Chapter 121 The Past of Tama Sougou (Dojo Chapter)

Really smart people are always good at hiding themselves…

In the beginning, when the old man sent Doma Sougo to the Kondo Gymnasium because of a drunkenness, he was unwilling. You can’t let him do this kind of thing. He will do it right away. Doesn’t he want face? What’s the matter, people have to try it first, right?

Reluctantly, at that time, Tujian always felt light, and even if there was something, he couldn’t resist his old man-Guilong.

When he first stepped into the gymnasium, he was unwilling, so the second young master of the Tujian family did not do it and came here to practice kendo. Is he really stupid?

Besides, even if you don’t practice kendo, Gold Finger is still not strong in fitness, but if he really wants to burst out with all his strength, he really doesn’t believe that someone can stop him, after all, this is just a daily world.

This thought continued until the second he saw Kondo.

“Ah, gorilla…” This was the first sentence of Sougo Tama after entering the dojo.

But with just such a sentence, Kondo’s tears filled his eyes for many years.

“Woo, Boss Kondo, can it be troublesome if you don’t want anyone to bring anyone to the gym.” This is the first time that Tubo Shiro and Doma Sougo met. At that time, Tubo Shiro was drowsy. Rubbing the messy hair and constantly complaining.

Faced with this situation, Tuma always felt horrified: “Hey, gorillas are still raising malnourished humans, new urban myths?”

Kondo, who was mistaken as a gorilla, had tears in his eyes.

Why does he often have tears in his eyes, because he suggested that Sougo accept the practice of kendo…

At that time.

The irritable Tufang Shibu Lang is full of # signs on his forehead: “Hey, kid, what are you talking about, who is the gorilla, who is the human being raised, eh!?”

“Woo!” Sumamoto Gou said with a thoughtful look, and then suddenly said.

“It turns out that you are the owner of the gorilla…” Before he finished speaking, Sougo Tama stepped forward and said: “It is good to cherish animals, but this gorilla has been dressed in human clothes. Be careful.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Faced with the reminder of Sougo Tuma’s ‘goodwill’, Shiburo Tufang only felt a pain in his brain, and when he was looking at the owner of Kondo Museum, tears were already running through the matter.

“Asshole, what are you talking about, ape…”

Speaking of this, Turkishiro was stunned, and he took another close look at Kondo Ho-in other words, he was really like a gorilla, and a third like a human. He shook his head and threw this terrible idea out of his mind.

“The owner of Kondo Pavilion is the owner of this place, he is not a gorilla!” Although he looks very excited, the words become quieter as he goes to the back. After all, the owner of Kondo Pavilion is really like a gorilla.

Tuma Sougou nodded as if understanding: “So, I understand that the owner of the orangutan museum is the owner of this place, so, as I thought at the beginning, you are a human being raised by a gorilla!”

Kondo ran in tears: “…”

Fourteen, fourteen, quickly refute him!

As if hearing the cry in Kondo’s heart, Tushou Shiburo stepped forward: “Enough, ape, the owner of Kondo Pavilion is not a gorilla, he is a real human, human!”

Doma Sougo: “Did you just mention the apes?”

Turki Shiro turned his head: “I don’t have…”

This turning of his head happened to hit Kondo’s eyes.

“Ape, boss Kondo, you know, I didn’t mean that…”

There were tears at the corner of Kondo Hoon’s mouth. Well, the tears have already flowed to his lips: “…”

Fourteen this guy, just mentioned the orangutan again, did you mention it? He mentioned it, and Sougo——Kondo Hoon remembered the bull that he drunk last night.

Ten days ago.

“Uncle Guilong, Xiang, Xiang, believe me, in, why not, an unreliable child, only, as long as he can become obsessed with kendo, then, that can also be reliable.”

It is precisely because Tuma is always unreliable to come out to relax, Tuma Guilong seems to have caught the life-saving grass: “Master Kondo, is what you said is true?”

This is a small street shop. Originally, it was impossible for Guilong Tujian to step into this place for a lifetime.

But when he thinks that Sougo Tama once again concealed his drunk behaviors of death, he couldn’t help having a headache, and he didn’t even have time to eat.


This small shop appeared-here Guilong Tama met Hoon Kondo, who claimed to have a long history of family history.

At that time, both of them drank a lot. As a kendo practitioner, Kondo naturally saw the entanglement in the eyes of Guilong Tuma. He adhered to the principle of doing one good day, so he approached and talked to each other. The two drunks, when they talked about it, started to cherish each other.

Regarding the troubles of Guilong Tuma, Kondo thinks it’s not a big deal, isn’t it just that the child is not very reliable? Come, learn Kendo and understand its spirit, and you will naturally be able to be reliable.

So, there is the above scene.

Time turned a little bit, Kondo Gymnasium.

“It turns out that this gymnasium belongs to the gorilla, so, am I going to call the gorilla the owner of the orangutan hall in the future?” Seeing Kondo Hoon who couldn’t stop his tears, Tuma always realized that he kindly turned off the topic.

Kondo Ho: “…”

Why do you want to bring him up after turning the topic off? What the hell is the owner of the Gorilla Pavilion!

Tobe Shiro: “Enough, apes, the owner of the Kondo Pavilion is not a gorilla, he is a real human, a human!”

Kondo Ho: “…”

Fourteen, why did he even want to cry after you explained it? Isn’t that word for ape really intentional? Why is his qualifications as a human being required to be maintained by Fourteen! !

“The more you rush to prove it, the more weird it will be.” Facing the roaring Tusushiro, Sougo Tama sneered first, then touched his chin and said: “No wonder the old man has to ask me to join the gym. , Is it because the owner of the museum is a gorilla…”

Kondo Ho: “…”

No, it’s not like that.

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Regarding the tongue, he was really scared of the guy in front of him.

“Well, you want me to mix into the dojo, and then give the gorilla an anesthesia needle for animal experiments?” Sougo Morama whispered to himself.

Although, both Kondo Ho and Tushou Shiro who were present in his low voice heard clearly.

However, the reactions of the two are different.

Kondo has burst into tears-it is no longer an animal experiment, but a human experiment.

Turban Shiburo’s head was pierced with blue veins. What does this guy think of the orangutan, Kondo boss.

Tuma Zougou still muttered to himself: “The old man is really unprofitable and can’t afford it early. There must be something peculiar about such a big orangutan who can manage the dojo.”

Kondo: “I don’t have any, don’t talk nonsense, don’t mess around…”

Tufang Shiro looked at the wooden sword on his waist from time to time. He heard from Boss Kondo that today is a distinguished guest. If the distinguished guest is like this, can he cut off the distinguished guest?

“But that’s right, there is only one gorilla in this ruined dojo that is useful, and the remaining one is a nicotine addict, and it is of no value.” Sougo Morama’s whisper continued.

Tubo Shiro drew out the wooden sword pinned to his waist and rubbed it thinly.

Seeing this, Kondo hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Tubo Shiro: “Fourteen, fourteen, don’t be impulsive, this guy is still a child!”

Looking at the muscular-faced Turkura Shiburo, Sougo Tuma leaked an innocent smile and said, “Yes, I’m still a child!”

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