Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 491: The end of the sea battle

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one dish!

Amidst the inexplicable fear, Li Ruiduan sat in the upper position, his face was filled with a smile that was not a smile, with an inexplicable smile on his face. He lowered his head and looked at the eight-headed snake on the plate that kept twisting its body. The corners of the mouth kept overflowing.

On the plate, it seemed that it was not a terrifying big snake at the peak of the earth, but an octopus that was about to be eaten raw.

He picked up a knife and fork, inserted a snake head of the Orochi, and then carefully cut it with a sharp knife, and finally inserted it with a fork, put it into his mouth, chewed it carefully, and tasted the deliciousness of the snake head.

This is really delicious, the flame has a little spicy taste, as well as its resentment and fear, plus the heat... Oh, eat it raw, there is no heat, chew it carefully, it can be said to be eight treasures.

The eight-headed snake has eight snake heads, also known as the Eight Treasures. This feast of fear is also known as the Eight Treasures Feast!

After eating the Eight Treasures Banquet, Li Rui's presence looked like, picked up the napkin on the table and wiped his mouth, then gradually disappeared into the darkness and disappeared.

Of course, in reality, Li Rui opened the mouth of the feast of fear, and a terrifying shadow of fear appeared, and then bit the Orochi with a savage bite. Its body was naturally undamaged, but the soul within it was directly It was taken away by Li Rui and turned into resources on his cultivation path.

Hold on, hold on again.

Li Rui held his stomach, his face was uncomfortable, but there was a slight smile on his face, "Mother, these years, I can only eat and support myself by working with you."

The last time was when the Battle of Guangzhen devoured Baqi snakeheads. The last time was in the National League. These two times, Lin Xuan and Li Rui acted together. I thought it was the beginning, but I didn't expect that after leaving Lin Xuan, I never felt full again...


Lin Xuan smiled reluctantly. He raised his head to look at the cloud of calamity in the sky. It had not dissipated, and even because he could not perceive the life breath of the eight-headed snake, it began to expand its range. .

Sure enough, it seems that he knew that someone was interfering with the process of the punishment and scourge. The Cloud of Tribulation was ready to attack Li Rui, but he only prepared a thunderbolt to show his punishment, but now Li Rui has suffered and his ability to act is limited. I can only helplessly prepare myself to accept it.

Standing beside Li Rui, I originally wanted to throw him out directly to avoid accidental injury, but after thinking about it, if I throw Li Rui out, I am afraid that Tianjie will follow him out, so I can only keep him by my side. .


In an instant, a terrifying thunder sounded, and the ninth thunder of Heaven's Punishment and Scourge was also the strongest and largest. The brewing time was also the longest among all thunders. It pierced the air and tore the sky in an instant, leaving no echo. Absolutely sound of thunder.

Like a long spear, it shot directly at Li Rui. Li Rui's face was ugly, and he wanted to escape but couldn't.

Lin Xuan's eyes narrowed, and his attention was completely hit. Just as Lei Ting was about to arrive, his body moved slightly and intercepted Lei Ting in mid-air. The white thunder seemed to wipe out all sins!

In an instant, Lei Ting penetrated Lin Xuan's entire body, not only his body, but also his soul. In the sea of ​​consciousness, thunder bursts echoed all the time, and Lin Xuan's main consciousness fell into a tremor, and all his thoughts were transformed. Zuobu's bubble burst, and no distracting thoughts were left.

The body is not bad. Lin Xuan has cultivated the Innate Thunder Dao Body before, and now he has received the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment and God's Wrath. But it is not enough to fully master such mines.

And this time, it was an opportunity for Lin Xuan to grasp the thunder of heaven's punishment and scourge. It should be said that Lin Xuan is a person of good fortune, and he has luck in his body. Just this time, if you really and Things like thunder are not invisible at once, but are stored in the cells of the body, and some are turned into neural currents.

If you don't control it, these thunder currents are like water without roots, and they will gradually disappear. But like Lin Xuan, who has mastered the power of thunder, he can fully use the low-end thunder power to charge the thunder of God's Punishment and God's Wrath. Yes, and finally fully master this kind of thunder.

After being struck by lightning, Lin Xuan moved his whole body, and he did find that his body function was enhanced and his nerve reaction speed increased. The effect of this wave of thunder training was very good.

Li Rui fell to the side, saw Lin Xuan recover, and smiled wryly, "You can be considered recovered."

Lin Xuan turned his head to look at him. Between him, his body was pitch black and his hair exploded. It was obvious that he was struck by the thunder, but it was not the main thunder, but the side thunder, that is, a little thunder that leaked from Lin Xuan.

"This wave of thunder is really powerful, hahaha."

With a little increase in strength, Lin Xuan seems very happy. Although there will be national power flowing from the three countries every moment, scouring his own cultivation, but that is to increase the upper limit of strength, physique, and speed. Now, he uses thunder to enhance the function of his body. The two are not in conflict, and even complement each other.

"It's time to save Su Huai Porridge, let's go and see how the situation is."

Li Rui pouted, and he became a fat man in one bite. Although it was very comfortable to eat, it was really bloated and uncomfortable. Alas, he could only digest it slowly. Go back to Taixia and lie down earlier, so as not to be a burden outside.

He can't wait to return to Taixia with Alice and the others now. As for Xiaotianguo, they don't need to be here, Lin Xuan and Zhang Ningtian will handle it.

"Okay, let's go."

When you think about it,

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