Chapter 104 Another Black Long Straight?




Don’t talk about ignoring life, just because of a bad personality, you can already exclude that guy (Sougo) directly from the good guys-Saki Yoshida, what are you thinking about?

Saki Yoshida shook his head violently in his heart, but his face was listening.

“Those bullied idiots were luckier than you in the first place, they met Sougo first…” Tugata Shiro said this, taking a deep sip of nicotine.

Saki Yoshida: “Huh?”

Are you lucky to be the first to meet that guy with a bad personality?

“Sougo this guy, don’t look at his underage alcoholism, intimidation, extortion, fighting, and even murder, but I know that this guy is actually a really good person, because he has been changing the fool around him…”

Yoshida Saki: “!!! @_@”

Wait, you can’t be considered a good person anymore, right from the beginning of alcoholism? Intimidation, fraud, extortion, fighting and killing…Everything is enough to go to jail, right? Is it because she misunderstood the definition of a good person, or is it due to a misunderstanding of the definition of a good person by the gangster.

“Hey, have you ever thought of changing?” Tukata Shiburo continued.

“I, I’m already trying to change. Today, I also put on light makeup for the first time. In the past, I actually looked very homely and earthy.” Saki Yoshida said cautiously.

“Sure enough, I am an idiot. What kind of change is the appearance of the change? Only when the mind keeps getting stronger and the soul keeps shining, then it is called change.” Tufang Shiro seems to hate iron and steel.

“Mr. Tufang, you have been paying attention to this idiot JK! You like them!” Sougo Doma moved to the corner and said with a background voice.

Yoshida Saki: “Huh???”

Hi, what do you like, is it too fast?

“Asshole, who do you think I’m all for!” The earthwork found the background sound generator in an instant, Zou Wu.

“Ah, for your idiot JK ​​who fell in love at first sight.” Sougo Doma crouched, holding his head, whispering in a low voice, really just a low voice, at most, only the people in this room can hear it clearly.

Saki Yoshida “…”

Extremely, the Jidao boss fell in love at first sight or something, is it too girlish, should she agree? Slightly took a look at the handsome face of Shibuya Shiburo-should she agree? Or should I agree?


While Yoshida Saki was thinking, the figure of the earthwork flashed, and he came to Sougo Domama who was holding his head and squatting on defense. He raised Sougo with one hand: “Asshole Sougo, if it weren’t for the favor of reminding you, you think I can say so much?”

Yoshida Saki: “…”

Sure enough, being in love at first sight by the gangster is only suitable for young girls, it is impossible in the real world-she was just thinking about something.

“But, Mr. Tufang said so much, has it forgotten that the Kondo team does not recruit female disciples?” Sougo Douma stretched out his index finger and shook it.

“Zou Gou, have you forgotten that next to the Kondo group, there is another gym that is naturally dark and straight.” Tufang Shibu Lang said in a low voice.

“You mean…” Doma Sougo thought for a while, and suddenly realized.

Wait, why is it black and straight again? After Yuanyue came out, how could there be so many black long straight beside him?

“Furthermore, the Kondo team owes the guy a favor, and there is no chance to return it. That guy is guarding a ruined dojo, and his life is hard to say, but he just doesn’t join the Kondo team, and he is afraid of embarrassing him by directly giving money. , Besides, he also has use value…”

“Tsk tusk…” Doma Sougou touched his chin, and whispered with a smile, “Turkish, you guy has learned badly. This is called killing two birds with one stone?”

“Heh~!” Tushou Shiro sneered: “Without any means, how can it be possible to maintain the safe zone forever.”

“It’s just…” Sougo Tama frowned, “That guy’s natural dull…”

“Don’t worry, although that guy is naturally stunned, he is indeed very strong, and he is very clear in terms of right and wrong. In the Chinese language, it is Dazhi Ruoyu…If it was not for the Kondo team, the guy would have taken off long ago.”

Doma Sougoto clapped his hands with his fists: “Oh, I just said how the guy can stay idle. It turned out to be because the Kondo team was suppressed. I had known it loosened, and now I can form an alliance with him.”

“Yeah, the development of the Kondo team has violated the cakes of many people-no wonder you just came out of the Tama family, many people are ready to move.”

“Huh hey?” Sougo Tama pointed to himself, “Blame me?”

“Huh!” Turkishiro put down Sougo, and took a deep breath of nicotine: “You built the Kondo team, and the safety zone was also divided by you…”

“Don’t think about it so much,” Sougo Doma patted Shirō Tukata on the shoulder: “Actually, all the idiots who are about to move right now are just some idiots. The old man is just offering me a reward. The Tuma family has never said to go with Kondo. Disengage from the cooperative relationship…

Besides, when I came out of the Tujian family, I was able to boldly provide some weapon resources. ”

“AK47? M16? Gatlin? Or Sand Eagle?” The earthmover gritted his teeth.

Don’t blame him for gritting his teeth. Japan is a country where guns are banned. Although the Kondo group is well-known in the extreme world, it is also quite big in dealing with gun problems.

And the weapon resource Sougo brought to the Kondo team for the first time was a pile of heavy weapons that could directly support the Middle East.

“Well, I can get a surface-to-air missile if you want,” Sougo Doma said, touching his chin.

Turkishiro: “#^_^”

Shente Mody air-to-air missiles! ! Are you going to start a war?

“No, the weapon resources are still enough…” Tukata Shichiro tried to endure the spit, but after thinking about it, he said again: “Well, you can also prepare a batch of light weapons, sniper rifles, and bulletproofs. Clothes-in case of accidents.”

“No problem, as long as you have money-you need to be ready in minutes.”

Tufang Shiro nodded, indicating that he understood, and the two closed their voices in a tacit understanding.

The earthwork turned his head and flicked at Saki Yoshida: “Hey, you wouldn’t be foolish to think that changes in appearance can help you make friends?”

Saki Yoshida: “Huh? No, can’t it?”

“Of course not,” Sougo Tama also flickered: “The change in appearance will only usher in malice at the beginning! Especially the malice between the same sex! If you say, like you said, you used to look very dirty, Then if I guessed it correctly, you didn’t get any kind eyes when you went to school today?”

Yoshida Saki: “…”

Indeed, after she put on her makeup and went to school, not only did she fail to make friends, but she also welcomed a lot of repulsive eyes between the same sex.

That is probably.

“What a bitch.”

“Make-up seduce men?”

“Are you going to make waves?”

Malicious, full of maliciousness, as for the boys, under that malicious gaze, no one dared to talk to her, and she still had no friends.


The earthwork lit a cigarette again.

“That is inevitable. Even if you make friends, you are just friends who pay attention to appearance. The real you is still alone.”

Saki Yoshida lowered her head, yes, she was lonely, she was lonely from the beginning.

“So, do you want to really change yourself?” Tukata Shirobu invited again.

Yoshida Saki: “Me, can I?”

Tufang Huyoulang goes online: “Of course!”

Doma Sougou answered, “However, I can’t change this foolish point…”

Saki Yoshida was beaten to becoming a Buddha and was not angry.

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