Chapter 1024 In short, Xuexia Xuena understands

If Tuma Zougou came with the purpose of helping her improve her interpersonal relationship, then Xuexiaxuena’s overly proud self-esteem is absolutely unacceptable! Unfortunately, she thinks too much…

Doma Sougou just used her as a useful tool, as for asking a tutor?

“It’s nothing, classmate Xuexia, you don’t really think that a tutor can teach Zhenbai, do you? No? It’s not so naive, right?” Three lines of jokes, mocking Laman.

“What do you mean?” Xuexiaxuenai frowned in confusion.

“Look at it really white…”

Shiina Masashi said with a tilted head—what is she doing?

“What’s wrong with Zhenbai?” Yukino under Xuexia moved her gaze away.

“Student Xuexia should be aware of the true white common sense problem? I never hesitate to conjecture others with the utmost malice. If the tutor I find is unhealthy, let’s not talk about anything else, just say that when the teaching is really white, I deliberately taught her something messy. The common sense is enough to make people head overwhelmed, even if I can raise the bones of those tutors afterwards…”

“Sougo, what is messy common sense?” Shiina was really puzzled.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

It’s really white, well, she understands that the indoor shoes were stolen by the teacher! only……

“What is common sense of chaos? For example, jumping from the window can reach the ground as quickly as possible. If you wake up late and don’t want to be late, you will jump off the building and so on…” While the second lady was thinking, Sougo Tama had begun to teach the chaos. Common sense.

“Zongwujun, jumping off the building is your common sense, right?” This time it was replaced by Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and couldn’t hold back…

Yukino under the snow: “…”

In other words, jumping off a building is not common sense at all! ? Wait, now is not the time to complain…

The second lady glanced at Yuzhi Yazi and said:

“Student Tujian, let’s just say that Zhenbai’s common sense is too scarce. Isn’t there a classmate Yuzhi with it?”

Ako Tamaki?

After thinking about it, Tuma Sougou thought it was better to let the second lady see the horror of the other party. After all, facts speak louder than words! So he walked to Yuzhi Yazi and whispered.

“Yazi, look into my eyes carefully, and then listen to me, forget the memory of the transfer period, just remember a little bit. In fact, Xuexia is U, M, R, and Xuexia is the only one. Yes…” For a true hypnotist, it is quite simple to induce a person with mental weakness into a state of hypnosis.

Yuzhi Yazi was startled when he heard the words: “Under the snow is U…”

“U, M, R!” Sougo Tama affirmed.

Ako Tamaki murmured: “U, M, R are snow…”

“Yes, it’s Xuexia!”

After Tuma Sougou affirmed again, Yuzhi Yazi lowered her head. A few seconds later, when she raised her head again, she already stared at the second lady with extremely fiery eyes: “U, M, R!”

Xuexia Xuena: “?_?”

What kind of look is that? Who are U, M, R?

Before the second lady could react, Yazi Yuzhi rushed up and hugged her arm: “U, M, R, we finally met, I am Yazi, Yazi…”

“Wait, it’s too close. Who are U, M, R? Yuzhi classmates, you…” Yuuki Yukina was embarrassed and tried to push her away when she was attacked by the indescribable grandeur. Unfortunately, she underestimated Yazi’s paranoia. .

The second lady just reached out to stop, Yazi already lowered her head and said, “Do U, M, and R hate Yazi?”

“Sorry, I’m not U, M, R…” Although I don’t know what happened, Yukino Yukino replied truthfully.

“No, you are U, M, R! Yazi won’t admit it wrong…”

“You have admitted wrong!”

“Do U, M, R want to pretend not to know Yazi? Obviously we, we are husband and wife…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

What the hell are husbands and wives! ?

“Tsk tusk, it turns out that Yuzhi and Xuenu have this kind of relationship? It’s surprisingly bold…” Although knowing that things are definitely not the case, after all, U, M, and R are still the game IDs of Xiaomai, although they are the first. I saw Ako in this state for the second time, but that didn’t prevent Kasugaoka Shiyu from teasing him.

“Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu!” Xuexia Xuenai gritted her teeth.

“Snowgirl, I don’t discriminate against Lala myself…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu covered her mouth and said. More than non-discrimination, she is almost becoming the life mentor of most Lala, but unfortunately, she forgot to say that she often walks by the river, how can she not wet her feet. Before she finished teasing, Yuzhi Yazi lowered her head and said coldly:

“Who is Xiazhiqiu Shiyu? U, M, R, are you pretending not to know Yazi because of her…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Eh! ?

Listening to this, how did she become a spoiler?

“Wait, Yuzhi classmate, I am not the intervener between you and classmate Xuexia…”

“…” It’s okay for Xia Zhiqiu not to speak. As soon as he said, Yuzhi Yazi turned his eyes and looked at her up and down. “Damn it, you must be seduce U, M, and R. Don’t be delusional. , Yazi will never let go. He wants to take U, M, and R, unless he stepped on the body of Yazi…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

“People who dare to hinder Ako and U, M, R…” Tamaki Ako Blacken: “Go to hell all! Ako will definitely guard…”

Only halfway through the conversation, Tuma Zougou has quietly stepped forward and gave a hand knife: “Boom!”

“It’s okay…”

Accompanied by this hand knife, Yazi classmate woke up from hypnosis, remembering what she had done, she let out a soul cry: “Eh!!?”

In response to this, Sougo Tama just shrugged, then looked at Yukoshita Yukino and said, “Now Yukoshita-san should know why you need your help, right?”

Well, although Ako, whose internet dependence has improved, won’t be the same as just now, but Ako Tamaki was obsessed with the internet because of his personality problems-escaping from reality, not daring to resist, and so on.

It’s simple to tell her the difference between reality and virtuality. But to change these personalities, unless Sougo Tama obliterates Ako’s current personality, she can only rely on time to slowly change and grow, and this is him. One of the reasons why Yazi transferred…

The problem is coming. Let Yazi, who has a problem with his personality, find a tutor with Zhenbai for tutoring. If the tutor is no problem, it is okay. In case the other party is really wrong, just thinking about what Yazi can do to escape reality? I’m afraid that I will become victims together…

Because the detailed explanation was too cumbersome, Tōma Zougou chose the simplest way to let Xuexia Xuena understand why.

Doesn’t the second lady understand now? She was silent for a while: “…”

“What happened to Yuzhi-student just now?” Then, Yuuki Yukino pointed to Yuzhi Yazi who was hiding in the corner and muttering, “It was not me just now…”.

“Need I explain now?” Sougo Tama tilted his head.

Xuexia Xuena was silent again for a while: “…”

“Let’s talk about it later, I have accepted the entrustment of Yuzhi classmate!”

Although I don’t know what happened just now, the second young lady knows that mentioning those in front of Yazi who is already hiding in the corner, I’m afraid it will hurt the other party, although Yukoshita, who is very gentle in his heart, can’t do this. …

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