Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 492: Lin Xuan arrives

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It exploded, Wuhua Town exploded.

Today's Wuhuacho is a powder keg that is about to explode.

Alice and Zhang Ningtian, who were hiding in the surrounding area of ​​Wuhua Town, did not dare to stay near Wuhua Town anymore. There were too many ghosts gathered here in Tokyo, not only in number, but also extremely powerful. Although It is not yet the time to meet the devil, but their breath can still spread out, shocking the world.

"This Nima, Tokyo has gathered so many demons and ghosts, it is indeed a country known as a ghost-raising country."

Alice's scalp was numb. Now, she has only seen this situation in Taixia West, but that's because there is an undead Minghuang, and the ghost kings in the ghost realm are all honest and peaceful. And now, Abe Seimei does not have the powerful dominance of the undead Minghuang, and the strength between the two sides is probably a little stronger than the ghosts.

Zhang Ningtian didn't say a word, but he was a little excited and a little stressed. If he wanted to go to the dark side, it was impossible for him to have no ghosts. These monsters and monsters were his backup force, and it was up to him how to conquer them.

Challenging and difficult, but acceptable.

"Wait, Lin Xuan and the others should be over."

Zhang Ningtian looked at the sky, the sky was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything clearly. Even the strongest people could hardly see the sea hundreds of miles away through the turbulent spatial magnetic field.

He was indeed the most important person in this net closing operation, but when it comes to guaranteeing force, it must be Lin Xuan.


There are still five minutes until today's meeting with the devil.

Abe Seimei glanced at the quartz watch on his wrist, then at the bound Su Huai Congee on the ground and the yin and yang magic circle under him, and looked around at the enshrined hero spirit cards, silently calculating the time in his heart, almost !

He bowed to the surroundings, and then said loudly, "Please help me with many heroic spirits of the Great Sun Empire. Today's plan is 10%, and the Great Sun Empire can stand in the forest of the Blue Star Powers, no longer need to bow down, no longer need to look at People wink, I no longer need to wag my tail and pray for pity, you gentlemen help me!"

His voice was deafening, and for a while, it resounded through the entire Yasukuni Ghost Society. In an instant, a gloomy wind descended, and from the enshrined hero spirit tablets, a ghost hero floating on it floated out. They had different costumes and shapes. Different, there are ancient and modern hairstyles and decorations, but the only thing that is the same is their occupation, Japanese soldier!

My hero and his enemy have been like this since time immemorial.

Although Su Huai Porridge sitting cross-legged on the ground dislikes these Japanese soldiers, it cannot be denied that they are strong. , the world is full of ghosts and wolves.

For a time, the ghosts and ghosts outside the Yasukuni Ghost Society were all intimidated. "People know the horror of ghosts, but ghosts know the poison of people's hearts." People are afraid, and now it is the vicious people who have met the ghosts and ghosts.

Big things are to be expected!

Abe Seimei squinted at the scene in front of him. Sure enough, with the help of the power of the Yasukuni Ghost Society, he can still stop the ghosts from traveling at night. .

The powerful Japanese soldiers frightened the demons and ghosts, and their tyrannical momentum rose into the sky. It was hard to ignore them. Even a few people who dared not peep at the Yasukuni Ghost Society could sense that a powerful ghost soldier was born.

Zhang Ningtian's eyes opened in vain, he looked in the direction of the Yasukuni Ghost Society, where the evil and terrifying aura was overflowing, making him the death **** very came out from the palm of his hand Thunder in the palm of his hand, but it quickly disappeared. In this area where demons and ghosts are rampant, he cannot easily reveal his whereabouts.

Wait, wait, Lin Xuan is coming!

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded behind them, but Lin Xuan finally arrived.

Just after the battle on the sea battlefield, Lin Xuan took Li Ruihua into a thunderbolt and crossed the mountains and seas directly to Wuhua Town. Unfortunately, there were too many ghosts, and the spatial magnetic field of the whole area was completely chaotic. It was Lin Xuan. It is also difficult to see the muddy water.

Fortunately, he was able to listen to the great supernatural powers with one hand, and directly found the positions of Zhang Ningtian and others, and they came to their side in a few flashes.

"You came."

Zhang Ningtian turned around in surprise and looked at Lin Xuan. As soon as Lin Xuan came, he had enough confidence in his heart, and he was completely confident that he would directly hit the Yasukuni Ghost Society.

Alice and Huang Mao also looked at Lin Xuan, only to see Li Rui in his hand who was constantly rubbing his stomach, and seemed to be fed up... fed up again? !

The two hurried over to help them up, and Alice took out the stomach and digestion tablet from her personal space and gave it to Li Rui... By the way, is this really useful?

"I'll send you back first, and the next battle will be more stable."

Lin Xuan didn't intend to leave Li Rui, who was temporarily incapacitated, near the battlefield of Xiaotianguo. Once he was noticed by Xiaotianguo's officials or even the powerhouses of other forces, it would be an accident.

He directly mentioned the three of them, and then turned into a thunderbolt and disappeared in place. Just half a minute later, Lin Xuan reappeared in the same place. He had already returned to Taixia and Xiaotianguo through the Thunder Light Supernatural Power. This supernatural power is really good. value, comparable to

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