Chapter 132-One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Palms

The time is about five years ago.

Sougo Doma, who had just awakened the gentleman attributes, lay alone on the tatami: “Ah, that guy Xiaobu doesn’t know what he is doing. Today’s feeding hasn’t been done yet!”

Just saying that, a small dumpling rushed into the house.

“Ohni sauce, Daping Nissan is really amazing, he knows everything.”

Sovereign Enlightenment of the Earth: “#^_^”

“What’s wrong with Xiaoying?”

“Eh, it’s just some mathematics problems.”

Doma Sougo nodded to express understanding.

The next day.

Then there was a package sent from the celestial dynasty…

“Xiao Bui, thank you for the gift O’Neill prepared for you. After learning this, you won’t be confused before university! Hahaha…”

In the rampant evil laughter, Xiao Mu won the first place in his life.

Named, make up hell.

The so-called living through hell and becoming enlightened, after getting out of the hell of make-up lessons, Xiao Bui found that the class—not only the class, but also the homework of her flat Nissan, she can understand, and she thinks it is simple, and can even pick the mistakes from it.

For this reason, Xiao Mai also faintly expressed his concern to Zongwu.

“O’uni sauce, I found Daping Nissan is so stupid, so simple questions will be mistaken, hey, I don’t know if I can get into college.”

“Don’t worry, Tujian’s family has a big business. Even if he becomes a salted fish after Daping, he won’t die from starvation.” Tujian always understands his merits and fame deeply.

What a joke, after tutoring a lot of Wusan, Huanggang, and Olympic Mathematics, Zou Wu felt that before university, there should be no problems and it would be difficult to live with himself.

As for the study after university, he is not a devil, he will be interested in it when the time comes.

Tuma Zougou was all for his own sake, not at all selfishness at all, not because Xiao Buried exaggerated Daping in front of him, he was a real gentleman.

Time goes back to the present, Tokyo, Domiya.

Tama Sougo and Hamster Buried both tacitly did not mention the matter about Wusan and Huanggang.

However, Tama always realized that he was still rubbing the buried hair of the hamster.

“Knowing that Xiao Qian is not unhappy, Ernie Chan feels much more relieved now…”

“So work…” Tuanzi looked up.

“Teach this kind of thing to Onichan. If Xiaoying really wants to work, wait for high school to graduate and come to Onichan’s company.” Although Sougo Doma only has less than 50W yen, he is still full of confidence.

“Eunichan is going to start a company?” Xiaodi looked up.

“Yeah!” Sougo Tama nodded affirmatively.

The hamster tilted his head and said, “Are you going to go back and ask for money from Dad?”

Doma Sougo “…”

“would not……”

“And, isn’t O’Neill saying that he wants to escape from Japan, and he will definitely not leave an industry here?” The hamster pressed forward every step of the way.

Sovereign Enlightenment of the Earth: “#^_^”

How did this guy know?

“That day, I heard the conversation between Dad and O’Neill.” The hamster stepped forward.

Tuma Zou Wu-When you speak harsh words, you should look at your surroundings to avoid getting slapped in the face.

“Does O’Neill hate Japan?” the hamster asked in confusion.

Can Tama Sougo say that he is afraid that one day he will not pay attention, and Japan will be sunk by the weird guys of this world? Of course not! So flickering has to continue.

Doma Sougou: “Actually, it’s not a nuisance. It’s just that I think that Xiaoying will marry here, become a housewife, and can no longer be named Doma. I feel distressed. Japan is so unfriendly to women! ”

“Knot, get married?” Hamster buried his face suddenly flushed: “Euny Chan, marriage or something, it’s too ridiculous… and people don’t want to get married, they will follow Eunice Chan for the rest of their lives.”

Doma touched his chin: “That’s it, it seems that I have to prepare for the cost of fleeing to Germany.”

“Why do you want to go to Germany?” The hamster was puzzled. Why did his own sauce talk about the topic of fleeing to Germany from the topic of marriage.

Tuma Sougou: “Although my medical skills are not bad, I always feel that it is safer to escape there.”

Hamster buried: “…”

So, what the hell is O’Neill talking about?

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Oops, I accidentally said something psychologically, what should I do now? Um, can you just switch the subject hard?

“Hahaha… it’s nothing, Xiao buried, how are you at the new school today?”

Hamster buried: “…”

It’s too obvious that O’Neill has changed the subject, but forget it.

“The new school is pretty good, everyone is good, but…”

Sougo Tama was stunned. When it comes to just, there must be a problem: “Just what?”

“During the lunch break, I always feel that someone is staring at me, but when I turn my head, there is no figure. Probably, it’s an illusion, right?”

Nani? Is someone really looking at Xiao Bui? illusion? There is no illusion, in the eyes of Tujian Zongwu, it means that there is a mistake, and it has not been let go.

“Is there anything to do afterwards?” Inquiring in detail.

“No more.” The hamster turned his head back: “Ounichan, don’t be nervous. Everyone is a student, and it’s at school again. It’s okay.”

No-evil people regardless of age, the earth always understands and thinks.

“Moreover, Xiao Bui made a lot of friends today. People like Kato are very gentle, and early love is also very good…”

Doma Sougo nodded, “Uh, uh!”

He is still thinking about who is looking at Xiao Bui and what to do.

“Ouni-chan!” Seeing Sougo Tama’s absent-minded appearance, the hamster was once again angry and became a puffer fish buried: “I knew I would not tell Ouni-chan…”

“Huh?” Sougo Tama wakes up instantly: “Eunice is listening, Xiaomai has made a new friend, is it called Kato Early Love?”

Hamster buried: “…”

“That’s wrong, Kato is Kato, early love is early love, it’s two people.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

I always feel that things are not going well today.

“I’m playing the game by myself!” Pufferfish Mai turned around and switched to another game.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This waste material dared to lose his temper. He… Forget it, go get Kuole and potato chip snacks to apologize, and have to prepare today’s dinner. Sure enough, everything went wrong.

Time goes back to the lunch break. Private Toyosaki, a first-year gossip group.

“Have you heard? A young lady was transferred from the next class.”

“I heard she speaks eight languages.”

“It is said that her test was transferred in with full scores in all subjects.” A well-informed person said.

“Open, are you kidding? Can you get full marks in Chinese?”

“I don’t know, but when I turned around, someone was crazy to see the principal.”

“More than that, it is said that this eldest lady has not only excellent grades, but also top talent.”

“And it’s a blonde beauty.”

Speaking of this, everyone seemed to think of something, suddenly closed their mouths, and aimed their gazes at the other person.



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