoric was also very strict just now. Is there any misunderstanding?

While she was thinking about it, Sougo Tama turned her head to Xiaobu, and asked the question she cared about the most:

“Xiao Mai, Xiao Mai, in fact, from the very beginning, I have noticed a question, did Kato practice the inheritance of ninja…”

Kato Megumi: “…”

No, Xiao Mu was too right. He really didn’t know what to say. What does it mean to practice the inheritance of a ninja? Did she say to her face that she had a low sense of presence? If it weren’t for Xiaobui’s sake, she would like to ask the question back, whether in the second grade?

“Brother, it’s so rude, Xiaohui Mingming is an ordinary and lovely female high school student.”

Kato Megumi: “…”

It’s great that Xiao Qian still speaks for her, but why should I add ordinary before the cute adjective, I always feel stabbed by the back.

“But don’t you find this subtle sense of existence strange?” Sougo Tama asked, touching his chin.

Kato Megumi: “…”

Are you talking about her presence in person?

As a hamster physique buried in the soil, he asked, “No, Xiaohui is so cute, she must have a sense of existence?”

Kato Megumi was stunned: “…”

This was the first time someone said she was cute without embellishment in front of her, and that she had a strong sense of existence.

“I… Xiaobui, are you sure?” Doma Sougo looked around, and I almost blurted out stupidly. Fortunately, I turned around in time, otherwise the consequences… Doma Sougo closed his eyes and didn’t want to.

The hamster is also fully physique at the moment, and the surrounding voices continue to be heard.

“Hey, I didn’t expect them to be brothers and sisters? I seem to see love again.”

“Sure enough, the genes are really good…”

“Did anyone talk to them just now?”

“No, could it be your illusion?”

“Uh, it’s probably an illusion.”

“These two people should be newly transferred students, right?”

“Mom, thank you for letting me give birth to study in Toyonosaki.”

“Their two brothers and sisters are really…”

“Hehe…” Mujian smiled twice. Please, they are the three of them walking together. Why are they only talking about her and Ernie Chan? Who talked to them? illusion! ? Was a living person like Xiaohui eaten? ?

Looking at the confused little burial, Kato Megumi seemed to be used to it: “Little burial, it’s okay. It’s been like this since a long time ago, not being noticed, not cared about, nor friends. Many, I have been a classmate for a few years, and when I graduated, people would still ask, who is Kato Kei? I don’t know him very well…”

“However, I don’t care anymore, because I didn’t want to change anything, or that I was afraid to change, and I couldn’t find the courage to make friends. If it wasn’t a small burial yesterday…”

Born with a halo of attention, buried in the soil, he couldn’t believe it: “Why, how could this be? Xiao Huiming said so cutely, are all those people blind?”

“So, this is what I care about…” Sougo Tama said, touching his chin.

In the second dimension, a sentence with a low sense of existence can be dismissed by setting, but after it is converted into the real three-dimensional dimension, Tōma Sougou understands the terrible phenomenon of this phenomenon. Think about it, when you talk to a person, turn I turned around and found out, eh, did I just talk to someone? Who is talking to me?

At this time, if there is a stray wind blowing, you may not be able to startle yourself.

Kato Megumi didn’t care much, she didn’t even change her expression: “That little buried brother, you don’t need to care about this kind of thing, right?”

Obviously, this couldn’t stop Sougo Tama’s curiosity, so he looked at Kato Megumi carefully.

“The facial features are beautiful…”

Kato Megumi: “Huh?”

“Skin is also of delicate type…”

Kato Megumi: “Huh?”

“The figure is also good, the lordosis is warped…”

The expression on Kato Megumi’s face remained the same, but she blushed slightly. What’s the matter with the look that seems to see her through and the tone of picking goods? ?

“Brother, don’t make such a rude evaluation of Xiaohui!” Buried in the soil is deeply troubled by the rude behavior of the soil.

However, this can’t stop the heart of the earth exploration. The skill bar prompts: Interpretation of the rules of the world LV0 (1999999), you are trying to interpret one of the origins (settings).

“No, I’m just curious. According to Kato’s terms, it’s not as good as my sister…”

Kato Megumi whispered, “Well, I didn’t want to compare with Xiao Mai…”

Burying his face in the soil: “Brother!”

What is this fool like O’Neill talking about? It will hurt Xiaohui, and, this kind of words…

“Sorry, what I actually want to say is that if there is a school flower list or something, Kato should also be able to be on the list. It doesn’t make sense to have such a low sense of existence.”

Kato Megumi: “…”

Too, too exaggerated, right? She didn’t even think about school flowers or something! However, inexplicably a little happy.

Miss Mu also looked back at Xiao Hui. The more she looked, the more she felt that this girl was really delicate.

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