All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

400 Bo Tiger? The Terror Of The Underworld!

Yincao Difu, as an extremely rare large dungeon, no one will not be interested in the secrets and opportunities that may be contained in it. The items produced in a dungeon, the experience, equipment, and skills that may be obtained can help the evolutionary complete a gorgeous reversal possible.

Naturally, no one would be interested.

Under such circumstances, no matter whether it was the evolutionists from the original northern kingdom, or the evolutionists who came from the dragon kingdom or the Koryo kingdom, there were obviously not a few of them.

After Chen Bai and others came, they also saw this scene, and at the same time, they could already see that the swords were on the verge of breaking out in the camps of both sides.

As far as the entire universe of the heavens and worlds is concerned, the camp of countries in a world is actually not even considered a camp at all.

For the human race, other races, and large-scale sects across the world in the universe, these can be completely divided into real camps, and under such circumstances, the national camp above the blue star does not seem to be so Too much-important.

However, there is no doubt that the reason why the national camp is separated is indeed meaningful.

And the confrontation at this moment fully demonstrated this form!

At the entrance of this underworld, several groups of people are confronting each other clearly, and they have no intention of giving in at all.

And because of the strange entrance of this underworld, naturally no one can easily enter it!

The arrival of Chen Bai and others attracted the attention of everyone stationed here.

Especially riding a horse, among all the crowd, it can be said to be quite weird and eye-catching.

For such a situation, Chen Bai didn't care the slightest bit, just glanced at it, and then led Chang Liu and Liu Huai slowly towards the edge of the gap.

The underworld is just under this gap, but there is no place for people to slowly settle down in this gap. If you want to enter, there is only one way, just jump down!

Then, after falling for ten seconds, enter the dungeon secret realm entrance that appeared.

As long as you jump down, there is no room for anyone to regret it.

Otherwise, they could only be thrown to death in the dark.

Of course, for a low-level evolutionary, it has the ability to fly, and this little thing is naturally nothing to Chen Bai.

And at this moment, everyone also focused their attention on the arrival of these three people!

An evolutionary who can travel through such a long distance to come here is naturally not unusual!

All three of them wore big robes, especially the man at the head, who was wearing a weird priest robe with a weird mask on top of it. The holy light cross on the priest robe was covered with dark tentacles, even In the continuous winter, people with a discerning eye can naturally tell at a glance that this is definitely a relatively good piece of equipment.

Compared with the equipment, what is more eye-catching is the mount that these three people are riding on.


This is now known as one of the rarest things on the trial ground of gods and demons.

Mount pets have a low explosion rate, which can be called touching.

And most importantly, monsters and secret realm dungeons that drop mounts and pets are even rarer among the rare.

There were so many people present, and they didn't see anyone with this thing.

The arrival of such three figures naturally attracted attention immediately!

"You Long Kingdom people, don't be arrogant, Mr. Boshan is coming soon, when the time comes, no matter you people from the North Kingdom or the people of the Dragon Kingdom, you must all get out!"

Those who have surpassed level 20 are undoubtedly the first echelon.

...asking for flowers...

"The origin of these people is unknown, but they are extremely powerful, but don't worry, Mr. Bo Shanjun will come soon, go into this underworld to see for yourself, and it will not be too late to take them down! Even if these people are powerful, He is definitely not an opponent of Lord Bo Shanjun!"

Under the huge crack, there is darkness. If someone hadn’t tried it, no one would believe that this would be the entrance of a dungeon [No one would believe that this is the minister of the dungeon!

A rough voice sounded, speaking in Dragon Mandarin!

The head acolyte snorted coldly:

Speaking of this, there was a touch of yellow blue and coldness in the eyes of the man. .

If they dare to seek death to enter this underworld, they don't even need Mr. Bo Shanjun to take action, they will seek their own death!"

This is the first time after the three groups confronted each other, someone entered the underworld, and they couldn't even stop them!

"People of the Dragon Kingdom, this is the territory of our Great Cold Nether Kingdom. You are not welcome, so don't go any further. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

After all, the Goryeo language is also the reverse of the Longguo language, so it is not difficult to understand.

It is indeed a pretty good master.

Chen Bai raised his eyebrows slightly, that's fine, he's quite annoyed by this kind of people jumping up and down on the forum, and when the time comes, he will solve it with these people by the way!

And to be able to reach level 19 is indeed very remarkable, but to Chen Bai, it is just a little bit bigger Ant City already!

Chen Bai didn't pay attention to it, and Chang Liu on the side smiled:

"Brother, the population of Xingguo

Chen Bai looked at the leader who spoke!

On the other hand, a Korean from the side shouted:

"As for the dungeon of the Underworld, heh heh, do you really think that you dare not enter because of mutual scruples?! Within the large dungeon of the Underworld, every small dungeon of the secret realm is unusual. After this period of time, If you go in, you won't be able to come out! It's all news from people who have not entered the real copy of the secret realm on the periphery!

Level 19, B-level occupation, acolyte.

Chen Bai smiled slightly:

And a group of people on the other side hurried forward and said directly:

He said this in Korean, so Chen Bai naturally didn't understand it, but with the eye of mystery, the eye of mystery can analyze the specific meaning of the soul fluctuation in the first time, so he can naturally understand the meaning of his words meaning.

"Dragon Kingdom!"

In the camp of Goryeo, some people said indignantly.

"Where did the three friends come from?!"

The three put away their mounts directly, and then jumped down on the crack!

"You don't have to worry about this, it won't be long before even you, Korea, belong to the Dragon Kingdom!"

As soon as these two words came out, the expressions of the other two groups suddenly changed.

Naturally, he couldn't speak in Korean language, but it was obvious that the guy in front of him understood Long Guo language. As soon as he said this, his expression changed slightly, and he looked at Chen Bai in front of him suspiciously.

Chen Bai was not surprised by this, and the three of them came to the crack.

He calmly looked at these people in front of him, and the terrifying spiritual power spread out instantly. The group of Korean evolutionists in front of him suddenly broke out in cold sweat on their foreheads. Under such terrifying mental pressure, even standing Chen Bai couldn't do it in front of him, so under the inconceivable eyes of the others, he just gave way to a path, allowing Chen Bai and Liu Huai Changliu to pass directly!


It is only now that the end has come, but it is less than four months away.

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