Chapter 288 Breaking the miracle again

These plants began to grow densely in this huge garden.

Here you can absorb sunlight and nutrients to your heart’s content. The soil here is very suitable for the growth of all kinds of plants and can improve the grade of plants as soon as possible.

Lin Feng looked at all this with great satisfaction, and his plant soldiers discovered that they had appeared in this place.

This emerald palace can be said to be the dream place of all plants. The power here is very abundant.

These special plants can be continuously upgraded here, so they can make the power of these plants more powerful.

“Sixty One Zero” Lin Feng saw the frozen watermelon before and the frozen mushroom in the previous battle, which consumed a huge amount of energy.

An estimate was quickly obtained here. And his next plan is to combine the Demon God’s fruit and the brilliance of the dawn.

All these precious plants have been improved a bit, and he can be said to have achieved great success here.

But why did the old general prepare these fruits of the Devil God? After all, he was entrusted by people to cultivate these and improve them greatly.

Their defensive ability is crucial, so Lin Feng took this matter in mind.

He must talk about this and nurture it well, even though he is just a gardener.

But he knows better than everyone else that his auxiliary ability is greater than the attack power of others, if he doesn’t have his auxiliary ability.

It is impossible for many high-level talents to have such a high combat effectiveness, but he is very important.

So when he wants to pursue a higher evaluation, he can only go to the next trial to get points.

He also wanted to break through the sixth level in one fell swoop, it was all easy, so when he took out the War Garden Pendant.

I looked at these plant heroes and said to them, “Everyone, follow me to the trial. All those plant heroes have already absorbed sunlight and nutrients and are full of energy at this time.”

Those who are grappling with their hands are about to set off with Lin Feng, so Lin Feng received them in the War Garden Pendant.

He took out his sunshine ball again, ready for all of this, and he also prepared the mysterious black armor he was wearing.

He is about to go to the next trial now, when he takes out the ring.

Soon there was a golden light around him, and it instantly appeared in that place of trial.

The trial at this time can be said to enable him to improve again, in order to improve these levels.

He has worked hard for a long time, and he has broken all the records of the Blue Star for nearly a thousand years.

So if he wants to break through himself again, he must work harder.

I heard that Lin Feng had gone to participate in the trial again. Murongxue and Hong Peng both rushed there for the first time.

Persuading Lin Feng there: “Lin Feng, we all admit that your strength is very strong, but you want to break through yourself again and again, are you too anxious?”

You should “success in stability. If you rush for success in this way, will it be very dangerous?”

Lin Feng smiled and said: “Murongxue, I know your kindness, and this time I have to do it.

“I want to get this powerful power to refine more Demon God’s fruits to help the old general and them.”

“This is the task they gave me, and it is also my own responsibility. In such a crisis, I still have to fight it…

But Hong Peng on the side said: “How can it be done? You will sacrifice yourself like this. With your strength, you can definitely win.

“You can’t be so eager for success, it will be counterproductive.”

Lin Feng smiled and said: “Don’t worry, with my ability, I can break through very quickly. I want to become an eighth-level strong.”

In this way, the fruits of the Demon God I practiced will be even stronger.

“Because of the fruits of the Devil God, I have to refine other effects, so that I can fulfill my own promise.”

After Lin Feng said these words, Murongxue and the others admired them very much.

Lin Feng did not expect that Lin Feng would have such courage at a young age.

At this moment, they were all there secretly thinking, if this Lin Feng can really succeed.

They also want to express their happiness for Lin Feng, if this trial, they also have to help Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the two of them worried and knew that these two friends were worried about 2.5 themselves.

So he said to them there: “I know you are very concerned about me, but I have now improved some of my plants.”

This time, “I am full of confidence and can successfully advance to the eighth level.”

Murongxue sighed and said, “In this case, I will support your brother, if you have anything you need me to help.”

“I will do my best to help you, and I will be your support today.”

Lin Feng looked at him and nodded and said, “Thank you. This time I was commissioned by General He Lao and Chen Huanian.”

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