All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

Episode 353 A Power Plant In Disorder! A New Nightmare Dungeon!

After the Gods and Demons Trial Field descended, some changes naturally appeared on the entire Blue Star.

However, it is impossible for a life like the electric elf to mutate and be born casually.

Naturally, there are corresponding requirements.

Obviously, the special environment of the power plant is a part of the magnetic element with electric friction, but there are still some rather stringent requirements, so that it is possible to truly give birth to a mutated elemental life under such circumstances.

Just like what Chen Bai knew from the beginning, there are a lot of dungeons of secret realms in Jiangcheng and even in the whole of Ezhou, especially around Jiangcheng.

Now, what Baidi City knows is quite a few.

The cold incinerator in Jiangda, the old sewer above Dongshan and the mutated plague sewer, of course, these two dungeons of the secret realm are the changes of the butterfly effect caused by Chen Bai. In the original history, it is obvious that not at all.

Before that, the secret dungeon of the Meat Factory was discovered, the large secret dungeon of the Jiangcheng Zoo that Chen Bai knew was of great significance, and the demon village outside the city.

These are relatively low-level dungeons of secret realms. In the future, there will be a large number of relatively high-level dungeons of secret realms around Jiangcheng. These will be the most important production resources and the most important wealth of Baidi City in the future.

But now, in this power plant, one was discovered again as expected.

Chen Bai is also interested. It is definitely not bad to be able to create a special secret dungeon like an electric elf!

Song Ziqiong, who was also shocked, came to the No. 16 generator building that the staff had found.

This factory building looks no different from the rest of the generator factory buildings. It is located in a corner and is probably only less than a thousand square meters in size.

However, as the footsteps got closer, Chen Bai could clearly feel that the air was getting drier and the electromagnetic force was getting bigger.

Moreover, it can even be clearly seen sometimes, some lightning flashes occasionally in the air, and even the sound of static crackling can be heard.

And above the factory building, at this moment, there is also a ray of purple lightning flashing, forming a special vortex, which seems to be the entrance of a secret dungeon. It is a newly born dungeon of the secret realm.

In fact, as expected, as Chen Bai's eyes fell, the vortex had already given Chen Bai the most intuitive feedback for the first time!

[Power plant with disordered circuits (20-25 nightmare level copy)]

Nightmare copy!?

Chen Bai's eyes lit up slightly, and he couldn't help showing a hint of joy. A high-grade dungeon of a secret realm naturally has high risks, but it also has high returns.

For him, ordinary dungeons don't even have much meaning to enter, like the previous Hongwei Meat Factory.

It's just that it has a great effect on ordinary evolutionists.

However, such a power plant, level 20 to level 25 nightmare dungeon, is obviously still worth seeing.

Thick dust fell on the ground and the dimly lit factory machinery.

But for Chen Bai, the effect is not great.

[Skills: Lightning Burst, Thunderbolt Lightning, Elemental Body]

[This is the oldest power plant in Jiangcheng, and it is also the one with the highest frequency of damage. A long time ago, someone proposed to abandon it. Dimensional space, a special connection has been made to form a special field!】

Because he has the blood of the demon royal family, he has great resistance to this kind of elemental attack!

[Enter the instance: Power plant with disordered circuits]

【Strength: 97, Dexterity: 325, Constitution: 85, Spirit: 247】

This kind of debuff is also resistant, not to mention, if Ma Er, who has the S-level talent 'Son of Lightning', comes over, I'm afraid it will be like Chen Bai in the plague sewer, not only without the slightest debuff , on the contrary, there is not a weak gain, right?

It's really just a dim factory,

Thinking of this, Chen Bai had a thought, and glanced at the purple area of ​​the bed:

[You enter the electrostatic area, your agility -15%! Every second, there is a 1% chance to enter the electric shock state, and every minute increases the chance by 1%. When entering the electric shock state, all attributes + 40%, and the attached paralysis effect lasts for 5 seconds!]

After passing through this densely packed static area and before coming to this secret dungeon, Chen Bai walked directly into the king of the vortex!

What a harsh environment debuff!

You can see the end at a glance!

Song Ziqiong nodded, she naturally knew the seriousness.

These gadgets are a bit weak?!

Such a debuff, although not as direct and terrifying as that of the plague sewer, but it also gives people a lot of constraints, and a bad luck [I'm afraid it may really fall here.

If there are more such electric elves, it seems that the energy problem can be alleviated a lot?

Casually glanced at this copy of information, Chen Bai ignored it, but looked at what happened before him after entering.

The gloomy light flickered in Chen Bai's eyes.

[Small Lightning Elf (1 (Zhao Qian Zhao) Level 8)]

Even for a few ordinary evolutionaries who have broken through level 20, I am afraid it will not be too easy to deal with such opponents!

But for Chen Bai, with a thought, under the mental shock, these lightning elves exploded at a terrifying speed, and were directly crushed by the mental shock.

Low-level elemental life paper.

Shaking his head, Chen Bai looked at the dark and tall factory building in front of him, and walked in directly.

In the huge generator pipeline, small lightning elves the size of human heads appeared in front of Chen Bai's eyes!

[Low-level elemental life forms have super-high explosive speed and impressive mental power, but their bodies are extremely weak, and they are also not very resistant to mental abilities. 】

"You should follow up and improve the circuit. The power supply of Baidi City and the factory area need to be put on the agenda as soon as possible! I will go into this secret place to have a look

And soon, he finally saw the first wave of monsters in this secret dungeon.

Chen Bai took a glance, these things didn't drop any equipment, but under his terrifying drop rate blessing, they dropped a few fist-sized beads. .

Even, his agility has not been reduced or lowered.

However, in the air, the frequency and speed of the flickering static electricity is more than several times stronger than that of the outside world, which is enough to explain the specialness of this area.

And then, almost at the same time, there was such a special reminder sound!

But the victory lies in the number of six or seven.

His whole body emitted a series of electric glows due to friction.

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