On the battlefield, the two figures are fighting frantically. There are no gorgeous skills, no cool flames, but elbows, knees, shoulders, and every part of the body are used, and the outcome is within milliseconds. !

At the same time, the two chose to collide with their shoulders at the same time, and a terrifying force burst out between the two, but no one backed away. Qin Fen twisted his body a little to relieve the force, while Lin Xuan did not have such a clever means. , but being strong and strong did not take this strength seriously!

The two changed from a competition of skills to a wrestling, and in terms of strength, Lin Xuan had the advantage, but this was a fight, not a simple wrestling. At the moment when Lin Xuan had the upper hand, Qin Fen pulled away and walked away. Go out, take three steps back in a row, the body is swaying but the center of gravity is stable.

On the other hand, Lin Xuan didn't expect the other party's response. He took two steps forward according to his inertia. His center of gravity was unstable. Qin Fen seized the opportunity and subdued him to the ground!

Lost again!

This is already the Nth time he has failed in the past half a month. Lin Xuan never imagined that the two would only fight on the basis of physical fitness, and even in the aspect where he had a faint advantage, he would lose so badly!

Qin Fen's fighting skills are really too strong, not only that, his fighting wisdom and fighting instinct are absolutely top-notch.

Feeling aggrieved by being beaten, Lin Xuan wanted to violently and hurt people more than once, but looking at Qin Fen's half-smiling expression, he held back. Breathless.

"No more, no more."

Grab a bottle of water and drink it down tons and tons.

"Not bad, lasted two minutes longer than last time, continue next time!"

Qin Fen grabbed the towel to wipe the sweat on his face, picked up a piece of egg **** prepared by Su Tian, ​​and ate it in one bite, with a happy smile on his face.

There is something to eat!

Lin Xuan reached out and grabbed an egg **** directly into the mouth, the top layer was tender and the bottom layer was crispy, and when he took a bite, his mouth was full of happy flavors, damn, delicious!

Too bad there are only two!

"It's delicious, but it's just too little."

"One is enough, what do you think this is, this is a healing technique!"

Lin Xuan: ? ? ?

But it is true that after eating the egg tarts, a warm flow of heat rose up in the body, which made people very comfortable, and the depressed mood of being beaten was also swept away, and the happiness that I don’t know where it came from filled my heart.

People have the urge to burst clothes!

down, drugged?

"Didn't you know her, why, didn't you get to know her?"

"No, haven't they been caught and fought in the past few days, how can there be time!"

Lin Xuan has a black line on his face. He didn't know you before and thought you were very cold, but after getting to know him, he realized that the captain of the second school team of Emperor No. 1 High School, the Legend of Emperor No. 1, is actually a fighting maniac. He is either fighting or preparing to fight. ,sleep? Ready to fight even while sleeping!

"Hahaha, let's go, I'll take you to have a good meal!"

Qin Fen smiled embarrassedly, but turned his head and thought, it seems that there is still one more to try... Well, little brother, more work for those who are capable!

Emperor Yi Yuhua Garden, the cold winter has passed, and all things are recovering. Although it is still early spring, this garden is full of vitality. The old trees have pulled out green shoots, and the flowerbed that has just been soiled has a lot of buds. The grass head, a gust of spring breeze blew past, swaying little ripples on the Yuhua Pond.

As expected of the legendary Emperor Yi’s beauty, it is truly extraordinary!

The last time I came here, it was not long after I came to Diyi. It has been a long time since I was swaying. Thinking of the last conflict within the team, Lin Xuan smiled. After that time, both he and the two sisters had both. A little change, in addition to fighting and practicing, drinking tea, self-cultivation, and the two sisters also devoted more time to practice.

A real team should go both ways like this!

The last time I visited Yuhua Teahouse, I don’t know when there was a dim sum shop next to it. It’s quaint and antique. Although it didn’t open the door, the aroma of wheat coming from the door was really breathtaking and mouthwatering. .

"It smells so good." Lin Xuan's eyes lit up, and he felt that the smell was familiar.

"Go, go in and have a look." With an inexplicable smile on his face, Qin Fen pushed open the door and entered, followed by Lin Xuan.

There are four people in the room, Senior Sister Su Tian and Xiao Xingxing are rubbing their dough seriously, while the red-haired boy with a bad face is sullen, rubbing his stomach with an unpleasant look, sitting next to Xiao Yueer, elegantly picking up an egg **** , eating in small bites.

"Brother Qin, my dear brother," Yang Cheng frowned when he saw someone pushing in the door, and immediately grasped the momentum of the top of the list, but when he saw that it was Qin Fen and Lin Xuan, he was immediately overjoyed, and then he was overwhelmed.

"My brother, you are coming. If you don't come, I will eat and vomit."

The desserts and pastries made by Sister Tiantian are delicious, but I can't bear to eat them hard.

"I brought you a helper, hahaha."

Lin Xuan picked up the egg tarts on the table and went in in one bite, oh, it's really good!

Not only that, but there is also the food essence inside the egg tart. I don't know how it has been treated, so it is very easy to absorb. Although this ray of food essence has no great effect on Lin Xuan's Vajra body, see. Seeing the big bowl of egg tarts brought out by Senior Sister Su Tian and Little Xingxing, Lin Xuan was starving!

A small egg tart!

Delicious food can also help with cultivation, my God, Di Yijing has produced some treasures, senpai!

Next is the happy dry meal time. I really swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger, opened my **** mouth, and in a few seconds, the egg tarts in this bowl were dried up, burping, full of egg **** flavor.

"So, can you tell me what's wrong with the taste of the egg tarts?"

"Problem? No problem! It's delicious!"

"No, no, the taste is not the same as I imagined, there must be something wrong!"

Soon, Senior Sister Su Tian, ​​who seemed to be in a daze, walked into the kitchen again, and a new round of egg tarts began to bake.

"Is this... all right?"

"Sister Tiantian is just nervous~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Every time something major happens, she will fall into a daze a few days before it starts, insisting that there is something wrong with the taste of her dessert."

Yang Cheng shook his red hair, feeling rather helpless. Whenever this time, it was the two of them's happy Good Friday. Usually, there were not so many desserts to eat!

But, again, if you eat a lot, you will get tired of eating delicious food!

Lin Xuan nodded, everyone has their own story.

"The day after tomorrow, you're going to the Western Capital. Are your things ready?"

Qin Fen grabbed an egg tart, ate it twice, and asked casually.

"There's nothing to prepare, just bring some money over there and buy it again!"

Yang Cheng and Qin Fen showed inexplicable smiles.


A large pot of egg tarts smashed in front of the two of them. Looking at their teammates who were in a daze, the two swallowed their saliva and smiled stiffly, expressing fear.

"Brother Lin, save me"*2

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