Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 486: field of belief

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Stirring the bottom of the sea with brute force has turned the world upside down. Although there is no professionalism from that great supernatural power, it has also made this section of the trench upsetting.

Anyway, in a word, the hometown of Orochi Baqi was smashed and collapsed.

Lin Xuan looked at the bottom of the trench, which had become cloudy, and his eyes widened in vain. He knew that the Orochi was about to come out. After all, this house would be completely smashed by Lin Xuan. Speaking of the location, its own mentality collapsed first.

Therefore, for this last punch, Lin Xuan decided to go all out.

Human Sovereign body, dragon head and snake tail!

Idol Suppressing Prison Strength Twelfth Floor!

Fa Tianxiangdi Twelve Times Limit Enhancement!

Lin Xuan turned into a terrifying monster in an instant, and then squeezed his fist print and blasted it down into the depths of the trench.

The Orochi Baqi had already sensed that something was wrong. It frantically went upstream and wanted to organize Lin Xuan's attack, but he didn't expect that Lin Xuan didn't hesitate at all. !

The sea water was smashed into a vacuum by Lin Xuan's fierce punch. The surrounding sea water did not react at all. A large piece of terrifying sea water was directly smashed into a solid state by Lin Xuan. Under the action of terrifying power, it turned into a solid state. Uncle Newton's coffin board could not be held down. At this moment, scientists discovered the second method of making water into ice... (nonsense, write a few blindly)

There was a loud bang, as if the world was overturned and the world collapsed.

For Lin Xuan, everything was fine, but for the Orochi, the world was indeed collapsing. It was about to swim out of the trench, but he didn't want Lin Xuan to punch it down and smash it back alive. , this time, its old nest completely collapsed, and everything under the trench was destroyed.

After throwing this punch, Lin Xuan didn't stay in place, but quickly floated up, jumped out, and stood in the air.

The punch he just blew was not simple. It can be said that he went all out. It was completely expected to trigger the change of the world, but the situation was too big.

Looking at the terrifying tsunami hundreds of meters high in front of him, the corners of Lin Xuan's eyes kept twitching. He naturally knew that the powerhouses of the earth-level, especially the powerhouses of the peak level and above, were restricted from taking shots on Blue Star. It's because of the horrific catastrophe.

This time, it was entirely because he wanted to draw out the Orochi, so he threw a punch with all his strength... It's not a big problem!

He flipped his hand and took out the Great Treasure of Merit, the Seal of the Emperor of Humanity. Lin Xuan threw it away, and the seal of the Emperor of Humanity rose when he saw the wind. In just a few breaths, it became dozens of times larger. The tsunami is still not worth mentioning, but at least it has some volume.

The realm of the Emperor Dao, the emperor of the people, with the heavenly constitution in his mouth, his words follow the law!


In a word, the rules follow!

Although Lin Xuan was able to quell this terrifying tsunami with a single word, the consumption would be unspeakably huge. Even if he just uttered a word, the aura of merit and virtue wrapped around the seal of the Emperor had dissipated by half, but Lin Xuan could It hurts bad.

If the tsunami wasn't caused by Lin Xuan himself, then the ghosts would do it!

There must be a moral bottom line to be a human being.

Taking back the seal of the Emperor, Lin Xuan smiled wryly, and then placed it in his heart to warm it up.

Li Rui came over and was about to make some jokes. Suddenly, the bottom of the sea surged, and an extremely terrifying eight-headed snake appeared. Eight giant snake heads roared suddenly, and the sound of snake hiss resounded through the heavens and the earth. It has two wings behind it, and a terrifying majesty surrounds it.

The wind, rain and thunder began to converge in an instant. It was not Lin Xuan's hand, but the eight-headed It has eight snake heads, each of which has an elemental attribute, and the wind, rain and thunder are all All have.

The sky fire is hidden, the thunder and fire are not separated, the thunder is constantly splitting, and the sky fire is brought up, and it is hidden between the thunder. Also known as Tianhuo, the Yan of Amaterasu!

In the field of poisonous gas, the most proficient element of Orochi is toxin. Each of its snake heads is equipped with poisonous fangs. Every mouth of flame and every mouthful of water sprayed will carry a violent poison. Toxin is the domain. It is its means. .

Storm and thunder, hidden fire in the sky, poisonous gas field!

As soon as the Orochi was born, it was an extremely terrifying astronomical change. The strong wind whistled, the torrential rain continued, the thunder was brewing above the dark clouds, the little black flames burned in the air, and then fell into the sea, bursting with white mist, The dark green poisonous gas began to spread, covering the nearby ocean.

The card face of the pinnacle of the land is there!

Li Rui and Lin Xuan also opened their respective fields, pushing the disgusting poisonous gas outside, preventing it from approaching.

Black realm of fear.

Yellow Emperor Dao field.

The three fields are intertwined in this ocean, forming a magnificent picture.

"Since you have walked out of the nest, Xiang must also be ready to die."

Lin Xuan took a step forward, and now he has returned to the appearance of an ordinary person, but he walks like a dragon, and his majesty is unstoppable.

As soon as he grabbed it casually, Lin Xuan grabbed the unimaginable big seal in his hand, and then smashed it directly at the eight-headed snake, smashing it into all kinds of meat and eight elements.

This magical power is called Fantianyin, and it is the dowry of the immortal Minghuang. Lin Xuan thinks it is quite interesting.

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