All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

368 Mission Change! Plague Power!

Second turn?!

When it was already dark, Chen Bai was also slightly taken aback when he heard what Saru Lance and the others said.

The second job change is a job change task that the evolutionary will automatically obtain based on the previous job change after reaching level 30.

There are high and low levels of job transfer tasks, not just a way to complete them, but the higher the level of completion, the more generous the rewards afterwards, there is no doubt about it.

For many low-level occupations, if they complete the second job transfer and meet the transfer requirements perfectly, the job level will even be improved.

For example, when I heard about Leido's job change, didn't this guy go from an A-level job to an S-level job during his second job transfer!

Of course, it's hard to say whether Chen Bai's career can be further improved. After all, he has never heard of a career above SSS level.

But there is no doubt that once the task of the second rank is completed perfectly, it will naturally have great benefits.

Unfortunately, Chen Bai has never had such an experience.

In his last life, as a demon hunter, he had a very simple task at the second turn, which was to enter the abyss and hunt and kill demons.

The goal of the final level is to hunt down a demon lord.

You know, in the abyss, the demon lord on the lowest level is also the guy on the tenth level.

The demon lord on the tenth floor was already an existence above the thirtieth level who had completed the second turn.

After all, Chen Bai still couldn't complete this task.

This is not the same as the conquest of the abyss master. The abyss master can directly fight the demon lord one-on-one.

However, the task of the demon hunter is to hunt and kill. It is entirely possible that there will be a large number of demons under the command of the demon lord. What is the reason for the difficulty of hunting a demon lord under such circumstances!?

Can't finish it, and Chen Bai can't help it. Therefore, although the demon hunter profession has completed the second transformation and became a demon hunter, it can't go further and become a profession above SS level.

This also led to her being forcibly changed by the Dark Mother Goddess later, from a demon hunter to that cheating apostle of desire.

All kinds of things before this came to mind.

Chen Bai also remembered the second career change this time.

Judging from the current situation, he really had to pay more attention to the second round of Calamity of Life.

After all, the master of the abyss doesn't need a second turn. As long as he keeps conquering the abyss, his strength and professional authority will continue to grow like this.

However, the scourge of life, as the authority of the plague, is beyond doubt.

That's it!

This is something Chen Bai did not expect.

It's just that the control of plague creatures is beyond what Chen Bai can do by himself.

If this is the case, the distance from level 30 is not such a distant time point.

Over the past few days, Chen Bai can be said to have not been idle at all.

At that time, the second turn will start, and it should be taken seriously by yourself!

Raise your status as the Shushan faction a little bit.

Looking at it now, the most urgent thing in front of us is obviously to find a way to open up an abyss as a shelter for these plague creatures!

"Great true God, the leeches I cultivate are your most humble and loyal servants together with me||!"

With a thought, Chen Bai looked at his mission panel again!

Although it is said that Rika originally had a level because he was in hell, and now he is airborne to the trial ground of gods and demons, which is considered cheating.

[Plague Sect (SSS level task)]

He has many bonuses, and the Golden Hand directly gave him 100% experience bonus acquisition, plus the surrounding dungeon secret realm, plus the lock demon tower in Shushan, all of which are hunting experience best place.

And this idea just appeared, the reminder of the will of the universe really appeared in Chen Bai's ears!

"Great God, every bacterium and virus in the air is a creature of the plague, life, regardless of high or low, because the final form of life is decomposed into fungi!"

Could this be turned into a mission?

The mission of the Plague Sect is really interesting!

[Mission introduction: Your contact with the remaining members of the Plague Sect gave the Plague Sect an opportunity to regain its glory. However, the persistence of the plague is not suitable for appearing in this world forever. The world, and further mastering the power and authority of the plague, is the next most important goal! 1

[Mission Reward: Plague Authority!]

[Mission objective: reach level 30, and complete the second turn of the profession "Bane of Life"!]

Therefore, during the few days waiting for the arrival of members of the Plague Sect, his level has been raised from level 22 to level 24.

Upgrades are also faster.

Chen Bai couldn't pretend that his own number one position on the rating list was taken away.

Therefore, after hearing the inquiry of the true god (Qian Zhaozhao), several plague bishops can be said to show their magical powers:

It's best to let this profession, which is the disaster of life, benefit again.

However, it is already an unimaginable speed to increase two levels in the past few days in this trial field of gods and demons.

Don't look at just two levels.

"Great true god, we can cultivate new plague creatures through plague cultivation, but it will take some time and a relatively spacious place..."

Listening to the words of these guys asking for credit, Chen Bai rubbed his brows. From this point of view, he might as well count on the creatures in his two plague dungeons

Among other things, the more time you can stay in Shushan, the more experience you will naturally gain.

However, the second rank is an indispensable experience and thing. Although Chen Bai is a little confused about this so-called task reward and the so-called plague power of the reward, it is still very good.

Especially in the past few days of fighting, in the lock monster tower in Shushan, killed a large number of monsters and monsters, and gained a lot of contribution points, which happened to be able to go to the Duobao Pavilion

If, as Sarulance said, the power to control the plague needs to further control more plague creatures to increase the power of the power, I really need to prepare early!

[The Plague Sect mission is completed in stages, and you get the mission reward: The Plague Sect’s Legacy Plague Sect mission has made new progress!】

However, the improvement of the level was indeed always on Chen Bai's mind.

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