Chapter 999

Earth house, living room.

“In order not to be exposed, I let Xiao Bui lead his nose, Damn it, I am the majesty of O’Neill!” While the lady was busy with other things, the mud room with green onions tied around her neck. Zou Wu’s face was full of unrequited love, and he was frightened by the use of green onions. Should he find a gap to get in?

at the same time.

“I was actually driven out by a touch of more…” Xuexiayangna, who was also unlovable, opened the sliding door of the living room.

Two guys who were unlovable met in this way, and then:

“Tama Sougo!!!” The appearance of the culprit made Miss Yukoshita recover.

“Um, it’s Yang Nai…” Tujian always realized that he was weakly responding. He was completely different from Xuexia Yangna, and his energy and spirit had already been lost along with the full “majesty”.

“Asshole, what’s the matter with that recording?” Xuexiayangna was angry.

“Ah, recording, what recording?” Sougo Doma, who only wanted to find a gap, didn’t know what the other party was talking about.

“Don’t pretend to be stupid, the recording you sent me today, and also said that it was a welfare or something, bastard…” The anger poured out of being kicked out.

“Uh, there is something like this…” Tama Sougo didn’t care about anything anymore.

“Asshole, do you want to be when nothing happens?” Xuexiayangna gritted his teeth.

“Then count as there…”

“What’s the name, even if there is?”

“Then it’s not good…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Is there something wrong with this bastard? Wasn’t it okay just now? What, wait, green onions? Could it be that……

“Are you sick? Fever?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Why did you mention being sick again? He has regretted pretending to be ill. If he doesn’t pretend to be ill, he won’t be overwhelmed. If he doesn’t, he won’t be instructed to do this and that. If he doesn’t instigate him, he won’t be afraid of confession and exposure, if he doesn’t. If you are afraid of being exposed, you will not be led by the nose, and if you are not led, you will not be reduced to the point of “dignity and mourning”…

It was not him who was wrong, it was Shichen, cough cough… not right, it was the world that was wrong! If there is no concept of disease in this world, then he can’t pretend to be sick, it’s all the world’s fault!

Although he threw the pot out, Tuma Sougo still didn’t want to say that he was sick:

“Let’s talk about the recording you mentioned…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

There is definitely a problem with this bastard in the soil, but he is right. The most important thing now is:

“Then you are talking about what happened to that recording?”

“What recording?”

“Are you here again?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t usually remember the less important things, let me think about it…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Something less important? Didn’t remember? Does this bastard know that because of the recording, her perfect image as a sister has already cracked in front of Koyuki!

While she was forcibly enduring the beating heart, Tuma always realized: “You mean the benefits I sent you?”

“What kind of welfare is that?” Xuexia Yangna roared in a low voice.

“Huh? I thought Miss Yang Nao, who is a sister-in-law, would like it…” Tama Sougo tilted his head.

“How could you like it? Wait, who is sister control!?”

“Ms. Yang Nai thinks who is the sister-in-law?” Sougo Tama reached out and pointed to the other party and asked.

“Who told you that I was the sister-in-chief?” Xuexiayangna gritted his teeth.

“I didn’t say it was you either…” Sougo Tama still pointed at the other side.

“Then why are you pointing at me?” Yukoshita Yono said as he moved aside, as if he wanted to avoid the direction of the opponent’s fingers.

It’s just that, compared to moving the body, moving the finger is much easier. Sougo Doma still points to the other person: “Sorry, you may not believe it. This finger has its own thoughts and is not controlled by me…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Does this guy think she is stupid?

Before Miss Yukoshita could say anything, Tama Sougo had already patted her fingers with his other hand and said, “Don’t make trouble, although the other party is a sister-in-law, but I don’t want to be identified. Give it to me. Slightly sleek, even if I ask who HENTAI is later, don’t point to the other person, do you understand?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

It’s all said! Wait, no matter what sister control is, who is HENTAI?

“Sougou Tama!!!”

“Ah~! By the way, where did we just say it?” Without thinking of killing the other party or turning his face with the other party, Sougo Doma would never provoke an angry person easily, so he quickly Change the subject.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

I’m so angry!

But before she could say anything, Tuma Zougou continued: “Yes, it means that I think Miss Yang Nai would like that recording. After all, it is the first memoir of Xuexia. sound……”

“Stop talking nonsense, how can it be the first time?”

“Isn’t this the first time Xuexia was invited to be a guest at home?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

It’s so sad, Xue Nao is so sad, this guy can see through it, should she feel distressed for Xiao Xue Na? but……

“That’s the first time you said?”

“Of course…” Sougo Tama nodded, “However, in order to improve the dramatic effect, I deliberately directed the dialogue to a way that makes people want to be crooked…”

and many more!

Tujian was taken aback for a moment. He seemed to know why Xiao Bui said that it was to create a dramatic effect. It turned out that the waste material was not learned from others, but rather the blood of the Tujian family. !

Just as he got the answer, Xuexiayangnai also said: “This kind of dramatic effect is not necessary at all…”

“Indeed…” Sougo Tama nodded: “Although there are some misleading elements, as long as you carefully study it, you will find that there are many errors and omissions…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Eh! ? Is it because she cares and messes up?

“Hey…” Sougo Tama sighed, “But I can’t help it. After all, those mistakes and omissions are not from me. Just think about how excellent Xuexia is…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Did this guy speak human language? That’s right, just think about how good Koyuki is so good, how could he be a bastard with the dirt…

“Student Xuexia is so good that he is A for even the moon. No matter what I think, I can’t shoot her. I think about the washboard…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Withdrawing the preface, this guy really couldn’t say anything, Koyuki has worked very hard, okay! and:

“Don’t underestimate Pingyue’s fierceness, let’s not say that Xiaoxuna still has room to grow, even now she will never be a lonely person!”

“Are you sure Xuexia has room to grow? Do I remember that she was already at her current level in elementary school?” Sougo Tama’s face was full of suspicion.

“You started to pay attention to this when you were in elementary school…” Xuexiayangna couldn’t help it.

“It’s just a simple reasoning. Could it be that Xuexia’s elementary school can still be recessed?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

It makes sense, but she was speechless. By the way, should she feel sad for her family?

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