Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 112: Undead who haven't been tried

"Global copy: start two SSS templates (!

Compared to entering the outfield, an invitation letter is required to enter the infield.

"Two." Said to several guards at the door, and then asked them to scan the QR code at the end of the email to enter the internal venue smoothly.

This is not like a traditional business banquet, but more like a theme party. There are Q-version bee models on the open lawn, with different shapes, and exquisite bee desserts are placed everywhere. There is a small hive playground.

At the entrance door, there are waiters handing out bee ornaments, cards, wings, and various stickers to each guest.

Stupid, Lin Xuan was completely stunned when he came in. Most of the people who came in were wearing casual clothes. The trip of a family of three and four was not like the honey tasting banquet he imagined, but a certain Family gathering.

Where did this weird theme come from? !

Seeing that his slightly formal suit was a little out of tune with this venue, it was really outrageous.

"Hey, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the site of the Imperial City Honey Tasting Awards. On my left is the Beehive Playground, on my right is the Honey Spiritual Food Buffet. There are various snacks and desserts on the field. Before the Xun Conference starts, please let go and enjoy!"

A host walked up to the stage and made a few short words to make all the children cheer. It was great. The last time I came here, it was boring. This time there are so many delicious and fun things.

Seeing dozens of bear children rushing into the hive playground and playing happily, Lin Xuan was full of doubts, what the **** is this?

"Cough, it's like this. Last time, a big man brought a child to participate. Because the whole process was very boring, the child couldn't stay, and then the big man took the child and left directly. In order to prevent such a thing from happening again, you Look, that's it now!"

Lin Zhenyue came to Lin Xuan and explained it a little.

For the small trade union of bee hunters, every big person is an extremely important network. Besides, if the honey tasting award is made into a parent-child meeting, it will not be very good for strong people with children at home. attractive.

For some pure ability people, the theme or the theme is not important, the important thing is spiritual honey.

The core products have not changed, but the selling points of the awards have increased, which will attract more people willing to participate.

"Okay!" Although it doesn't fit in with his previous assumptions, in general, participating in the honey tasting award is for spiritual honey resources. Adults only look at the benefits, not the process.

A few of them seemed to recognize the Lin family sisters, came over to say hello, and smiled friendly at Lin Xuan and Luo Yan, "These are the seniors and seniors who went out from Di Yi, although they are in strength. I have reached the Xuan level, but I have achieved a lot in business, and occasionally I will return to Diyi to give lectures to the students of the business class."

Lin Zhenxing had met a few of them in her grandfather's office, and those who could be invited by Emperor Yi to come back to give lectures must be successful people with great achievements.

It was very peaceful for half an hour, but no one jumped out to conflict with them. Lin Xuan glanced at the three girls and said angrily: "What's the use of you talking about you, anyone who sees you coming over to provoke them is all No, make my hero useless."

Three girls: ? ? ?

"Gentlemen and ladies, the awarding ceremony will begin now. Let's invite Mr. Lin Xuan, Mr. Tong Cheng, and Ms. Bentham to come to the stage to accept the awards, and the president of our association, Master Yang Long, to honor them."

Master Yang Long, a god-level figure in the bee world, cultivated the "old scalper" stealing bee in the bee world, and became famous in one fell swoop. Courtyard" and became one of the scholars of Taixia.

"Thank you very much for coming to the honey tasting conference, and thank you for your support to me. The bee hunters will definitely produce more and better honey.

Thank you to the three of you who came forward when our employees were in distress. I would like to express my gratitude by awarding you the "Bee Catcher Class III Aid Medal" on behalf of my club.

More and more detailed benefits, I will have sent you an email, thank you again for your contribution to my club. "

A third-class medal was pinned to Lin Xuan's chest, shining with gold, and it was indeed a bit dazzling.

"This is the end of the award ceremony, and now the Lingmi trade fair begins!"

This, this is the end?

so sloppy?

No testimonials, no prizes?

Why did I recite that manuscript last night in vain!

Back off the court, Lin Xuan had a dark face. He felt that everything was going wrong since he entered the arena.

The three girls covered their mouths and held Lin Xuan with a smile, but they did not let Lin Xuan leave.

There are a lot of things at the Lingmi Fair, but the most precious one is undoubtedly the three sets of "Four Gold Honey". It can be said that many people present are here for this.

"Senpai, if I use it, how much do I need?"

"One serving is enough!"

Lin Xuan nodded his head several times, the appearance of the honey of the four golds was indeed something he did not expect. The wild monsters that were temporarily hunted last night obviously did not meet the threshold for purchasing resources of this level, but Lin Xuan was not without his trump card, a sub-professional- The beekeeper's self-cultivation can definitely buy one.

"Friends, the honey of the four golds, the first one will be exchanged, please bid!"

"I don't know if I can talk to the seller."

Lin Xuan knew very well that there were multiple auctions of this kind of precious items, and only the first one was the chance for him to steal chickens, so he stood up directly and was the first to eat crabs.

"I asked...he agreed."

Under the guidance of the host, Lin Xuan came to a small room next to him, and there was only one middle-aged man in it.


"Hello, let's not talk about the courtesy, this is my offer, can you see if it suits you?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then picked up the card on the table, the sub-professional certificate - the self-cultivation of the beekeeper? There's still this thing?

"Yes, and your card is very precious, I will make up the difference for you!"

"No need to..."

"Yes, I am a 'lucky conscience', not bad for money, and to make friends!"

Soon, Lin Xuan returned to the three girls with a copy of "Honey of the Four Golds" and a copy of "Dawn and Light" with a complicated expression.

It's too embarrassing, it's really embarrassing, he took out a lot of materials at random, some of which Lin Xuan knew and some didn't know, but the few materials he knew were extremely precious, but he was taken by this "lucky conscience". Garbage is generally placed on the table.

"Do you know someone called 'Lucky Conscience'?"


Lin Xuan: ? ? ?

"He is a lucky All kinds of high-level cards can be opened from the trash treasure box at any time, picking up treasures when going out, drinking water and pearls are all routine operations, and the most terrible thing is to sleep at home Get a source artifact to recognize the master."

"Humph, I also know that it was a 'time stopwatch', but he was invincible for three minutes, and he spent a lot of money for my grandfather to equip him with a super escape skill, which was also nicknamed '' Undead who haven't been tried'."

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