Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 487: game of planning

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In the small country, people all over the country at this moment heard the voice coming from somewhere.

"Be a snake, be a snake, be a snake..."

Whispering in a soft voice is like hypnosis, but in fact, this is the connection between the national fortunes of Xiaotianguo and the Orochimaru. Once the Orchid begins to use the power of faith, the people of the entire country will be affected.

Judging from the data, there are not many people who believe in the eight-headed snake, only 60 to 70 million, and it is just that kind of pan-belief, but the problem is that the total population of Xiaotianguo is only over 100 million, and there are 60 to 70 million believers. It has exceeded more than half of the total population of Xiaotianguo!

This is the key to the Orochi Orochi being able to become the holy beast of the Kingdom of Little Life.

And when the believers of the eight-headed snake accounted for more than half of the total number of citizens of Xiaotianguo, a qualitative change occurred, and it was also a different kind. At a certain moment, it turned into a real totem of a country. Lucky sign!

It’s like the symbol of luck of Taixia is a five-clawed dragon, and the symbol of luck of Xiaotianguo is the Orochi Baqi. What’s more terrifying is that the Orochi is still alive, able to practice, and has subjective initiative.

This has both advantages and disadvantages. Once the eight-headed snake changes from yang to yin... it is too subtle. It should be said that from life to death, Xiaotianguo will suffer a huge disaster, but once Xiaotianguo has survived this time Disaster, Orochimaru will become the earth-binding spirit of the entire small country, and be bred again.

Whether it's good or bad, no one knows, after all, this kind of approach is the first time it has appeared on Blue Star.

And through the eyes of the Orochi Baqi, what Lin Xuan sees at a glance is the people of the whole small country who believe in Orochi. , and their little consciousness also came to this battlefield.


Because the Baqi Orochi bears the great national destiny of Xiaotianguo, Lin Xuan's killing skills have no effect on it. The Baqi Orochi itself is the existence of the peak of the earth, but the rank of Xiaotianguo is the heaven order, and it is impossible to kill at all. No.

In the same way, Lin Xuan's Absolute Cause skill can't be used either. You must know that there are 50 to 60 million human consciousnesses in the body of the Orochi. Once Lin Xuan kills the Orochi, the Absolute Cause skill is activated. It is very likely that people will die at the same time at this moment, and after the scourge, Lin Xuan's human throne will be broken in an instant, and Taixia will be severely injured...


Taking a deep breath, I didn't expect the eight-headed snake to be so difficult to deal with.

"Li Rui, you will eat it right away when you see the opportunity to prepare it!"

This wave can only let Li Rui take action. Lin Xuan has causal passive skills, and he is afraid of accidentally hurting ordinary people, but Li Rui does not. Even if the consciousness of those who descend is attacked by fear, spread to tens of millions of people, at most It just feels like a nightmare, it's okay.


Wuhuading, Yasukuni Ghost Society, a feminine young man in a yin and yang mage robe looked up into the distance, as an invincible existence at the top of the earth, he could see the battle between Lin Xuan and the eight-headed snake above the sea at a glance.

In his estimation, there is a 70% probability that the Orochi Orochi will die. This probability is already very high, more than half. If there is no accident, it is basically dead, but he did prepare some for Orochi Orochi. Later, such as the power of faith!

After taking a few glances, he lowered his head again and smiled apologetically at Su Huai Conge, who had already put on the robe of a witch, "I'm really sorry, but we can't do anything about it, Xiaotianguo really needs a normal person. Heaven-level combat power, we are too late!"

After that, he continued to describe the incomplete Yin-Yang Magic Array. This Yin-Yang Magic Array was completely different from the previous Yin-Yang Magic Array. It was bigger and more complicated. The formation method is to cooperate with each other to achieve the effect of yin and yang rotation.

While depicting the Abe Seimei's mouth, he muttered, "Obon Festival, the gates of **** are opened, and the gods come to the world to clean up the world."

As for Taixia's layout in Xiaotianguo, the top powerhouses may not be ignorant of them, but the person in charge of this matter is the Undying Minghuang. They are too aware of the methods of Undying Minghuang. A Fengying spear killed Lanxing Wuxing. The opponent, invincible for two hundred years!

But this is not an excuse for their inaction. On the contrary, they have always been planning to overturn Taixia's layout, and they have indeed found several ways, but they did not expect that they were spied by Taixia halfway through and sent strong men to display the beautiful man's plan. , seduced the goddess witch of the previous generation of Amaterasu.

Sanguizi was missing two witches, and their plans were in vain in an instant.

In the following time, they did not continue to sit still, and then carefully thought about how to remedy the situation in the future. In the end, they decided to shape the divinity of Amaterasu, introduce it into the world, and let his divinity enter the body of the Lord Goddess Witch. Completely become a saint walking in the world!

According to their plan, the saints have the power of the heavens, and with the power of the heavens, they will have enough confidence to fight against Taixia.

The plan has now reached its final stage. The divinity of Amaterasu was activated half a year ago and has been hidden in the Yasukuni Ghost Shrine, and the witches of Amaterasu are now being captured by them. The formation is also about to be completed, and the best time node will come. At that time, everything will be set.

Su Huai Porridge looked at Abe Seimei indifferently. She wanted to struggle, but all her strength was sealed, and an isolation charm was pasted on her forehead, making it difficult for her to communicate with Amaterasu's divine mecha.

For now, we can only wait for the opportunity.

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