Chapter 105: No, Yes!

Go left for about one kilometer at Kondo Dojo, and there is a shabby gym.

The signboard of the dojo has decayed, and there is a row of crows staying above the gate.

As soon as people approached, the crow flew “Baga, Baga.” It looked quite gloomy.

Yoshida Saki suddenly felt that she was really a fool. Why did she follow the earth unknowingly, and the two of Sougo came to such a terrifying place.

It’s just that she hasn’t waited for her to think about it.

Earthwork, Zou Wu and two have already stepped forward and opened the door: “Excuse me.”

Saki Yoshida: “Well, do we want to go in? This, it looks so scary here.”

“Don’t worry, it’s just a little shabby…” Tufang Shiburou looked back and comforted.

Sou Wuyin Tama smiled and said, “It’s definitely not a haunted house here!”

Yoshida Saki: “…”

No, it must be a haunted house, she can guarantee that if it weren’t for that, how could that guy with extremely bad personality use two absolutes to guarantee it?

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but back off.

Sougo was scary, how could Sougo make her wish, when Sougo flashed away, she came to Saki Yoshida’s back.

“Go ahead, or you will be killed.”

Yoshida Saki: “…”

Mom, I really couldn’t believe the words of the Jidao organization, and they said they won’t kill people—Mom, Xiao Saki will never see you again.

Turkura Shibuchi covered his forehead: “Sougo, you can’t help but scare people?”

“Don’t call me Sougo, I’m killer thirteen now, fool JK, go in obediently, I will give you a happy one, Mr. Tufang, the place to kill the mouth is already here, no need to sing white-faced.” , By the way, pull the earth into the water.

Saki Yoshida had tears in his eyes: “…”

This is what is played in the TV series, one sings the white face and the other sings the red face? Sure enough, the Jidao organization’s routine is really deep.

There are countless #s appearing on the smiling face of Tufang Shishi Langqiang, just after thinking about it——

Forget it, don’t bother to care about that guy, just play if he likes to play.

Shaking his head, Tushou Shiro carried his hand box and walked into this dilapidated dojo.

Looking at this scene, Yoshida Saki: “…”

Ju, don’t you actually refute it? Sure enough, you came here to kill your mouth. There are no villages in front of you, no shops behind, and it’s off the beaten track. As expected, it is a good place to kill your mouth, Saki Yoshida, you, you are going to die!

Tuma Sougou: “Hurry up and don’t let me do it now.”

Saki Yoshida tried to struggle: “You, didn’t you guys say that it’s too stupid to silence your mouth or something?”

“Do you believe what the bad guy said?” Sougo Tama sneered.

Yoshida Saki: “…”

Sure enough, it makes sense, whether it is in TV series or comics, which villain can tell the truth?

Tuma Sougo urged: “Hurry up to follow in the footsteps of Mr. Tufang, or let him do it… Then you will not die easily, at least it will be a thousand swords, that guy is the deputy chief of the ghost!”

Yoshida Saki: “No, don’t cut it all…”

As he spoke, he followed in with a pale face.

Walking into the dilapidated dojo, Tushou Shiro opened a sliding door: “Excuse me, is anyone there?”

Looking at the earthmoving like a robber, Saki Yoshida wanted to cry without tears. Why did she think that Mr. earthmoving was a good person at the time? There are no good people in the Jidao organization! If she has a future…

Before she finished thinking about it, Saki Yoshida saw inside the sliding door opened by the earthwork, and walked straight out of a black long straight beauty in a lady’s yukata. His face was cold and it was hard to relate to.

Saki Yoshida understood that temperament was the temperament of a gangster woman.

Otherwise, why did the villain of the earthworker see this man come out, so scared that he even dropped the smoke, and the guy who said that he was going to kill her was also stunned.

Wait, Saki Yoshida uses her brain—everyone is a woman, so can she ask for help like this cold beauty?

However, before she could speak, she heard the bad guy behind her say:

“GAY (fake hair), you, when did you go for the sex reassignment surgery?”

“It’s not GAY (fake hair), it’s Katsura, Tama Sougo! You guy is finally back.” Hei Chang Naomi, no, it was Katsura Kotaro who looked at the visitor, his eyes brightened, and said with a strong voice.

Yoshida Saki: “Ah, ah…”

Ju, it’s not a woman, is it?

Looking at GAY with bright eyes, Sougo Doma hurriedly raised his hand: “Stop, gay (fake hair), I didn’t want to have a fateful duel with you, it’s all your own trouble!”

“It’s not gay (fake hair), it’s Gui. You promised at the beginning that as long as you defeated you, you would join the Guishen Songyang Flow Dojo.”

“However, I have already joined the earthwork to go to the death stream dojo.” Sougo Morama said with a smile.

Tufang Shibu Lang’s head got big for a while, he first turned his head and roared at Sougo: “Asshole, there is no earthwork in this world to die.” Then, he turned and looked at Kotaro Katsura: “Gui, you are that What kind of dress? Did it inspire hidden attributes?”

Kotaro Katsura was taken aback, he quickly looked at himself.

“Ahem,” Gui gave a dry cough quickly, and Gui said in a soft voice: “It’s not Gui, it’s a fake hairpin.”

At this moment, Saki Yoshida finally understood that when a man is beautiful, there is nothing wrong with a woman.

Fortunately, she has not seen Akasaka Ryunosuke.

“Forget it, come in first. The barley tea is on the table. I want to drink it myself. I declare in advance that I don’t have any drinks. I will change my clothes first.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Tama Sougo gestured with his eyes: “Gay (fake hair), is this guy okay?”

Tusumi Shiro returned with a look that should be okay.

A few people walked into the room. A back-mounted TV was showing a comedy. Except for the lights, that was probably the only electrical appliance in the room. There was a pot of tea on the table, but there was only one teacup. It looks like it’s been drunk.

Sougo Tama gestured again: “Are you sure it’s really okay?”

“A poor life can create a strong heart and a noble soul.” Shiriō Tobe suddenly sighed, as if answering Sougo’s doubts, and as if he was calming the feared Yoshida Saki.


The corners of Tujian’s mouth twitched unconsciously-Tufang, you guy really want to think so, why did you accept the Tujian family’s request for cooperation in the first place?

Saki Yoshida finally couldn’t help but said, “Sorry, please, may I ask, why are you bringing me here?”

Whether it is life or death, let’s just talk about it, she feels like her heart is beating, she is about to have a heart attack.

“Of course it’s Mie…” Tuma Sougo still insisted on his principle of not scaring people to death and not stopping.


However, before he could finish speaking, the earthwork had already stepped forward again and hit Zongwu’s head with a punch: “In other people’s turf or put away your nasty character…”

Immediately afterwards, he turned to Saki Yoshida and said, “When you come to the dojo, of course you come to visit the teacher…”

Yoshida Saki: “Huh???”

She apprentice? What are you studying?

“If you want to have a pure heart and a noble soul, of course, you must be guided by a famous teacher. Human beings are not animals that are constantly walking on the road of learning from their predecessors and surpassing them?” Huyoulang is online.

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