Chapter 131

“Eh, non-disclosure agreement? Is O’Neill now working as an undercover agent?” Obviously, he didn’t accept the shrewd bury of fools.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Isn’t this guy a waste material? Why are you so shrewd?

“of course not……”

“That’s the killer who accepts the task!” Shrewd Buried made a gun-holding posture: “Euny sauce, Xiao Buried can also be a killer!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

I always feel that this guy is not as foolish as before.

“Hey, can’t you stop thinking about O’Neill like this, can’t I just be an undercover or killer with O’Neill?”

Shrewdly burying his head tilted and said, “Because the non-disclosure agreements are all this kind of obscure professions, or government organizations, but isn’t O’Neill despising the government? What are you talking about, a group of people are manipulated by capital The guy, what else do you get to cook.”

“…” Sou Wu Tama twitched his mouth, then raised his hands and said.

“Well, I haven’t found a job yet.”

The hamster smiled contentedly: “I know the salted fish ohni sauce…”

Doma Sougo——Laugh, laugh, and when you know that I am the manga artist you like, I will fight hard…Bah. Educate you.

As for the availability of propaganda resources, Sougo Tama never thought about it, joking. Although Fujikawa Bunko was thrown to the old man, his confidant at the beginning, poor Sankami-san, still served as the editor-in-chief. Relying on the big tree, Tujian always felt that he was very stable.

“Don’t worry about O’Neill, Xiaobu will save money before you get a job.” Looking at the silent Doma Sougo, Danzi buried her hands on his shoulders and said: “Even if O’Neill is salty. Fish, but I also believe that O’Neill can take care of me. Of course, I will work hard with O’Neill…”

Doma Sougo “…”

Hey, I know it’s a salted fish, why should I take care of you? Although, he doesn’t hate it.

The drama is on the line: “Eunni sauce, if it doesn’t work, Xiaoying will go to work, convenience stores, delivering newspapers and so on. I can also do it. O’Neill sauce…”

“Cough!” Looking at the more and more addictive of a certain drama, Sougo Tama quickly coughed and stopped speaking: “By the way, why are you so clear about part-time jobs!”

“Because, I want to be O’Neill’s support!” Tuanzi clenched a fist with one hand, as if handing it to me, in the middle of the play.

Sougo Tama tentatively asked, “Actually, you just want to have fun, don’t you?”

“…” The drama was buried.

There was a long silence.

“No, I want to go out to work because I can’t find a job. Who would want to work if I’m fine.”

Doma Sougou smiled: “Miss who has nothing to do with nothing!”


Sougo Tama continued to oppress and said, “Because I just escaped the shackles of my home and transferred to a new school, I want to experience the lives of others?”

The dramatist turned his head nonchalantly: “What more will Ou Nichan say, obviously Xiaomu wants to help Ou Ni Jiang to bear some…”

Halfway through the conversation, a big hand was already placed on her head: “Sure enough, it’s a fool. It’s not as fun as you think.”

“Ouni-chan.” The hamster rubbed the top of his head instantly turned to face Sougo Domama.

“Let’s talk about it, when did you have this idea?” Sougo Tama asked.

The hamster buried his index fingers and nodded at each other: “It was there when I was in the family.”

Hearing this, Tujian always realized that the corners of his mouth twitched. When did this hamster have this problem? He remembered that this guy was really a salted fish that had been marinated. Is it the Tujian family in this world? There was no bankruptcy, so instead, he developed…

“In the past, the servants at home were often said that people who didn’t work had no food, but I never worked, but…”

Sougo Tama felt a little pain in his brain.

“Besides, those servants can’t keep up with me. After all, O’Neill sauce is the best ten of Yuanyue…”

Doma always realized that his brain hurts even more.

“Because Ernie Chan often says that life is equal, but Xiao Bui has never seen equality…”

The earth is always enlightened-enough, a lot of waste, sentimentality does not belong to you, I would rather you be happy for the rest of your life.

“Just because of different backgrounds, Xiao Mu has always enjoyed a life that most people can’t enjoy.”

Doma Sougou’s rare reply: “You mean Kuole and potato chips?”

“Eunichan, you know what I’m talking about!” The hamster stared.

Tuma Sougou softened in an instant, and took his hand and said, “Does Xiaoying still want to deny his birth? It is true that people are different from people, but this is something God decides. what relationship?”

Using the name “Xiao Bui” is a rare time for heart-to-heart talks.

“Actually, Xiao Mu knows it too, but just feels…”

Tuma Sougo interrupted: “And, who said Xiaobui has no job?”

The hamster pointed at himself: “Eh, me? Work?”

“Isn’t Xiao Mu’s job just to study hard? Ask questions, how many points did Xiao Mu get on the last transfer exam?”

Hamster Buried instantly replied, “One point has been deducted for the Chinese language, but other things are very simple, how can you lose points?”

Tuma Sougou smiled and said: “Look, this is not the result of your serious work, your grades have exceeded countless people.”

The hamster tilted his head: “But…”

“Ask, do you know why those are servants, and we are the masters?”

The hamster frowned: “Gap between rich and poor!?”


Doma Sougou tapped Xiaobuy’s head with a hand knife and said, “Stupid, it’s because they are not serious when they study and can’t find a good job, so they can only be domestic helpers.”

The hamster buried his head: “Yes, but O’Neill is not a student… Besides, he hasn’t found a job yet.”

“Hey!” Sougo Tama sighed: “Then Xiao Bui doesn’t believe that Ernie Chan can find a job and feed Xiao Bui?”

The hamster buries himself into a pufferfish: “No, I just watch my brother stay in a daze, so I’m worried…”

“Stupid!” Sougo Morama said with a smile: “I’m not thinking about work problems, I’m thinking, what I did before will make Xiaobu uncomfortable.”

The hamster bury his glasses widened “Huh?”

“Because I always impose my own ideas on you, just like, I took you directly to the unearthed house…”

The hamster raised his head and said, “No! When did Ernie Chan impose his own thoughts on me, it’s what I want, and Ernie Chan will give me everything.”

Tu Jian Zou Wu: “For example, Wusan, Huanggang?”

The hamster buried his mouth and twitched: “Euny sauce, please don’t mention it.”

Buried in the soil, I still remember that it was a dark day. I don’t know where O’Neill got a large number of test papers. I won’t mention the number of them. The key is that most of them don’t know how.

Although there is a ******* of the soil, the soil is always understood: “Well, the skill of bewitching is used for lecturing, but I didn’t expect it to be quite useful.”

After more than a month of writing questions, I felt like I was about to become a question writing machine.

Of course, this is also very useful in conjunction with her fairly talented brain.

Anyway, after finishing a bunch of Wusan and Huanggang, I felt that none of the questions in the school could embarrass her, and sometimes she would even think about the teacher, whether it’s such a mentally retarded question. !

Of course, the cause of this incident will never be explained by Somatoki!

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