Chapter 998 Whom Did Xiao Mu Learn From?

It’s great to show resistance, it’s great to be able to understand with more than one touch, suppository veto is really…

“Xiaobui, put down the green onions in your hands!” Sou Wu Tama was extremely serious.

“Eunni sauce, since you don’t use western medicine, you have to use traditional therapy, treat chrysanthemum, cough, and obediently receive treatment…” The eldest lady didn’t know when she was already holding an onion in each hand and assumed a fighting posture. .

“Don’t think you can fool it with coughing, Xiao buried, what did you just say?”

“Eunichan got it wrong, so Xiao Mu didn’t say anything to hand over the daisies…” Miss Mu said as she flew out and attacked, with onions and spurs, which are as fast as the wind and like lightning. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid Already hate on the spot.

Fortunately, Tuma Sougou is not a waiter. While dodges, he can also roar: “Neither the actions nor the words are exposed!”

“This is all for the purpose of allowing Ounichan to recover. Accept the sanctions, Ounijiang, cough cough… You are wrong, it should be the sanctions, the cold virus!” Although the thrust was not effective, the lady did not bury it at all. Panic, but she has weapons in both hands. Can a cold virus or something be flashed once, or a second time?

Secret skills, stab and left click! Missy buried the green onion in her other hand and waved it, with a clear goal, to hit Huanglong…

“Don’t use rehabilitation as a pretense, you just want to attack me, sanctioning Ernie sauce is your true word!” At the end of the day, Sou Wu Tujian jumped into the sky, and a backflip jumped out of the combat range.

“Eunichan is too worried. What Xiaomu wants to sanction is only a cold virus. So, let’s lie flat, Ounijiang…” The attack failed, but the young lady only cocked her head.

“If the sanction is a virus, why should I lie flat?” Tama Sougo escaped another blow.

“Because the virus is in O’Neill’s body…” Speaking of this, the eldest lady bury the onion and pointed out: “In other words, O’Neill has become a protective film for viruses and protects them…”

“Why do I have to protect the virus?” Sougo Tama’s eyes twitched.

“This is the cunning nature of the virus. Only after you first defeat the Oni sauce and break the surface defenses of Oni sauce, can Xiao Buried fight the virus to the death!”

“Why are you here to fight to the death?”

“Because the health of O’Neill sauce should be guarded by Xiao Jian!” Miss Mei held the green onions to her chest, with an inexplicable sense of mission on her face.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Or, let’s call an ambulance…”

“Don’t you believe in Xiao Bui?” Miss Bui refused to accept it.

“I think it’s better to leave things like health to professionals…”

“For example, Xiao Bui?” The eldest lady buried the green onions while she was speaking.

“When you arrive, put down the green onions first…”

“Eunni sauce, the small onion is not a green onion, it’s a weapon against colds and viruses!”

“Don’t think that another way of saying it can change the fact that it is scallions…”

“Why?” The eldest lady was not convinced: “Ming Ming Oni sauce just said that everything in the world can be a sword, why can’t the green onion become a weapon…”

“Then no one would use a sword to kill the virus!”

“But before we can deal with the virus, don’t we have to defeat Ernie Chan first?”

“Is the horse turned upside down? Didn’t Xiao buried say to protect my health? It’s weird to say that it’s down to…”

“You can’t wipe out the virus without knocking down Onichan…” The eldest lady said, “I blame Onichan for being too resistant. If you are willing to cooperate with others, Xiaoying won’t have to be so troublesome…”

“Who will cooperate with this kind of thing? Let’s not talk about whether it works or not. Even if the effect is good, you will have lost more important things before the cold and fever are cured?”

“What can be lost is more important than health?” The eldest lady asked back after hearing this.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Is this too much waste material pretending to be stupid?

“I refuse to answer!”

“It’s just to wrap the roasted green onions around your neck. What important things will you lose?” Miss Mu continued to ask.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Eh! ?

“Wrap around your neck?”

“Otherwise?” the eldest lady said, “confused”.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Just wrap the green onions around your neck? Could it be that he thinks too much? and many more! No, this waste material is lying too much. The evidence is:

“Come on, didn’t you just ask O’Neill to hand over the chrysanthemum… what?”

“Xiao Mu just talked about it casually, adding a little dramatic effect.” The eldest lady said with a crooked head.

“Then what do you say when you attack me suddenly?”

“Who makes O’Neill so resistant?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

After taking out the green onion after the suppository, no matter who it is, it will be crooked, right?

“Just wrap the green onions around your neck?”

“Otherwise?” Speaking of this, the eldest lady suddenly said with a weird look: “Wait! Don’t you think Ernie sauce is the way the owner of the orangutan museum uses it? Insert it…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Don’t think that he doesn’t know this, this is the routine of that waste material!

“Little burial, you obviously…”

But as soon as he had spoken, Miss Buried grabbed the stubbornness, and preemptively said: “Euny sauce, how can Xiaobury do that? It’s not that Xiaobu knows the common sense of putting green onions around his neck when he catches a cold… ”

“You just said that you are inserting into the Chrysanthemum area…” Sougo Tama also retorted.

“Isn’t that more dramatic effect?” Miss buried her index finger up.

“Who do you want to show the dramatic effect?”

“Of course it was shown to O’Neill who couldn’t do anything because of her illness, so that O’Neill wouldn’t be bored!” Miss Bai was so considerate.

“Do you want to thank you for your kindness?” Toma Sougou felt very happy about this, but also resisted the urge to beat this waste material with a punch, gritting his teeth. .

“Thanks no need, this is what Xiao Qian should do…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This product is a lot of one’s own, it is oneself who pretends to be sick, even if there is a mistake, it is half of one person, this product is…

The words buried by the eldest lady once again caused Sumatra to read the Heart Sutra silently for several times before gritting his teeth and reaching out: “Euny sauce is really not so boring. Just put the green onions around my neck? Give me the green onions… …”

“Ouni sauce, do you think the effect of inserting it will be better?” The eldest lady did not pass the green onions the first time, but asked seriously while pinching her chin.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Enough, don’t give this scrap too much…

“Hehe…” Before he could do anything, the eldest lady passed the green onions in her hand and said: “Xiao Mu was joking, eh? Ernie Chan’s face faded…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Who on earth did this guy learn from?

“Little buried, I am a patient! Even if his face looks paler, it is reasonable…”

“Eh much…” The eldest lady buried her index finger to her mouth and said: “That’s it. Xiao buried thought O’Neill was frightened. It turned out to be because of illness…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This piece of scrap material knows everything! ! !

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