Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 150: D-level talent: exercise (pass by, leave some traces!  …

Qin Fen and Lin Xuan slumped on the arena panting.

After a while, Qin Fen suddenly said, "You are very good!"

"Just because I stole your peach?"

"Cough, serious." Qin Fen's face was black, what the hell, how could I praise you for stealing my peach, it's too late to kill you!

"Your body is very strong, and your move skills are also very proficient, but there is a big difference between the two!"

Lin Xuan was silent. Indeed, his body was already at the limit of what Huangjie could reach because of his bloodline, expertise, magic patterns, and exercises. Now that he enters the gravity room, he is afraid that he can approach ten times the gravity infinitely!

It can be regarded as a series of "I haven't seen the ancients before"!

But also because of his strong physical fitness, he has destroyed countless enemies along the way and solved all the problems. Although the skill moves have also been pushed to the top level, it is a little troublesome if you want to enter the supernatural and extraordinary level.

It sounds better, this is called preaching with force!

It's not good, it's a reckless man!

"You can try to let go of your physical advantages and develop more combo routines for your skills. When you reach the Xuan Rank, the Earth Rank will be of great help for your own deduction of spells, supernatural powers, and even exercises!"

Qin Fen guided Lin Xuan based on his own personal experience. You must know that Qin Fen's physical fitness was not outstanding at the beginning, but he was able to stand out in the battle between the dragon and the tiger a year ago, relying on his superb skills. A trick, that is, a combination of profound meanings!

Hearing Qin Fen's words, Lin Xuan also listened to it and kept it in his mind. Suddenly, he thought of something, "Senior, your talent..."

"Well, D-level, the lowest level in the talent rating, it can't even be divided into the three major occupations."

Qin Fen's voice was very flat, and he had seen through a lot in more than a year. Moreover, he himself relied on this D-level talent to rise in one fell swoop, overpowering the emperor's arrogance for a school year.

"Hey, can you tell me in detail, senior?"

Lin Xuan was very curious. Talent is the ability given by the dungeon space, and it is also the foundation of the ability, and it can also be developed, but Lin Xuan's two talent templates, let alone developed, have not been fully activated!

"It's okay, last year was quite a lot of noise... My talent is called: exercise, you can see results as long as you exercise, it's very tasteless, as long as you are a person, you can see results by exercising... But I didn't give up, after half a year, My talent has evolved, it is called 'God rewards diligence', and in half a year, that is, not long ago, I was developing and evolving it!"

"Do you know that the best thing about this talent that I have developed is not that the body can constantly break the limit and stand shoulder to shoulder with the young dragons, and it is not that the spirit is transformed again and again to achieve the primordial spirit, but this talent itself can be exercised!"

Lin Xuan: ...

What the hell!

A talent that can keep evolving!

As long as you persevere, you will one day enter the field of SSS-level talent, or even break this limit!

"Brother, Niubi!"

Qin Fen smiled happily, pretending to be successful, quite a sense of accomplishment!

Naturally, his talent is not as powerful as Lin Xuan thought. Well, he needs to be even more powerful. Now his talent is already SS+'s "Tian Xingjian, a gentleman is willing to strive for self-improvement". , This talent is a cultivation talent, and what is even more terrifying is all-round cultivation!

Physical body, spirit, bloodline, cultivation technique, and skills were all pushed to the limit by him. Unfortunately, he was too stubborn at that time, and it was not exposed until the battle between dragon and tiger. He did not practice in the Holy Tribulation, and now to practice again, it is time-consuming and the effect is not very good!

Possibly, this is also luck!

"Okay, now you are also the captain of a grade. There are a lot of things to deal with, but you must remember that your own strength is the foundation, don't be blinded by Huahua World!"

Qin Fen has a deep meaning, and Lin Xuan also understands it. It's just that he has been a human being in two lifetimes, and his mind is naturally more mature and confident... He is still a little confident in resisting the temptation of the outside world!

"Next month, the league will start, do you practice on your own or watch the game with the team!"

The conversation changed, and the two of them got to the point. For ordinary geniuses, the first semester of high school is the time for them to sprint to the limit, but Lin Xuan has advanced them by half a year. To arrange the promotion of Xuanjie, the time is very generous.

"Me, practice with the team!" Lin Xuan thought for a while, and then slowly said, in fact, this was considered before, and it was because of this time that the time was pressing.

The main game is in Xidu, where ghosts and ghosts are walking all over the place, and there is also a copy of the evil ghost world. Lin Xuan's fourth skill is activated, and the two sisters' Xuan rank promotion tasks can be completed there, and the subsequent league finals, Just in Guangzhen, where Lin Xuan will be promoted to the Xuan rank!

Very good, at this time and in this order, the league arrangement unexpectedly met the needs of the Xingyue Squad.

"It's okay, then you prepare yourself, the main game will start soon, and we will set off for Xidu soon!"

"it is good!"


Being the captain of the senior high school team is a lot!

The first thing to bear the brunt of is the ranking within the team, which is not only related to the coming to power in the league, but also to the allocation of resources within the school team.

Diyi's supply of school team resources has been placed on the table in front of Lin Xuan. "According to the school team's practice, resources are allocated 5:4:1. Well, I have no problem!"

Lin Xuan muttered to himself, um, he is the captain of two teams and has two "one-vote veto" votes. Before anyone can challenge him, the entire high school team is his one word. !

The top of the list gets 50%, the regular players get 40%, and the substitutes get the remaining 10%. Is it reasonable to allocate resources like this? Oh, the school wants the championship, and whether it is Dragon Tiger or Fengyun, there can only be only one team. Become a champion!

If it is not for sharing the it is enough to cultivate the top of the dragon and tiger and the top of the wind and cloud. To be honest, many high schools actually do this, because there are really not enough top-level resources to cultivate other people. !

With a total of 12,000 Emperor One Honor Points, Lin Xuan got 3,000 directly, and the two sisters each started with 15,000. As for the rest, it was determined by the ranking!

Lin Xuan still decided to use strength, whoever is stronger will win more!

After some battles, Zhu Yuan, Zhao Hao, the second and third in the Dragon Tiger group, became the regular team members, as for the others, they were all substitutes!

As for the Wind and Cloud Team, Lin Xuan left it alone, and let the two sisters manage them. Anyway, they are also members of the Wind and Cloud Top Team, and they also have this qualification!

Three thousand Emperor One Honor Points are the same as Emperor One Points. Although they are slightly different, they are basically the same. What makes people happy is that this thing is released once a quarter, which is really cool!

The substitutes are also very happy. The points earned for nothing don't have to bear "performance". Where can I find such a good thing!

In a word, Diyi has a lot of resources, as long as you have the ability, you can be rich and oily by drinking soup!

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