All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

399 Enter The North Country! The Location Of The Underworld!

Chen Bai is undoubtedly quite familiar with Chang Liu, and it is not the first time he has seen this product again.

After all, I have met this guy several times in the Demon Locking Tower in Shushan.

It's just that this guy's current level has reached level 22, he is the first echelon of the first echelon, and he can be said to be a man of the hour.

The arrival of this guy did not make Chen Bai wait any longer, and he arrived in Fengtian City in less than a day.

But that's right, the land where he is located is not far from Fengtian City itself, and he has been to Fengtian once before, so he is quite familiar with it.

The three of them didn't waste much time.

After arriving, he left Fengtian City directly and headed towards the Koryo Peninsula!

"Did Bai Da come to our Northeast?! Speaking of which, I have long wanted to explore Changbai Mountain. I guess there are many copies of secret realms hidden among these famous mountains and great lakes, but there is nothing Time, and the place where I plan to build the city is a little far from here!"

The three of them didn't use any other means. Chen Bai took out three horse cards in the zoo in Najiang City before, and used this mount to head towards Koli Island.

And obviously, if you want to go there, you must either cross the Yalu River or this Changbai Mountain. 580

And at this moment, the three of them are chasing wind horses with their crotches, crossing across this Changbai Mountain!

Looking at this vast group of mountains and mountains, Chang Liu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Chen Bai smiled:

"If you have time, you can take a look, maybe you can find some opportunities here!"

Chen Bai's words were really not aimless.

He was one of the few people he knew best with this guy in his last life.

Naturally, he knows that his City of Five Immortals has a great opportunity in this Changbai Mountain!

Although he doesn't know much about the shamanism culture in the Northeast, he has learned a little about it in his previous life.

The great immortals who came out are rumored to be the land of immortal mountains based on Changbai Mountain!

Although these statements are true or false before the end of the day, there is no doubt that after the end of the day and the appearance of the trial field of gods and demons, there are really many opportunities for this in Changbai Mountain.

This point, Chen Bai is extremely clear understanding.

And under such circumstances, Chang Liu, who belongs to the S-level talent 'Liu Xian Family', naturally has a huge advantage.

Now this guy already has this idea!? Thinking of this, Chen Bai added again:

No one is willing to come to such a place, but there are always special circumstances.

"Alright, when I have more time, I'll go to the Changbai Mountain to explore first, to see if there is anything worth developing!"

If someone else said it, then Chang Liu might not believe it, but obviously, as Chen Bai, who was far ahead after the outbreak of the apocalypse, he still had to think about what he said.

The location of Yincao Jifu is relatively special.

But obviously, this is a big deal, and one cannot just make a decision casually.

If there are waves in his heart because of this, then in the universe, within the heavens and myriad worlds, the situation where civilization is destroyed and the world collapses, Chen Bai will feel emotional.

The huge gap runs through and out for several miles.

A streak of black mist surrounds it.

And it is indeed the truth, Changbai Mountain is too big! It is extremely wide!

Although it is said that the buttocks are a bit of a pain, but for the three of them who have already had good physiques, these are obviously nothing.

In the past few months, the whole world knew about the events in the North Country. The undead, the undead raging, were a more terrifying threat than the zombies.

On this road, the people of Chen Bai can also see some hard-won evolutionaries!

Chen Bai didn't say anything more, he just mentioned the usual things at most, as for (ccbd) the rest, it didn't have much to do with him.

It seems that after the end of the world, this crack has already appeared!

It is in a relatively middle position.

This is a special boundary.

In less than half a day, they have already crossed the original Dragon Country and entered the territory of the North Country!

After a pause, Chang Liu nodded:

Just like that, a huge gap was opened out of thin air, like the eyes of the abyss.

He didn't say any more unnecessary words, and walked all the way in the direction of the underworld.

The Gods and Demons Trial Field is so cruel, not only for individuals, but also for the entire civilized country itself!

And it was not beyond Chen Bai's expectation, after the three of Chen Bai came here, there are already many evolutionists here!.

Under this crack is the large-scale dungeon that is famous in the whole world for later generations: the place where the underworld is located!

"Changbai Mountain's terrain is extremely vast, and there must be a lot of opportunities. If I were you, I could definitely move it here as the place you want to build a city in the future!"

In just a few months, the population of evolutionists in the Northland has decreased by 95% compared to the initial one. According to the judgment of the will of the universe, it has obviously lost the qualification to continue to exist in the form of a national camp, and has been directly eliminated up.

This crack is located in a city in the northern country called Anzhou.

This point, Chen Bai is not just talking nonsense, this guy also wrote about it in his previous life.

At its widest point, it is a full kilometer away.

The footsteps of the three of them sped up again after they entered the North Country.

Frankly speaking, the location of his Five Immortals City is not very good. In this Changbai Mountain, there are really many valuable copies of secret realms, and in the future fusion of the world, Changbai Mountain also has a lot of opportunities.

It's a crack in the ground!

And under the explosion of the extreme speed of the horse branded horse under his crotch, it is much faster than ordinary cars.

Seeing these guys who either join the rest of the camps or stay in their original places as evolutionaries without camps, Chen Bai didn't have any fluctuations in his heart.

Across the entire Northeast, if his City of Five Immortals moved a little bit, it would be nothing. It is a little closer to Changbai Mountain. If there is a chance in the future, we can also see if there is any real opportunity in it.

But what exactly happened is not known.

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