All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

352 A Copy Of The New Secret Realm In The Power Plant!

The sky slowly moved from the early morning when the sun was rising to the mid-heaven.

But Chen Bai was not in a hurry to get out of the power company. He didn't understand the situation of electricity, the machines and principles of modern power generation.

But the electric elf in front of him is extremely interesting.

At this moment, the electrical elf was sitting in the largest power plant building of the power company, with those illusory hands holding two brass wires.

Then, a beam of electric light pierced through the electric spirit in an instant, and the next moment, the light bulbs and other electrical appliances that were turned on in the factory actually reacted, and the supply of light and power was extremely stable.

It's just obvious that the power of the electric elf is good, but it is impossible to supply such a huge power output all the time.

After almost ten minutes, all the light bulbs in the power company in the entire factory park began to be a little dim.

Obviously, with the current ability of the electric elves, it is impossible to use a generator like a perpetual motion machine.

But Chen Bai didn't have this idea at first, he just tried the ability of this thing 01.

As a result, he was quite satisfied.

The most important thing is that after the alternating current flows into the body of the electric elf, when it passes by, the strength of the electric elf increases so slowly that it is almost negligible.

It can be seen from this that although the electric elf has the ability to grow through electricity, as long as it has the power supply, it can improve its own strength, but with a current under normal voltage

It is very slow to improve.

This is actually a good thing.

Otherwise, if this thing grows to the point where it exceeds my control, it will be a bit troublesome.

And this growth rate is just right.

As the 'general manager' of Baidicheng Future Power Company, he can completely control the supply of electricity.

Chen Bai is not worried about the IQ of this thing.

The wisdom of elemental elves is definitely not inferior to that of humans.

It's just that without the language above the blue star, it is naturally impossible to communicate, but it doesn't need to be so troublesome to order with spirit!

Thinking of this, Chen Bai heaved a sigh of relief. From this point of view, professionals from Baidi City can come and use the mechanical core to activate the various facilities of these electric generators.

In this way, I am afraid that after the doomsday, because of a series of damages to the power line, I am afraid that it will be possible to connect to electricity in Baidi City.

At that time, the development speed of Baidi City will reach an even faster peak!

Both Chen Bai's movements and Baidicheng's efficiency are acceptable.

The evolutionary patrol team of Baidi City, after all, has been to this power company several times, otherwise, they would not be so familiar with the situation of this power company

Therefore, there are almost no obstacles along the way, but within two hours, a team of evolutionary guards, with some electric practitioners who already had these professional skills before the doomsday, came all the way to this electric power before the company.

Even, many people have worked here before.

He is naturally very familiar with these mechanical devices, generators and the like.

The intelligent mechanical core module was also brought over, and Song Ziqiong, who was also the leader, brought the intelligent core module and directly inserted it into the computing machine responsible for controlling the mechanism of these power generating devices. Soon, on the screen, A progress bar appears.

The rest of them looked at the electric elf standing next to Chen Bai tremblingly.

Here, Baidi City lost a lot of manpower.

It's no wonder, before that, a BOSS-level creature of more than 20 levels, and obviously mastered a lot of long-range attack abilities, a lot of group attack abilities, and at the same time, in this power company, there are many power supply facilities, The power of the Electric Genie is almost unlimited.

Naturally, such an attack cannot be subdued by the evolutionary at this stage.

In other words, Chen Bai's strength far exceeded this level.

But now, although this thing was surrendered by him, the members of Baidi City who left a lot of shadows also kept secret about this thing.

However, the electric elves obviously don't care about this. The life forms controlled by the shepherd's horn will strictly obey the master's orders, but they will not really become a controlled robot.

Where is S-level equipment so simple?

However, Chen Bai is really curious about how this electric elf was born.

Just like the feedback from the peeking eye.

Elemental life is generally located in areas where the element is extremely strong, such as lava and sea of ​​fire.

However, although this power company has many power facilities, as the previous power generation place, it naturally has some power in this regard, but the distance is far from variation and change, and even the requirements for the birth of elemental life. Not a lot!?

However, under the will of the universe, it doesn't seem so strange for any of the various situations to happen in the trial ground of gods and demons under the will of the universe.

After everything is set up, the smart core module is also in the progress bar, slowly reaching 106530%!

Only then did Song Ziqiong come to Chen Bai's side:

"I didn't expect that the life form in this power plant is such a thing?!"

Hearing Song Ziqiong's words, the electric elf glared in displeasure, and let out a threatening cry.

Song Ziqiong hurriedly retreated subconsciously.

At the same time, among the large number of professional practitioners who were brought in, one of the leaders has already walked over quickly:

"Bai lord, Zi lord, after everyone checks the devices, you can try to restart all the power generating devices! There is still a lot of coal in the warehouse, and the power plants have already used new energy to generate electricity, mainly gas and steam. , if the consumption is used with low power, it is enough to use for half a year!"

Nodding his head, Chen Bai was barely satisfied.

As for how to obtain coal and subsequent power generation resources, it is none of his business.

However, at this moment, one of the personnel who had originally gone to inspect the other generator plants ran over quickly, with a panicked look on his face.

"My lords, there have been some changes in the plant of Generator No. 16, it seems to have become a dungeon of a secret realm!"

A copy of the secret realm? Sure enough!

Chen Bai's eyes turned slowly, looking not far away. .

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