Chapter 1023

Yukino Yukino’s head hurts. She, who was originally not good at socializing, has ever met Sougo Tama, who is so hard to understand and pretend to be confused, it is very hard. She even knows that the other party is better than anyone else, but the other party just pretends. What can she do? She is also very helpless…

In the past, when interacting with people, the second lady could use profound knowledge, fierce words, harsh vicious tongue, etc., to make others speechless, but to bow to the wind, and retreat when she saw her, but faced the total enlightenment of the earth…

Speaking of profound knowledge, Yukino Yukoshita has not forgotten that the other party used a tram problem in elementary school to ask her down, and even now she can’t answer what to do to be correct…

To speak fierce words, mean and poisonous tongue…

She tried, and even said that she wanted to call the police, but the other party didn’t care at all! What can she do? She is also very helpless! The other party just pretends, just pretend, but she has no choice but to ignore the other party, but the other party has the ability to kill the popularity, she…

“Well, classmate Tujian, in fact, no one is irritating me…” She can’t afford to provoke, she should be able to avoid it, right? Isn’t it just pretending? She also pretends, just pretend.

“You’re still risking blue veins…” Sougo Tuma pointed at the other side again after hearing this.

“This is my usual facial expression, it seems to have misunderstood Tuma students, I’m really sorry…” Xuexiaxuno smiled: #^_^

Isn’t it just a hard case? Who can’t?

“Usually like this? I’m afraid it will burst blood vessels. Or, call an ambulance for you?”

“This won’t bother my classmates…” Xuexia Xuena grinned with gritted teeth: #^_^

“Student Tujian seems to have not answered the question just now, what are you doing here?” Leave as soon as possible, to see you off!

“Didn’t I say it?” Sougo Tuma “stunned” when he heard the words: “Student Xuexia, you should have reminded me of this kind of thing earlier. Look, how much time is wasted?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Is it her pot? After all, who caused it! ?

“Sorry, I didn’t consider it well…” The second lady finally realized what it means to be involuntary.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He squeezed his chin again: “Are you imitating your sister?”

“…” Xuenai under Xuexia was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly became silent.

“Well, forget it, then I will make a long story short. Xuexia is already going to help Zhenbai with tuition anyway. Would you mind helping one more student?” To this, Sougo Tama just shrugged. So straightforward.

Xuexia Xuena:? _?

“What’s the meaning?”

“As you can see…” Sougo Tama pointed to Shiyuzhi Ako and said, “This guy also needs a make-up exam…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

“Actually, Tujian shouldn’t be short of money for tutoring, right?” she said quietly.

“What did your sister say?” Tuma Sougo answered the wrong question.

Xuexia Xuena was silent for a while before he nodded and said: “Well, speaking of it, even True White doesn’t need me to come…” The second lady did not deny it.

“Tsk tusk…” At the end of the speech, Sougo Tama shook his fingers and said, “Did Xuexiabao miss a question?”

“What’s the problem?” Xuexiaxue was puzzled.

“The simple question is, which tutor do you think can teach Zhen Bai?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

“If the tutors can’t teach true white? Then I can’t do it…” Xuexiaxue Nao is ashamed. Although she is confident, she is not arrogant enough to compare with professionalism.

But before she could finish her words, Shiina Shiana, one of the parties involved, said first: “Xuno can do it…”

In response, Sougo Tama just shrugged and did not choose to speak, but threw the right to speak to the second lady.

Yukino under Xuexia said: “I can indeed help Zhenbai with tuition, but…”

But there is no need. In this country where capital is king, as long as there is money, most people are willing to teach one-on-one, and they are more professional than her! If it is for true whiteness, then a professional tutor is much better than her, if it is because of her…

Toma Zougou actually asked her to give Zhenbai tutoring to help her. Of course, this thought was not due to Yukino’s excessive self-consciousness, but from her sister’s Yukino.

For Meikong, as long as she believes that someone is threatening to Yiwiduo, she will do everything possible to exclude the person. However, because of force majeure, Xuexiayang cannot rule out Tuma Sougo, then she I can only keep one touch away from the other side. Therefore, after returning, Yang Nai did not hesitate to show his greatest malice:

“Even if she changed schools, Koyuki didn’t seem to have grown anymore, or that she was worse than before…”

“Sister seems to be really drunk…” At the beginning, the second lady could still answer like this.

“Are you drunk? Then Koyuki should just treat me as drunk. For example, ask questions after drunk, is the girl from Shiina’s your friend?” Yukoshita, who has already learned of the true white identity, said with a drunk smile. .

“…” Xuexia Xuena was silent, and it was hard for her to say what a friend is when she had almost no friends, but she didn’t reject Zhen Bai.

“Or Xiaoxuno would naively think that you can become friends?” Once again, Xuexiaxue is a sister-controller, a HENTAI-level sister-controller, and even a distorted sister-controller: “If your sister guessed right, you The contact with the genius girl from Shiina’s family originated from so-called tutoring, right?”

“…” Xuexiaxue was speechless.

“The Tujian family is not short of money, and Tujian Sougoku is not short of money! Let alone other things, I believe Koyuki should be judged just for today’s top quality Wagyu beef?” Although those are all from their mothers Of the money he got, of course, Yuuki Xia Yangnai didn’t say anything about it.

“What do you want to explain?” Xuexiaxue said coldly.

“Xiaoxue is afraid that he has forgotten the job of tutoring?” Xuexia Yangna stretched out as he said, “By the way, the guy in the earth said that this experience…this time tutoring Experience is not a bad thing for you, Koyuki…

Tsk tsk, it seems to be like this. Not only can the Shiina’s lady improve her grades, but Koyuki can also make friends, plus… “Speaking of this, she paused suddenly, and then the conversation changed. Said: “It really counts birds with one stone. He is much smarter than Ye Shan at the time. Oh, look at me, how can Ye Shan compare to the young master of the Tujian family…

It’s just that, during this process, did you Koyuki grow up? Or is it not as good as before? Say it is a friend, but it is a relationship established under the arrangement of others, so are you satisfied? ”

“…” After hearing this, Xuenai was silent for a few seconds, and then said coldly: “Student Tuma, he has no reason to do this.”

“Reason?” Xuexiayangna smiled: “The reason is the most useless thing in the world. If you really want a reason, it’s better for me to find one for you. For example, occasionally abuse a good person, naive and hypocritical during adolescence. , After all, Koyuki is so cute, right?”

“My sister thinks that guy will abuse good people?” Yukino Yukoshita glanced.

“…” After Xuexiayangna froze, he said quietly: “Unscrupulous teenagers occasionally help stray dogs or cats…”

It is after such a conversation that Yukino Yukino is still alone today, and will come to her activities alone at lunch, even if she knows that Zhenbai doesn’t have much thoughts…

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