Chapter 120 Do You Think This Is A Pen?

How much can a person with empty hands carry? The answer is-the bigger the heart, the bigger you bring it.

hair dryer.

“Actually, this is an electric drill disguised as a pen…” Doma Sougo said with a smile: “So-called, the electric drill walks on the body, and there is nothing to fix both hands. As a high school student, it is reasonable to wear a pen-shaped electric drill?

Everyone: “…”

Reasonable fart! Why make the electric brick look like a pen? Which high school students will carry electric bricks with them?

Tufang Shibu Lang secretly said: “This guy’s evil taste is really getting more and more serious.”

“And this pair of chopsticks.” Sougo Tama continued to introduce: “Do you think it is just a pair of ordinary chopsticks?”

Everyone: “…”

What can you do with a pair of chopsticks?


Doma Sougo twisted slightly, and the chopsticks were divided into four sections.

“Actually, this is a screwdriver and a cross screwdriver disguised as chopsticks.”

Everyone: “…”

Hey, hey, why do you spend so many tricks? Can’t you just bring it into a screwdriver?

Sougo Doma shook his finger: “What’s more rare is that this screwdriver can also play the role of chopsticks. Think about it, when a group of people go to a picnic, but find that they forgot to bring disposable chopsticks, what should I do? At this time, this Just lift the chopsticks and it will work. When others are still worrying about disposable chopsticks…

Owning this chopstick driver, I can already enjoy delicious food for the first time. Thinking about it this way, is this chopstick driver a must for traveling at home, killing people… Uh, it’s a must-have for traveling the world. ”

Everyone: “…”

You just wanted to talk about killing people! However, what you said makes sense, and we are speechless.

“However, few people forget to bring disposable chopsticks to a picnic, right?” someone asked.

Sougo Tama looked at the questioner with a look of mental retardation.

“If you don’t have a chance, you won’t create opportunities by yourself? As long as you lose the disposable chopsticks on the day of the picnic, you will be the winner of the entire picnic!!”

Everyone: “…”

Good, so evil, this guy is completely self-interested.

As if thinking of something, Tugata Shiro suddenly cut off the cigarette in his hand: “Sougo, in the past, every time the Kondo team had a picnic, there would be incidents of forgetting to bring disposable chopsticks. Did you do it?”

Although it is doubtful, the earthworker said it for sure.

“Eh hey?” Sougo Tama turned his head innocently: “Is there such a thing? Why did I forget it!”

“Don’t pretend to be stupid! No wonder, I said, how come that fellow Yamazaki missed disposable chopsticks every time. After you left, he has a good memory. It’s you, it’s you!”

Seeing the excitement of Tukata Shiro, Tuma Sougou touched his chin: “Mr. Tukata, what are you talking about, I don’t understand at all. Besides, Yamazaki forgot to bring disposable chopsticks. It’s not all of the universe. Your choice?”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

“Furthermore, men who are too entangled in the past will not be liked by women. Are you going to be a bachelor for a lifetime? Mufang shows up?” Mottoma Sougo still smiled.

Tukata Shiro: “Asshole! I never thought about looking for a woman, it will only drag down my will,”

“Who knows? After all, even the owner of the orangutan museum has become a stalker, wow, I really want to go to the group to promote it.” Sougo Tama threatened with a smile.

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

He endures!

Kondo Hoon suddenly jumped out at this moment: “Sougo!”

“Eh? What’s wrong with the master of the orangutan museum?” Sougo Tama turned his head and smiled.

“You have to believe me, it’s not stalking, it’s the protection of love, I like Miss A Miao, so, I must not let Miss A Miao get hurt…”

The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched. Is this the problem he was talking about? Sure enough, the inter-species communication is too tiring.


Fortunately, Ah Miao on the side could no longer listen. She blasted out a punch, and Kondo flew straight towards the wall like a broken kite, and then slowly fell off.

After beating people, A Miao smiled and turned back, squinting to ask Tuma Sougo.

“After talking for so long, then, can you help me get a good treatment for Xinba first?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Police officer present: “…”

In other words, that big, no, why did the Kondo group dare to follow such a woman?

Tufang Shiro put on a cigarette again, and secretly said: “It’s really a gorilla, the woman Kondo is fond of is really spicy.”

Tuma Zougou glanced again, Ah Miao, um, confirmed the look in his eyes, everyone is a black-bellied and violent person…Bah, what is he thinking, let Tuma always realize that, but he is full of love and kindness.

I hypnotized myself fiercely in my heart, Doma Sougou smiled and said.

“Ah, no problem, I was just proving my professionalism just now, for example, this hair dryer…”

The people present yelled in their hearts: “You have enough, a hair dryer, what tricks do you want to make!”

“This hair dryer is a real charge-hair dryer, as the saying goes, the head can be broken and the hair style can’t be messed up. This hair dryer can be used continuously for 24 hours after a single charge…”

Everyone present yelled inwardly again: “Haha, it turns out to be a hair dryer, what would you like to introduce to a hair dryer?”

“Do you think this hair dryer is useless?” Tujia Zongwu asked, looking at the constipation-like expressions of the crowd.

Everyone in the field: “…”

You know it too! !

“But, you forgot one sentence, it is said that the shape is like a person…” Sougo Tama turned on the hair dryer and blew: “A good shape can often make you do more with less. Please take notes!”

Everyone: “Who is so rare!”

Under the reasonable use of the hair dryer, in just a few minutes, Sougo Doma’s appearance has changed from a student boy to the appearance of a technical tycoon.

Everyone present went out of the earth and Kondo “…”

This guy should be a stylist-what a fool!

“Ahem…” Looking at the stunned people, Tuma Zouwu said with a dry cough: “Since I’m out, then, where is the patient, get it out!”

Turkijuku and Too Kondo: “Evil taste…”

Others wait: “…”

How does f*ck call out the shape? Even the personality has changed! ?

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