Lin Xuan won a copy of the four gold honey, and many people paid attention to him, but when they saw the three girls beside him, they were slightly taken aback, and then smiled and nodded, showing friendliness, but they thought a lot in their hearts, the Lin family and the Luo family ... can't be bothered.

The exchange of spiritual honey resources is still going on, but Lin Xuan's mind has already flown out. Although the honey of the four golds is good, the effect is unknown, and Chen Xi and Guang are an unexpected joy.

Originally, he felt that the composition of the "Heguang and Chen" magical power would not be so simple, but he had no clue until he took the "Dawn and Light" handed over by "Lucky Conscience", and the "Heguang" and "Songchen" in Lin Xuan's body. The two spells sent out happy "emotions" at the same time.

Foreign objects? Foreign objects! Yes, foreign objects!

For a time, Lin Xuan was struck by countless inspirations and completely understood how magic spells form magical powers.

Calling Wind and Rain is a bloodline supernatural power engraved in Yinglong's bloodline. It does not need to borrow external force, or it is said that external force is the power of bloodline. As for the two supernatural powers of "being with the light" and "heavenly listening", I am afraid that it requires specific extraordinary materials. Complete the composition.

"Dawn and Light" is one of them, but not all of them. If you want to form the magical power of "Being in the same dust with light", I am afraid that you will need one or even more other materials. One of them is very likely to be "the same dust". It is a soil property material.


This kind of matching material in a haystack style is troublesome to explode. It may be a raw material, it may be a composite material, it may be a companion of the composite material... Mad, the biochemical ring material is worthy of the four pits of the previous life. I didn't expect another world. Don't let me go.

But fortunately, there is also an unscientific divination and destiny calculation in this world. It is really impossible to directly ask the boss of the time bureau to ask the future "me"!

He has been wandering in the sky, and he doesn't know that the exchange of spiritual honey resources is over. There are still some activities after that, but Lin Xuan is no longer interested in participating, and the three girls are also a little sleepy, so he left directly.

The four did not separate, but found a quiet teahouse to discuss something.

"Senior, take a look at the distribution of mysterious monsters with your account permissions."

The winter vacation is approaching, and time is getting more and more urgent. Lin Xuan wants to hunt down ten wild monsters with the template of the yellow-level king before the end of the winter vacation, and try to hunt down a mysterious monster. This is mainly to improve the original artifact Leviathan. Armor effect.

In addition, it is also planned to open up more than three yellow-level dungeons. This is to improve the cooperation between the teams. For so long, I have never cooperated with the two sisters. I feel that this team is fake.

It's just that during the first year of high school, Di Yi deliberately turned off the full map function in order to sharpen the students, which seriously hindered Lin Xuan's fast hunting plan.

"Eh, the school didn't... alright."

It seems that he thought of Lin Xuan's physical fitness, and after this period of understanding, Lin Xuan is a bit terrifying, compared to their second year in the current school team, he is only strong in the same period!

The Lin family sisters on the side just frowned, but didn't say anything.

Soon, Lin Xuan screened out a large number of mysterious monsters, mainly middle-level mysterious or low-level mysterious monsters, as well as about twenty or thirty monsters of the yellow-level king template, all of which were on his watch. I marked it, thought for a while, planned a route, and roughly calculated the time.

"It's almost seventeen or eight days away from the winter vacation. I need to use this time to deal with some things first, and wait for the winter vacation... By the way, sister, are you going home for the winter vacation?"

"Go home, what's the matter, you want to go home with me to see your parents?"

"Cough cough." Lin Xuan coughed in embarrassment to cover up, "Sister, stop joking, what I want to talk about is the study of human body science, since senior sister wants to go home, she can only give up during the winter vacation, but before the winter vacation, I Try to set aside time to study with senior sister.”

In addition to studying human body science, using the training equipment in the laboratory to speed up the practice of "Eternal Immortality Infinite Calamity, Eating Qi Volume, Inner Fu" is also Lin Xuan's purpose.

"No, my home is in the imperial capital. It's very convenient to come to the first emperor. You can study even during winter vacation. If you can't come, send me a message in advance!"

Senior Sister Luo Yan shook her head, indicating that he didn't need to hurry.

"Okay." Lin Xuan is also welcome. Today, the opportunity to practice at the level of "Honey of Four Golds" has arrived, which immediately aroused Lin Xuan's urgency. In the Guangzhou final.

Lin Xuan is confident that he can get a place on the school team. When the time comes, he will go to Guangzhou with the team, which will save a lot of time and ensure safety. As for the Lin family sisters breaking through the Xuanjie, they will also be placed on the school team when the school team goes to Xidu to play the main game. .

In the National High School League that ended last year, Diyi ranked third, tied for the worst results in the past years, while Xidu High School was second, and Guangzhen No. 1 Middle School was first. Therefore, the main game was placed in Xidu, and the final was placed in Guangzhou. Chun.

Now that the time for the breakthrough has been set, the things that should be finished should be finished as soon as possible. The original artifact Leviathan armor needs to hunt down ten yellow-level king template wild monsters, and use the "Honey of Four Golds" to promote his own physical fitness. Take a small step forward, uh, it seems to be gone!

Very good, wait until Xuanjie is a world again!

After discussing some time issues with the two sisters and senior, and confirming some key points, finally, Lin Xuan wrote and drew in the notebook, and it was finally confirmed. He picked up the cup of tea next to him and drank it.

"That's it, around the 20th, things on my side will end as soon as possible, Senior Sister, you have to make time to help me deal with the honey of the four golds.

In January, the first official entry into the winter vacation, the three of us will have to start their hunting plan. First, arrange a few low-level mysterious monsters to practice their skills, and then go to the upper-level intermediate level. Wild monsters, and finally tried to hunt down the big monsters of the profound level.

If the mysterious monster cannot be hunted successfully, then start the dungeon to open up wasteland, um, the dungeon lock card needs to be prepared. "

After pondering over and over again, I was sure that there was no problem, so I took a mouthful.

"Okay, do you have any questions?"

"If we hunt down the Xuanjie monster, do we still have to go to the wasteland dungeon? Where is the location of the wasteland dungeon? Should we go to the Wasteland Reclamation Hall to register? There are..."

Lin Xuan: ? ? ?

Wow, why do you still have so many questions!

Why didn't you just say it.

Lin Xuan scratched his head a little depressedly, "The dungeon of wasteland is a must, didn't you say that it is a necessary condition for the start of school?

The other one is the location of the land reclamation dungeon. Choose a third-tier city, which can be regarded as a contribution to Taixia.

As for registration, it is definitely necessary. The wasteland hunter is a glorious profession comparable to the military. "

Land reclamation is indeed an extremely dangerous action. Unlike ordinary dungeons, he can come back after death. Death in the dungeons of land reclamation is real death.

Moreover, the dungeon of Huangjie is not without any danger. If Lin Xuan hadn't realized the profound meaning of the combination of "Beautiful Burial" last time, he would have been trapped in the dungeon.

It is not that there are no yellow-ranked wild monsters stronger than the demon tree demon lord, but those who have gone in to open up the wasteland have died, and there is no letter to come back.

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