All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

369 Searching For The Abyss! Future Plague Gardens!

"Is this the abyss?"

The black-red sky and the world in front of them gave these plague bishops the greatest impact.

Among the heavens and worlds, the darkest place, the most evil and terrifying place is the abyss in front of you.

Even these well-informed plague bishops have never really seen the style of the abyss, but now, they have finally seen it.

Chen Bai smiled slightly and stood on the well of the abyss.

In an instant, the boundless darkness enveloped everyone, and the next moment, these abyss bishops who were just about to feel the situation of the abyss were covered by the darkness, and the next moment their figures quickly penetrated into the well of the abyss. go.

In the abyss, there are many uninhabited planes.

The reason why Chen Bai brought these plague bishops was to let him choose some planes suitable for the existence of plague creatures.

Transform it.

The level of the abyss dropped rapidly, and soon fell below the hundredth level of the abyss.

There are abyss lords in the abyss above 100 floors, and their strength is nothing in the eyes of Chen Bai today. Most of them are just second-rank demons who have not reached level 70.

However, with the abyss lord, it is not easy for Chen Bai to force him to move. The energy consumed in that way may be worse than transforming an abyss plane 733 that is not suitable for living creatures!

And soon, came to the first abyss plane where there were not many demons!

The 123rd floor of the abyss!

This is a very special number, here is the most special abyss, even Chen Bai has some special impressions about it.

The reason is simple, here is the IT.

If it's just cold, the demons in the abyss are naturally nothing, but on these glaciers, there is also an extremely rare breath of death.

The air of death is not like the undead in Gabul's kingdom of the undead, but an extremely weird and dilapidated rule.

According to the legend, a demigod-level demon who mastered the rules of death once fell here. This world is full of such horrors.

Of course, demigod-level, emperor-level, and even true-god-level demons can also survive here. However, if there are no low-level demons born, these high-level demons will naturally not be full. Here it is.

It's like a mortal exercising.

The next level is the powerful existence that Chen Bai met in the abyss trial. They are also the only demigods in the abyss. At the same time, they are also said to have the ability to become gods The territory of the abyss dragon.

At the same time, he wanted to make this plague world his own back garden.

A piece of loess is long, although it is a bit desolate, but there are also some strange plants growing in it, but it seems to be reliable, but there are still not many demons here,

There's nothing wrong with it here, but, the only thing is gravity is big, big!

And soon, a group of people left quickly from the well of the abyss, and soon came to the one hundred and ninety-fifth floor of the abyss.

And it is this world that finally makes everyone's eyes bright!

In itself, the gravity of the abyss is about three to five times stronger than that of the blue star.

Here, the weight of an ordinary thing will be greatly increased, not to mention human beings, even relatively extraordinary people, after they set foot on this land, they will be crushed to death by this gravity in an instant, and the heart and blood vessels cannot bear such a burst with power.

Either it does not meet Chen Bai's ideas and the requirements for the birth of plague creatures, or it is simply too difficult to transform, which is quite cheating.

Here, compared with the abyss plane of the death glacier just now, there is no such exaggeration.

Chen Bai can also know that its benefits are also there.

Fortunately, there are not many other things in the abyss. As the number of layers of the abyss breaks through below 250 layers, and after entering the vicinity of the domain world where several true gods exist in the abyss, the plane without demons has become It increased more and more.

And in fact it is!

The 195th floor of the abyss.

And soon, in the exploration of the abyss planes layer by layer, finally, after a long time, in the depth layer by layer, with the shadows of demons becoming less and less, a special world , appeared in front of everyone.

This kind of cold can indeed accommodate a lot of bacteria and viruses. Most viruses and fungi cannot tolerate high temperatures, but they can almost survive in the cold.

The abyss planes were quickly swept by Chen Bai and several plague bishops, but most of them were swept away in disappointment.

However, for the time being, Chen Bai didn't have the leisure to contact that abyss dragon, but looked at the one hundred and ninety-fifth floor of the abyss.

Therefore, if it is not a last resort, Chen Bai is really unwilling to change the particularity here.

With such boundless glaciers and cold, all you see is death, and what the garden looks like is undoubtedly a dream come true.

In other words, the performance of speed and strength will drop several times.

However, in this super-heavy wasteland, the gravity is dozens of times, hundreds of times, or even thousands of times in the center.

However, compared to the death glacier, there are some demons here.

Only the Well of the Abyss does not have much influence here. The farther away from the Well of the Abyss, the closer to the center of the world, the stronger the gravity.

The Plague Garden fits the world he imagined.

Here, it perfectly meets Chen Bai's requirements!

However, even under the inspection (ahfh) of the will of the abyss, those demons who have reached the level of saints and emperors are extremely well-behaved here, and they don't even fight, but most of them just hold a stone casually , in which to lift up, to put down.

And after inspecting it with the will of the abyss, Chen Bai can be sure that this place should be in the future plague garden!.

The diversity of the plane world in the abyss must be maintained.

And Chen Bai and several bishops of the Plague Order glanced at it, and also directly passed it.

Overweight wasteland.

However, the will of the abyss can change the rules here to a certain extent, but the gravity thing, although cheating, but looking at some demons who came here to practice

Under such circumstances, it is possible.

However, Chen Bai is not only designed to accommodate fungal viruses, but also the most important plague creatures.

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